

I am extremely excited for this deck, Ive been wanting ever since Merfolk were spoiled in the first Ixalan set. They were extremely underwhelming at that time and I was extremely unhappy with them. But this new set has given us some serious powerhouses.

Yes, that is a lot of creatures. The goal to me seemed to be trying to flood as many Merfolk out at the same time, I used the utility slots as a way to get more Merfolk out aswell. Silvergill Adept draws you a card on entry, which is amazing for not running out of gas, and Merfolk Branchwalker also either draws you a card, or fixes the top of your library while giving you a 3/2 Merfolk for two mana. Lots of people are disappointed with Mist-Cloaked Herald but I feel like it was made for us to trigger raid for free. So being able to swing with your one drop, trigger revolt, then spend two mana for Chart a Course to draw you two more cards. The herald also works well with Seafloor Oracle, drawing you free cards. I kept Seafloor Oracle to a two of because I dont think its good enough on its own, but its amazing as a topdeck when you have a board state, it can quickly put games out of reach, and I think we can dig for it hard enough with Chart a Course and Nissa, Steward of Elements. Speaking of Nissa, I think Nissa, Steward of Elements is absolutely amazing. In this deck, you can cast her on turn 3 if the opponent left up mana to kill your Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca, plus, and fix the top of your deck, and once she is at 4 loyalty, she just drops everything in your deck onto the battle field! Even at two loyalty you can cheat Silvergill Adept off the top of your library, and get a draw on the ETB.

NOTE: This is NOT the counters build of Merfolk, I think the counters build is cute and more of a budget option, or maybe more midrange and has more tricks. I personally like the modern style of Merfolk where you vomit on the board and turn them sideways.

Manabase: I think Unclaimed Territory is a crucial card in this upcoming standard. I have bought a few dozen of them because I expect them to spike to around $5 a piece, they're played in a top tier modern deck, as well as fringe decks and commander. I think vampires want to go black white, meaning they're gonna want white for their one drop and potentially 2 black mana for Gifted Aetherborn. But that aside, I think having Botanical Sanctum and Unclaimed Makes the mana consistent enough, but if Im wrong I dont think we want to slow down the deck and run Attune with Aether, I think at most you add 2 Unclaimed Territory.

Sideboard: Fist, Ill address the elephant in the board, Admiral's Order. I think against control this is an amazing card, it can stop a counterspell on your second main, you can counter their Glimmer of Genius on your endstep, Torrential Gearhulk and it protects from Settle the Wreckage. This one mana protection is hugely welcome, worst case, you cancel their fumigate or other board wipes. Negate is just another form of protection. I think Shapers' Sanctuary is extremely important, these tribes look extremely vulnerable to Walking Ballista which Im also expecting to spike in price. Shapers' Sanctuary really hates on walking balista making them have to think twice about killing your two toughness creatures. Unsummon is a good safety net against Glorybringer, and other cards like Hazoret the Fervent. Essence Scatter is kinda self explanitory, bring it in against midrange.

Maybe: Heroic Intervention, this deck is EXTREMELY weak to board wipes, especially in the main board. This is kind of the same issue with modern Merfolk so I hope after testing I can relegate this to the sideboard, but I think Heroic Intervention is just another Negate. Spell Pierce is here if you need to worry about Sweltering Suns in your meta, its also a good tempo play, I'm not sure if I want it over negate, Ill have to feel out my own meta. Swift Warden is the same thing as Blossoming Defense only you get a 3/3 body, which might be better, but at the moment I think the 1 mana to protect your two drop on turn 3 is more important. Going 1 drop turn one, Silvergill Adept turn two, then Merfolk Mistbinder turn 3 leaving mana for Blossoming Defense. I cant decide if I like Jadelight Ranger or not. I think its meant for the midrange version with counters rather than the aggro build.

Please try the deck out, and give me ALL your feedback on match ups ect. I want to make this deck as competitive as possible and the more data I have the more I can tweak the deck.


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Well, I honestly think this deck isnt going to be doing much until the next set when we get the Simic guild, our mana is kinda poo without the shock-land seeing as we are so color intensive. The biggest changes are hardly noticeable but my person favorite card in the deck Nissa, Steward of Elements which hurts our maindeck reach, and our finishing power. We also lost our best sideboard card for fliers, Aethersphere Harvester which is a big hit to us but Merfolk Trickster can slow the game down long enough for it to maybe not matter. Overall there isnt much to change, I put the pierces mainboard because this new format is looking very removal heavy and people are going to want to be mana efficient. There is a valid case for putting some number of Blink of an Eye in side or main.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #22 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors WBR

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Mythic Rares

12 - 3 Rares

25 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.05
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Emblem Vivien Reid, Merfolk 1/1 U w/ Hexproof
Folders Ixalan, Merfolk, merfolk, Ideas, Merfolk, Merfolk, Standard Decks
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