Oh, as a last-second thought, could use Pariah or Pariah's Shield in here, just to make it that much more frustrating!
July 13, 2015 3:59 a.m.
Looks good! Some things look like they don't really fit, though, and there are some that should be added.To remove: Agent of Masks, Spirit of the Hearth, Council Guardian, Wall of Essence, Mark of Asylum, Harsh Judgement, Mindcrank, Luminarch Ascension (Maybe, not losing life for a turn in EDH is kind of a feat), Eidolon of Rhetoric (Will make you/it a huge target),
To add: Orbs of Warding, Drana's Emissary, Emeria Shepherd, Pontiff of Blight, Debtors' Knell, Wall of Limbs, Black Sun's Zenith, Overwhelming Forces, Pestilence Demon, More boardwipes
That's all I can think of at the moment, some of the 'remove' cards are more dependent on personal preference, but your call there. Looks like a good deck!
Malsorn says... #1
Pfft, this is hilarious! Liking the 'Will of the Council' theme, though I'd tick up a notch on cruelty with some of them. Tyrant's Choice is another that you could toss in. To make the most of it, I'd also add Brago's Representative and Grudge Keeper, just to keep other people in line. Also, due to your large number of enchantments, I'd toss in Auramancer and similar cards to make sure that you can get them back if they go under.
Also, for getting rid of things that you don't like, Banishing Light, Journey to Nowhere, Merciless Eviction, Oblivion Ring (Basically Banishing Light 2), Mortify, Unmake, Condemn, Return to Dust, Day of Judgment, Teysa, Orzhov Scion, Tidehollow Sculler, Utter End... Yeah, these colors have a lot of 'Please don't try to play any more cards, you're making me blow them up' options. And don't get me started on all the black kill spells!
Also, as for another win-con, Celestial Convergence could work out quite nicely! Just extort, gain life, and keep it there until you win! Also, Test of Endurance is pretty neat, too. To help make sure that no one else is gaining life, Tainted Remedy can do a good job of shutting down other lifegain decks.
I'd also add in some more mana ramp and drop some lands. Orzhov Signet, Orzhov Keyrune, and Orzhov Cluestone are in your colors, and the last two have bonus effects!
As far as what to get rid of... I'd drop the landbase down to 42 at the maximum, just get rid of some of the basics in there. Ghosts of the Innocent directly counteracts the extort effects, so I'd drop them. I don't think that Benevolent Ancestor does enough to earn its spot there, same with Harsh Deceiver and Soulbound Guardians. You don't really have enough nominal walls to benefit very much off of Fortified Area, I'd replace it with Castle if you wanted a similar effect. I don't really know what else you'd want to drop, or if you wanted any of the other cards I mentioned above, but just bringing some things up so that you can get an idea of what other cards are out there! And most of them are pretty cheap, too!
July 10, 2015 4:39 a.m.