Lets start with the theme of this deck since over time it seems to have evolved with the help of viewers, play testers, and opinionated individuals as awesome as you guys!
Lets begin!The theme of this deck is enchant aggro with a splash of control.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride
[M13] - A great bonus card for and creature in the deck, + win con acceleration.
4x Aqueous Form - Allows damage to become lethal and produces card odds with scy + triggers heroic.
Azorius Charm
[RTR] - Utility card mostly for removal, but with card draw and lifegain options
Battlewise Hoplite
[THS] - A 2 for 1 counter plus scry combo has a lot of synergy in this deck! Allows for great card advantage and creature presence on the board.
3x Detention Sphere [RTR] - An amazing spot removal and problem solving card!
Ethereal Armor
[RTR] - Combo's with the enchantment them, the value of this card goes up with the estate! + First Strike.
Favored Hoplite
- Questionable on this one still, its trigger is a lot less impressive then
Battlewise Hoplite
, yet provided the only creature in hand, it make due. Possible replacement Soldier of the Pantheon. That would allow better mirror match-up's and frustrate control options
3x Fiendslayer Paladin [M14] - A 3 for one creature although just 2/2. with the enchants can become very lethal. + pro red/black means control is dealing with pins and needles.
Gift of Orzhova
- A recent addition to the deck instead of Heliod, God of the Sun. Reason for this is another option to get damage through and gain life at a quicker pace.
Gods Willing
- An amazing card for creature protection, and damage assurance, + scry. Synergy with this card stacking in this deck is amazing.
3x Omenspeaker - A put up your gard and scramble for card advantage guy!
- So far the best counterpell based on its uses for any spell, although Ive been keeping and eye on Swan Song to see how its doing in this first couple of months of theroes.
Thank you guys for all the help and I hope I have given credit where credit is due, enjoy!