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Competitive Yidris Storm Doomsday Oath

Commander / EDH Combo Competitive Storm UBRG


cEDH Yidris oath doomsday storm.

Maybeboard contains cards I would like to have around as flex hate cards depending on the meta or cards I want to try out. I found that counter spells like Counterspell tend to be not what you want to be casting especially with the low land count. Mana Drain is still probably worth using but I find the deck works better to be proactive and leaving up 2 mana can be hard to do early when it matters and can waste valuable setup mana while swan song is good to help protect the combo and is good with Oath of Druids . UPDATE tested Flusterstorm it was bad. mana drain is quite hard to cast as I tend to want to develop my board and it is a nonbo with defense grid and I basically always lost when I cast pact of negation. Narset's Reversal serves as a more powerful effect vs mana drain especially when I do stuff like steal an Ad Nauseam or something like that.

The point of the deck is to kill as fast as possible without relying on the commander. even the no mana cost suspend cards are useful when not cascading. Wheel of Fate can be cast with Mizzix's Mastery for 4, and Lotus Bloom is a very nice card to suspend turn 1 as the deck can consistently win turn 4. The main goal is to win turn 2 or 3 but that doesn't always happen. I opted for a slower more hateful list rather than a glass cannon concede to counterspell version similar to ad nauseam tendrils versus the epic storm in legacy. This list isn't perfect but storm is only as good as the user piloting it.

Regarding Oath of Druids in cedh. Laboratory Maniac is not commonly considered to be cedh viable because of how easy it is to kill the wizard. But in this deck since doomsday is already in the list and therefore so is lab man it is easy to slot in and only takes up the slot of one card. it just requires that the deck runs no other creatures. From my experience the other creatures worth running instead of oath, Goblin Electromancer and friends, are not as good as a 2 mana win the game next turn. The way it works is the card threatens to end the game quickly with the maniac and puts lots cards in the graveyard which this deck can easily use and in some cases oath triggering will effectively draw 50+ cards for free without grave hate.

Laboratory Maniac and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries is in. this means we can run creatures again specifically niv-mizzet, parune who turns every spell into 1 card and every draw into 1 damage. boy does that dragon do work. he works kinda like like a hard to cast Recycle or null profusions but takes out all the downside but is all the upside and he deals with creatures really well and triggers on opponents removal spells. this card is the real deal especially when you can get him into play for 2 mana and mill 1/2 our deck. if you trigger oath and even if people can answer niv or we mill too many cards (besides him being the last card of the deck then we just lose) we have the new hotness to also save us and also help us just win the game: Echo of Eons this card is just straight up busted. wheel effects are already something we like and play a lot of but because we already have Lion's Eye Diamond sometimes we just get some turns that are throw our hand out, drop a figurative Black Lotus and Timetwister effectively restarting the game and making our opponents take a forceful mulligan and us an advantage. but because this card is mostly free to discard to effects like Tormenting Voice (yes I know that Thrill of Possibility exists I just have a foil tormenting voice and I wanna keep running it) or to a faithless looting allowing us to pretty much always cast it for 3 mana.

Paradox engine is gone which is sad so I just slotted in a isochron scepter for another way to get infinite mana just requiring 2 specific cards vs 1 card that was engine but scepter has the nice bonus of being able to imprint cards like Abrupt Decay , Cyclonic Rift , and Narset's Reversal and turn us into a weird kind of control deck and we can spend more cards just sculpting our hands with a little less of a worry of just dying and honestly while I still had engine I should've had scepter in the list in the first place, but now it seems to be here to stay.

Oko, Thief of Crowns is also here because why would you not run him? I tested out Kenrith's Transformation for a bit but decided that I did not really need creature removal in my meta as it was only really nice to have against gitrog which is already a match up I feel favored against as I combo faster and can interact in meaningful ways. Also oko can give people creatures for Oath of Druids which is quite nice.

notable exclusion: Arcane Signet this is purely because I am too lazy to get one, yes they are only $5 as of 1/7/2020 but I also like to keep this deck as a Canadian highlander where the signet would do actually nothing and I prefer to keep my swaps between the deck low. If you are curious about what my swaps into a weird oath doomsday storm list that I am calling "Yukon Gold" the changes are as follows ((edit:4/24/2021 total of 14 cards changed now as CH got a more strict points list targeting storm (as they should, the good version with black lotus was nutty) and I've had to cut more good cards which made me have to rely on more cantrips and "fair" fast mana such as rituals, also doomsday is greedy and so is jace, basically I drew too many bad cards, points now as edh are 21)): + Tolarian Academy (right now this is 1 point so the deck is 22 points)

+ Griselbrand

+ Paradox Engine (my boy is back)

+seething son

+ Thoughtseize

+ Tendrils of Agony

+ Remand

+ Forest

+ Mountain

+ Brain Freeze

+ Muddle the Mixture

+ Pentad Prism

+ Sleight of Hand

+ Shimmer of Possibility

- Sol Ring (-4 points down to 15)

- Demonic Tutor (-4 points down to 11)

- Mana Vault (-1 point now at an even 10)

- Command Tower

- Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder

- Mystic Remora

- Carpet of Flowers

- Wheel of Fate

-jace, weilder of mysteries

- Doomsday

- Ad Nauseam

- Isochron Scepter

- Yawgmoth's Will (-2points)

- Tainted Pact (-1 point bringing list to 10)


Updates Add

Oh boy what to talk about, some of what I am mentioning is already talked about in greater detail in the description as lots of these cards added will probably remain unless bannings happen. (turns out people probably don't like their commander being turned into a 3/3 elk all the time) anyway lets start with the easy ones:

-Autumn's Veil +Veil of Summer

for a bit I was running both but I decided I was running too high on interaction and less on important spells like mana rocks and cantrips which might be an issue of me playing this deck too much as a canadian highlander where I don't have access to Sol Ring, Demonic Tutor and Mana Vault (this deck is 18 points and I like adding Tolarian Academy)

another easy-ish one that gets more complicated:

-Laboratory Maniac +Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

due to oath putting a creature restriction on this deck and me being stubborn and continuing to run doomsday (I usually lose when I resolve it) I opened up my creature package to hit Niv-Mizzet, Parun instead of lab man (and Griselbrand for canlander but sadly he is banned here.) but with that here is an easy one +Niv-Mizzet, Parun -a card I don't remember. honestly I changed like 10 cards and don't remember much of what I had as I have not updated this list in a while I guess for now I remember taking out Noxious Revival so we will say that Engine was banned so

-Paradox Engine +Isochron Scepter as is almost functionally replaces it with dramatic reversal.

  • Stomping grounds -Reliquary Tower +Underground Sea +Waterlogged Grove somehow managed to trade for an u sea by trading my old modern deck and some other stuff from my binder (also got the last card I needed to unbudget my selvala brostorm deck with Survival of the Fittest) and I wanted to try out the horizon lands and I liked grove's art the best and considering that I have steam vents but not breeding pool grove is probably the better choice. oh and yeah Reliquary tower was greedy and it should've been cut a long time ago lol.

so a lot of these next cuts never actually hit the list so they might seem weird and some cards got cut then re added so it might not make sense. but I don't remember exactly all what I hit and what I kept but here we go:

-Flusterstormfoil -Remand -Regrowth -Seething Song -Cathartic Reunion -Serum Visions -Gruul Signet and maybe a few more there is one card I cut and then instantly put it in the trade for the underground sea regardless +Oko, Thief of Crowns +Opt +Talisman of Dominance +Simic Signet +Narset's Reversal +Cyclonic Rift +Impulse

uhh sorry for being rather unclear but some of these are pretty odd like why take out serum visions and add opt? well to be honest serum visions has been out for a while and I was going to add it back in but I kinda got rid of all mine. opt should be a serum visions. here's a clear way of talking about each card. cyclonic rift was added when I went too hard on adding interaction but is honestly too good to cut, same goes for narset's reversal, oko is just silly good lol. impulse is really a - then + because I needed that kind of effect. effectivly in the long run I cut gruul signet for talisman which was correct. seething song was only really good for Mizzix's Mastery

+Echo of Eonsfoil -Mind's Desire when I still had it. actually bolas' citadel probably replaced that or Gushfoil at some point, both those cards were already gone before this update anyway so it doesn't matter. but boy lets talk about echo. This is probably my favorite card I've had access to so far with this deck, now that this card exists I am not even sure if its right to have Timetwister in this deck as echo makes Lion's Eye Diamond into actual black lotus which is insane and additionally to that it basically can turn both Tormenting Voice and Faithless Looting and sometimes Thought Scour (which I guess includes the new jace) into card advantage as it is worth more in the graveyard but like niv-mizzet can also be cast for great value. but unlike time spiral which has the problem of drawing me potentially into bad 7s I can just recast it if I do end up hard casting it from my hand for another look at 7 which has been traditionally very powerful.

Also I don't think I have mentioned that yet that you can just draw and hard cast niv-mizzet sometimes and just start going off by all my and my opponents instants and sorcery's into card draw for me and creature removal. using cards like rituals and manamorphos to filter and fix my mana into triple blue and red is pretty doable.

I put Oko, Thief of Crowns in the title of this update but haven't really talked much about him yet, but that is mostly because he is really just dumb and good without really saying much about him. turning stax pieces into elks with no abilities is amazing and gaining life after going too deep with ad naus is also quite powerful and sometimes doing stuff like stealing commanders like Kess, Dissident Mage is quite stupid. he's power not cmc and lots of good commanders are low power. also gitrog has a hard time beating him once the frog is now an elk. I now feel like having access to green is really much less of a meme for what I am doing and with oko I honestly believe that yidris is more powerful that other storm commanders like Kess. Also this deck is only lightly effected by oko as I don't run too many creatures anyway and losing 1 rock every once in a while is managable and winning without yidris is also what this deck is designed to do. overall very happy with where my list is for the moment, just need to get a Bayou. oh and I guess an Assassin's Trophy (too lazy to buy one.)



95% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.12
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Elk 3/3 G, Food, Spirit 1/1 C
Ignored suggestions
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