Well, i got Pack Rat for rakdos shred-freak which is way better because it can win the game by it self.
''which can also be used with your shrine to Nyx to play stuff stolen with Nightveil Specter" i am planning to add some black/white scry lands. in order to play them.
January 3, 2014 10:27 a.m.
I would like to see 2 Whip of Erebos in this deck for life gain. maybe drop the erebos god, and one devour flesh just to get some more devotion and lifelink going. Those extra 2 through 6 life gain will power underworld connections better. also works great to bring back merchant or even night specter. Desecration Demon loves to gain 6-7 life per swing to really put out aggro decks out of reach.
January 16, 2014 5:26 p.m.
Well, i got whip of erebos in my mainboard because i find it more usefull than erebos. Instead i have dropped the pithing needle and added 2 erebos in my sideboard. I Just haven't updated it in tapped out :p. Thanks for the suggestion anyway
January 16, 2014 8:24 p.m.
yes. it also makes me able to play blue cards exiled with nighveil specter. Temple of deceit has won me many matches vs mono blue and esper.
January 29, 2014 11:22 a.m.
Looking a lot like mine, except I don't splash blue at all and I've come to find the nightveils too fragile for this type of environment.
Consider Read the Bones , to use it once is to adopt it. Also, Ratchet Bomb , whether main or side helps a lot with pesky counter critters or enchantment/artifacts that black otherwise can't deal with.
pryoplasm says... #1
Ratchet Bomb is a good sideboard against someone playing Esper Control or something else that can token bomb you.Same with Lifebane Zombie if you aren't going against green/white.
Shocklands are nice, but since this is monoblack, it would be a waste of money, life if you shock yourself, and could be better replaced with a swamp.
Personally I run a mono black aggro devotion deck that is fun, and there are some things you could splash in, like Rakdos Shred-Freak , a 2/1 haste creature for BB/RR that counts as 2 devotion. Same with Gift of Orzhova which can also be used with your shrine to Nyx to play stuff stolen with Nightveil Specter
January 3, 2014 9:56 a.m.