
Standard* Jdawn24


travis11997 says... #1

I love this deck, but what about Growing Ranks ? If you can't find room for it, that's fine but it seems like a great way to put in a creature for free.

March 3, 2014 11:21 a.m.

Jdawn24 says... #2

The only swap I could see doing might be Spear of Heliod , but then again, it has removal for 3 mana and the +1/+1 is fancy for tokens. Rootborn and Trostani seemed to do a fine job of populating as it is. This deck did quite well gameday at least, and I enjoy playing it. Thanks for the suggestion!!

March 3, 2014 11:29 a.m.

Jdawn24 says... #3

Oh, well, I'm gonna try it out, in place of 1 Call of the Conclave.

March 3, 2014 3:50 p.m.

DarkTetris says... #4

I really like your deck! It's interesting and has some great combo ideas. Is it consistent? I can see it being a hit or miss type of deck that leans more towards the hit side. I would really like to see this being played at my local store. Also Grove of the Guardian is an awesome card! Big +1 for originality and fun!

March 13, 2014 4:40 p.m.

Jdawn24 says... #5

Thank you so much!

It's definitely consistent, which is a major point with me. The only card that can stay or go is probley Elspeth, but her -3 ability is always nice when Stormbreath Dragon 's are around, and even better if I happen to have some Wurm tokens out and can Rootborn Defenses first.

It seems to me that since Theros, the format has slowed down, and makes the midrange-part of this deck more viable. The sideboard cards are great for certain matchups (as you might suspect), but game one is set up to be very aggressive w/ 1 and 2 drop creatures, Unflinching Courgage in the maindeck, and Ajani as a quick finisher.

If its more drawn out, the better, once Trostani & Archangel of Thune are out stuff gets crazy quick.

The only game one matchup I might dread would be U/W Control, having a couple Gods Willing would be to my benefit, but that would mean less creatures with which to make a strong come back..

Thank you for checking it out, I appreciate the +1, too :)

March 14, 2014 8:54 a.m.

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