Compleat Infect

Modern MadPilot


MadPilot says... #1

I think using Serum Visions to search for Glistener Elf / Mutagenic Growth might be worth the slot of Ichorclaw Myr

November 26, 2016 6:14 p.m.

MadPilot says... #2

I'm playtesting Wild Defiance instead of Serum Visions in this mad deck. It allows for some mad combos T3+ which is kind of slow but reliable.

December 2, 2016 5:54 p.m.

MadPilot says... #3

I'm playtesting Wild Defiance instead of Serum Visions in this mad deck. It allows for some mad combos T3+ which is kind of slow but reliable.

December 2, 2016 5:54 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #4

Apostle's Blessing can also give protection from artifacts to swing through against some decks

December 13, 2016 5:23 a.m.

MadPilot says... #5

@Pure_Insanity I agree.

After today's tournament I have some conclusions:

More creatures +2 Ichorclaw Myr

More Become Immense +2

Removed Rancor in favor of Apostle's Blessing as it's more reliable

December 13, 2016 2:59 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #6

If your running Ichorclaw Myr I would suggest running Rancor but it is optional. It also has the potential if things go wrong to fall off Inkmoth Nexus and returned to your hand, although it really depends on your meta.

I would also suggest no more than 3 Become Immense as it can be a dead draw

December 13, 2016 9:03 p.m.

MadPilot says... #7

Thank you for your help I will consider your suggestions within the next week!

December 14, 2016 12:58 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #8

On another note, knowing you want to keep your deck budget, you don't need to run Misty Rainforest, when Windswept Heath could fetch a Breeding Pool too. The price difference being $10 to $70 for a card that does the same thing is astounding. (Speaking from experience as playing at a specific venue, I was constantly asked why I ran Windswept Heath when Misty Rainforest is strictly better. When I asked why when they both fetch Breeding Pool, they always responded with "It just is")

I only suggest this a way to fuel Become Immense if you consider funding this deck further.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

December 14, 2016 6:19 p.m.

MadPilot says... #9

The suggestion about Windswept Heath is great! Thanks a lot. I will consided buying a playset within a month.

December 15, 2016 7:08 p.m.

MadPilot says... #10

I have set up a meeting after Xmas with a guy having a playset of Windswept Heath plus i've ordered 2x Breeding Pool

Thanks for the suggestions and upvotes.

What would you think about replacing Noble Hierarch with Birds of Paradise in this deck? Are the birds worth a spot?

December 17, 2016 1:45 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #11

It really depends. playing a mana dork is good as it lets you drop your Blighted Agent turn 2 with mana for a counter/protection. The hard hit is losing the exalted trigger from Noble Hierarch. The 3 mana turn 2 also allows for a Wild Defiance if your running against red removal.

This might be something you would have to playtest at your LGS as the Tier levels may be different.

December 17, 2016 6:37 p.m.

MadPilot says... #12

If I'd play T1 Birds of Paradise then T2 second land + Wild Defiance then I can start attacking only at turn 4 (T3 drop creature, T4 attack) so I'm not sure the mana dork is such a good idea.

December 18, 2016 10:44 a.m.

thibor says... #13

Hello I play infect since some years,first advise: even if isn't really budget, if you can add 4 or 6 fetch land instead of botanic garden it would be probably better: you refine your deck by deleting some lands and you feed the delve of become immense. (you should probably add one or 2 land too 20->21-22 because you don't have the noble).

Second: Natural State< Nature's Claim for a infect (4 life= nothing in 99% of case), Viridian Corrupter is not bad too.

Third:I advise you 1 or 2 Twisted Image in you main deck, really great and useful again a lot of other creature (noble, bird of paradise, Thing in the Ice) and even if you dont match one of this crea, you can draw a card for one sooo, really good.

4: Grafdigger's Cage: very very useful side again a lot of match up (dredge, reanimator, creature toolbox, control, strom.

5: you could probably withdraw 3 or 2 Apostle's Blessing and maybe 1 become immense or a Distortion Strike in order to add some Blossoming Defense, very great agains control and more polyvalant.

December 18, 2016 6:34 p.m.

doodleman212 says... #14

I would go down 2 Distortion Strike and a Become Immense and add 3 Blossoming Defense. Or go down Strike completely and Slip Through Space instead.

December 19, 2016 10 a.m.

MadPilot says... #15

doodleman212 is Slip Through Space better than Distortion Strike for this deck?

December 19, 2016 2:02 p.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #16

I'd swap 1xBecome Immense for 1xGroundswell. Your deck looks pretty sweet. +1

Another card to consider for sideboard would be Pact of Negation as a 1 off combat trick against burn/control decks.

December 20, 2016 12:38 a.m.

doodleman212 says... #17

NieJacek I like it better because of the cantrip, but just like any wildcard, it really depends on your meta.

December 20, 2016 10 a.m.

MadPilot says... #18

doodleman212 You've convinced me about Slip Through Space, it will fuel Become Immense further, and I almost always forget to use the rebound ability on Distortion Strike :-)

Added to deck. Thanks for suggestion.

December 24, 2016 5:58 a.m.

Pure_Insanity says... #19

Haha, I used to forget triggers on upkeep. A handy thing to do is put a die ontop of your library if you have a upkeep trigger, to remind you before you draw.

December 24, 2016 6:53 a.m.

MadPilot says... #20

Pure_Insanity yea I saw people do that but

I even forget to put the dice there lol

thanks for the advice tho its good, unless you have memory like mine :-)

December 24, 2016 1:40 p.m.

deltacobra says... #21

If you not playing rancor I wouldn't bother with the myrs. I personally like distortion strike the plus 1 it gives could be the difference between winning and losing. Birds is a decent replacement if u gonna run wild defiance but if your not I wouldnt use birds. Also anything over 20 lands not needed you only need 2-3 lands to win with infect. Also the new blue green land only a good play on the first 2 turns after that it hinders u and it not fetchable.

December 24, 2016 5:16 p.m.

deltacobra says... #22

Im Also in my 30s started playing in 2001 stopped for 8 years and started playing again I've been playing infect for the last 5 years

December 24, 2016 5:19 p.m.

deltacobra says... #23

U wanna 8-9 fetches so I'd run Wooded Foothills and Spellskite awesome at keeping your creatures safe but pricey. Dryad Arbor good to help against Lilly sack ability.

December 24, 2016 5:34 p.m.

MadPilot says... #24

deltacobra thanks for the suggestions! Since I still will not have more fetches for some time I will skip the Distortion Strike for Slip Through Space. Personal preference. If I see it sucks, I will rethink about it.

And thanks for the suggestion about the Ichorclaw Myrs

December 24, 2016 8:49 p.m.

deltacobra says... #25

Ceremonious Rejection is starting to see some play in my local meta is also another reason I run the strike over slip both are good one u a extra point of damage 2 times also works well with wild defiance since it would trigger it on the rebound as well. And with Chalice of the Void floating around I've added this to my sideboard Unravel the Aether

December 24, 2016 11:20 p.m.

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