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Competitive Sultai Midrange Primer - GRN

Standard* BG (Golgari) BUG (Sultai) Competitive Midrange Primer



Took one of Brad Nelson's builds of Sultai Midrange from and made some of my own modifications. I still feel that Underrealm Lich, while he has a powerful draw effect and built in protection is still a bit Under-whelming (Though fun fact, if you have 0 cards in your library and control the lich, you won't lose the game to decking yourself because of how the replacement effect is worded). We are going to be in a format dominated by G/B/x, W/U/x and probably some form of Boros aggro/midrange, most of which have answers to our Lich which get by indestructible. Because of that I am playing around with Doom Whisperer. He is already a more efficient creature, and is able to help the top of our library whether or not there is a Vraska's Contempt or Seal Away pointed at his face.

If anyone would like to know more about the card descriptions, I can give you some of Brad's insight from the gameplay video and also some of my own. Golgari has some of the most efficient removal and a sideboard plan that debilitates control. Going into the Guilds format I will be playing either a Golgari or a Grixis midrange variant because they have the best mana and the best threats. When the next set releases, look for jund midrange to come slamming in with dinosaurs and Legion Warboss.

Also, Doom Whisperer or Underrealm Lich? Cast your votes below.

Also also, I just cut the 4 Merfolk Branchwalker for 2 Dryad Greenseeker and two Thief of Sanity. What this does is smooths the curve out, and the amount of top deck interaction makes Dryad Greenseeker a better overall card than branchwalker. The three drop slot of the deck has always been lagging, so the addition of two more three drops should help. I was looking at other three drops such as Ruin Raider, but I like the Gonti-like effect that Thief of Sanity provides. Know of a better three drop? Tell me. I have included other 1 of three drops to see how well they do compared to others.

If you would like to check out my other competitive primer for the set, Grixis Control, see below.

Grixis Control Primer - GRN


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 3 Mythic Rares

31 - 6 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

2 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.46
Tokens City's Blessing, Emblem Vivien Reid, Pirate 2/2 B, Treasure
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