Razin' minds, takin' names (competitive nekusar)
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 105 | 101 COMMENTS | 22147 VIEWS | IN 34 FOLDERS
FrancescoTosti97 says... #8
I m really ejoying this deck. I ve got only a couple questions: what's the exact point of running entomb? What are you gonna entomb? Just something to play with Briefing or Snapcaster? Or a Kozilek to shuffle the graveyard? Is that enough to run an entomb? Second question: if I get countered the first wheel I loose. Why don't you run some stax or some more counters (at least 7/8)? I like the stax pieces, since you cheat the mana with MOM, P.Engine,Dream Halls and Waste not...
February 1, 2019 4:42 a.m.
FrancescoTosti97 says... #9
Now i'm running this same list, but
-1 Entomb (don t like it)
-1 Mephistofeles (too symmetric)
-1 Teferi puzzle box (we punish opponents more for discarding than drawing)
maybe -1 confidant (reveal a kozilek= ouch)
maybe -1 kozilek (didn t use it)
+1 dack fayden (there s "steal sol ring" written on it)
+1 bitter ordeal (cedh is combo, combo, and... Oh yeah, combo. Resolve a wheel then just say "i win")
+1 spell snare (counterspell, drain, leak, negate, denial... We don t like these cards)
maybe +1 Phyrexian arena (still to decide if this or Confidant)
maybe +1 something between another counter or a fork effect
February 3, 2019 8:45 a.m.
joshy26247 says... #20
Maybe its a little slow but what do you think of [The Locust God] as an alternate win-con?
March 4, 2019 12:38 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #21
its potentially strong in casual play, but too slow to be competitive
March 9, 2019 1:04 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #23
trywise9 1 mana removes any nonland permanent. Seems worth the drawback.
March 30, 2019 7:28 p.m.
To quote your description: "combine Notion Thief , Anvil of Bogardan or nekusar himself with Chains of Mephistopheles to create a soft lock where opponents cannot draw cards, with chains in play, a Wheel of Fortune would cause everyone to dump their hands and draw nothing"
I'm slightly confused by this strategy. If you cast Wheel of Fortune with Notion Thief & Chains of Mephistopheles in play, everything gets discarded, then instead of everyone drawing 7, you get 28 draws that will be modified by Chains of Mephistopheles . With no hand, aren't you just milling 28 cards....while also locking yourself out of future draw with the rest of them?
Considering over 1/4th of your deck would be gone with that alone, doesn't that put you ahead on being milled?
Is there some rule I'm missing to where it works differently than I'm thinking?
May 11, 2019 3 p.m.
goblinguiderevealpls says... #25
i can understand your confusion, i may have miswrote;
your ruling logic is correct, and you can use that strategy to lock out opponents and win with Laboratory Maniac
what i mean to say is that combining nekusar or Anvil of Bogardan with chains creates a soft lock where people draw for turn, anvil or nekusar triggers forcing a 2nd draw, the 2nd draw is replaced by chains and the card you draw for turn is then discarded at instant speed, and then a second card is drawn, which in the case of anvil is then discarded due to anvils secondary effect. this means that nobody can even use what they draw for turn unless its instant speed because of the instant speed discard during the draw phase. which synergizes with draw/discard pain spells to grind your opponents to death while they are helpless
yes, when combining this with Wheel of Fortune or Notion Thief it would also cause you to mill 7 rather than draw, or 7 x number of playets for notion thief.
this is not a bad thing, in dimir self mill is a common and effective strategy to create an effective "hand" of cards via graveyard and recursion. yes it is highly risky and difficult to pilot properly, but i actually want to fill my graveyard so that i can cast things like Yawgmoth's Will , Snapcaster Mage , or Mizzix's Mastery to win the game on the spot with half of rhe deck in graveyard. not to mention i run multiple Timetwister effects so even if i mill cards i need i can just shuffle them away
lastly, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth when milled shuffles my graveyard back into my deck, allowing for multiple casts of things like Lion's Eye Diamond or countermagic, meaning that i never mill out unless he gets exiled and opponents are more likely to lose from either mill or draw damage
its definitely clunky at first but the draw lock is strong enough its worth nuking the "draw 7 take 7" strategy that casual nekusar players use, which is actually not very good since you are giving your table 7 cards
_Arra_ says... #4
goblinguiderevealpls, firstly I'd like to say your deck is great! I have been building a Nekusar deck for a while now, I had previously been solely running Omnath, Locus of Rage since release as my only EDH deck. But I wanted to venture into Blue and a more competitive build. My Nek deck started out as a group huge version Howling Mine, Font of Mythos, Forced Fruition etc but with a bunch of countermagic. I've been looking at your deck more and more recently to try and get to a more competitive build.
My question for you is this. What is your approach to enchantment removal? I've been looking at Commit, what are your thoughts? With the latest Commander set, there has been a definite uptick in enchantments and enchantment commanders in my local meta.
November 25, 2018 12:50 a.m.