Banthony245 says... #2
Just a heads up, Chained to the Rocks wouldn't work in this deck, as you don't control a mountain. Probably doesn't matter though, as it was in your maybeboard. But regardless, I really like the idea of this deck! +1
September 29, 2013 4:50 p.m.
Blind Obedience plays interesting in the deck, I'm not sure how I felt about it yet but it did play a roll in a couple games indefinitly. Thanks for the suggestion GamerSonX
September 29, 2013 11:09 p.m.
For a split second I thought that paladin was a bad choice due to how much ppl are talking about magma jet then I realized my own stupidity and felt the need to post it. Love the cho ce for devotion reasons and deterrence to red based aggro that will inevitably be strong in the next weeks.
September 30, 2013 12:26 a.m.
Ill definitly try out Aqueous Form Looking as it it can be a possible replacement for something?! Its on the maybe board.In an earlier prototype version I tried out Fencing Ace with good results against aggro decks and midrange, but i don't see those decks as whats going to be the top of the format coming right out. Esper control looks really well positioned and especially since this weekend 3 of the top 8 where Esper decks. And if not esper I see B/U controll written all over the place.
The best one i've tried out so far is by alulien. (My opinion)
September 30, 2013 11:46 a.m.
Thanks for the compliment! Did you playtest our decks or...?
Just a couple thoughts, maybe they've been addressed previously, since I'm at work and can't playtest:
Dissolve might be tough to get off earlier in the game with only 12 blue sources and it being a UU cost. Consider Syncopate as a 3-of to bring the mana cost down and allow you to hit a counter turn 2? That would free up 1 slot and you could grab a 3rd Brave the Elements to help protect your creatures. Not sure how you're going to stop 2 for 1s aside from countering or protection.
Blind Obedience is, in my mind, anti-aggro - Extort is nice but you're playing creatures/enchantments every turn so when will you benefit? Great in the sideboard, but I'm not sure it has a place in the 60.
What is Heliod, God of the Sun in there for? You might hit his devotion, but if so that means you have a creature or 2 in play and some enchantments: you're doing pretty well, so is he necessary? Why not Spear of Heliod for the anthem and added destroy? Or maybe a 4th Paladin. Triton Tactics is also an awesome Heroic enabler which can help your guys survive Anger of the Gods and Mizzium Mortars . Soldier of the Pantheon and Favored Hoplite are also worth considering for some 1 drops.
September 30, 2013 1:46 p.m.
Absolutly, ive tested the B/U only though so far!
Syncopate seems to be a better choice indeed, fits in a tight spot better.
Brave the Elements is one I'm having a hard time fitting in, I'm giving it thought though.
I agree with you on Blind Obedience especially after this weekends tcg player results.
And as for Heliod, God of the Sun , generally (well in the playtests i've run so a very one sided opinion.) helps with producing tokens on empty turns as well as supplies vigilance, which I find puts a lot of pressure on opponents. And I can usually turn him into a creature pretty often providing and indestructible creature. A lot of value of seen out of him.
Triton Tactics is so awesome and ive been considering it for awhile. There is a lot of value to the card if you play against aggro. But seeing as Ive only 4 cards with heroic, its value lessens for me in this deck.
Awesome points you've brought to my attention though, thank you! alulien ! You've definitly gave me some solid suggestions that I will use!
September 30, 2013 3:24 p.m.
Nice changes, that's looking a lot tighter. I'll playtest a few games tonight and let you know what comes of it. Thanks for testing my deck, I'm always looking for as much feedback as possible and playtesting is invaluable.
September 30, 2013 4:25 p.m.
Pheonix11235 says... #16
If you want to then you can try it out against my American Midrange (Theros Included). I'm not sure how well my deck is going to do, but I'm constantly looking for way to improve :D Any help would be very welcome!
September 30, 2013 7:22 p.m.
since I helped you out perhaps you can help me and test this Team Rocket
September 30, 2013 7:54 p.m.
Absolutely! Ill take the time tonight and tomorrow to play test the lot of ya'll decks and provide some feedback!GamerSonXPheonix11235alulien
Thanks for the help again Much appreciated.
September 30, 2013 10:56 p.m.
Ince_Velus says... #19
I would put that Daxos of Meletis from the maybe board to the main board and also think about some Sphinx's Revelation as it is a nice late game changer (gives you some draw for enchantments and a touch of lifegain.)
but daxos is a must, he saves games, wins games, and alters games to teh point where your opponent has a HARD time recovering.
September 30, 2013 11:03 p.m.
I didn't keep track of anything so I could go through a couple games of a few turns.
- Noticed you had a LOT of hands with no plains - not sure if it's the playtester or what.
- When you didn't have a creature to put onto the battlefield you had no way to generate cards.
- You rarely had more than 1 creature in hand/play at a time.
- 4 Pacifism is too many.
October 1, 2013 12:44 a.m.
commodorecanary says... #21
Max out your Ethereal Armor and swap Daxos of Meletis for Phalanx Leader . Leader with any amount of Armors just brutally murders anyone who doesn't have a Abrupt Decay or Hero's Downfall at the ready. Additionally, he's far harder to 2-for-1 over Daxos, just because of his heroic trigger for the team.Gods Willing and Brave the Elements are definitely very solid calls too. Just my thoughts. +1
October 1, 2013 11:10 a.m.
commodorecanary says... #22
Also, 24 lands is quite a bit for a deck that has nothing bigger than a 3 drop, aside from a boarded Elspeth, Sun's Champion . Maybe go to 22 or 23 and keep a copy or two of Daxos of Meletis ? I agree with everyone else, his potential is titanic, but he can't be the only threat if your opponent packs any Edicts or quick burn. He's no Geist of Saint Traft , sadly.
October 1, 2013 11:15 a.m.
Geist of Saint Traft ;(.......... miss him.......That's a decent though, maybe drop to 22 lands -1 Daxos of Meletis .
In replacement + 3 Phalanx Leader
And since Elspeth, Sun's Champion is in the SB, which running 23 is not a bad Idea for what I have been thinking about is a mutivault in the SB crazy idea I know... Maybe I just miss Geist of Saint Traft too much...
Thank you commodorecanary
October 1, 2013 11:31 a.m.
RobSchneider says... #24
Have you considered adding favored hoplite to this deck?
October 1, 2013 12:11 p.m.
arguslogos says... #25
Is a r/b match up so bad that you have to run 4x Fiendslayer Paladin main? If not, then get an all-rounder replacement. Perhaps Wavecrash Triton .
I'm a fan of using Hidden Strings to trigger 2 heroics or manipulate the board in any other imaginable way each turn.
Ubbermono says... #1
Hmm... Maybe Ordeal of Heliod
I am also trying out Brave the Elements
September 29, 2013 4:05 p.m.