Constellation Dredge Midrange (FNM Winner)
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #3
Courser of Kruphix solves your burn problem with lifegain. It also triggers constellation, and multiple out is stupid when you play a land.
May 29, 2014 7:04 p.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #4
All excellent suggestions. freyhackbarth, I couldn't agree with you more. This deck needs a second Pharika. I will be taking out Nylea, God of the Hunt as soon as I acquire a second Pharika, God of Affliction .
jodadda and SwaggyMcSwagglepants: I love the idea of Courser of Kruphix for this deck. I will be certain to get my hands on a few as soon as possible.
Thank you all for the suggestions :)
May 30, 2014 12:14 a.m.
markvanbrussel says... #5
Hey, nice deck. I play a similar deck myself. Have you considered cutting 2 copies of Satyr Wayfinder for 1 Nylea, God of the Hunt and, for instance 1 Vraska the Unseen ? Nylea can be useful due to her giving trample to your whole team, in which case you can stomp through their chump blockers. I myself use 4 copies of Elvish Mystic to cope with mana issues. I would also switch one nyxweaver for one additional Nighthowler because it has more graveyard synergy in my opinion. Good luck and have fun playing your deck!
May 31, 2014 4:36 a.m.
freyhackbarth says... #6
I don't think Boon Satyr has a place here. I think that you should probably running more dredge outlets, and an extra 3 Kruphix's Insight would be good to have. also a second pharika would be amazing, because it triggers constellation way more efficiently than boon satyr and with enough devotion is also a better beater.
May 31, 2014 9:46 a.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #7
Thank you both for the suggestions, but I don't think I can agree with all of your choices. Feel free to tell me why I am wrong if you believe I am.
markvanbrussel, I'm afraid I just can't cut the Satyr Wayfinder from the deck at all. Satyr Wayfinder mills me and helps make sure I have the right mana by the turn I need it. Satyr Wayfinder is irreplaceable in my opinion. Nylea, God of the Hunt is nice but I used to run it in this deck and it just didn't do all that much. Vraska the Unseen is more of a sideboard card against slower matches and against other planeswalkers. However, I may cut a Nyx Weaver for another Nighthowler . I certainly agree that it has more synergy with the deck. Then again, Nyx Weaver saved me from almost getting killed by a deck running a bunch of flyers and it is great for blocking Nightveil Specter .
And freyhackbarth, the Boon Satyr has to stay. I have to disagree with you when you say that it doesn't have a place here. The flash in ability of the Boon Satyr combined with its Enchantment Creature body triggers Strength from the Fallen and Eidolon of Blossoms at instant speed. Being able to swing in with creatures and flash in Boon Satyr to trigger constellation effects has won me several games. Also Boon Satyr flashes in to trigger Strength from the Fallen on their turn and kill pretty much anything it wants to block as long as it doesn't have flying.
May 31, 2014 1:47 p.m.
Interesting deck! Like what you have going on here. Seems enchantments are actually catching on since blossoms was released. Please check out my Naya enchants. I need some feedback.
June 1, 2014 7:52 p.m.
freyhackbarth says... #10
if not boon satyr, then something else. I don't want to say eidolon of blossoms, but its one of your only 4-drops in a 22 land deck and doesn't have as much synergy with the rest of your deck as an extra 3 copies of kruphix's insight and an extra pharika. you simply need more dredge.
June 1, 2014 11:55 p.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #11
I don't mean to dismiss your suggestion, freyhackbarth, it's just that this deck has been doing pretty great as it is right now. I intend to get a second Pharika, God of Affliction into the deck. Eidolon of Blossoms provides insane card advantage too. I have played games where my hand rarely drops below seven cards once Eidolon of Blossoms hits the field. And this deck has had no land issues.
One thing I am on the fence with is Elvish Mystic . I removed it for a playset of Brain Maggot , and at FNM that did wonders to ruin the opponent's turn three. The mana ramp could help but I just can't justify removing anything else for it.
June 2, 2014 1:03 a.m.
Is Pharika, God of Affliction doing good with the deck? It just seem a combo breaker (since it exiles only your grave)
Also, what you think about Bow of Nylea ? It can help you to remain alive (3 life), kill some hateful flying creatures, make your creatures even bigger and gives your attack deathtouch to make your opponents think twice to block. Also, is a enchantment to trigger the rest
Also, Rogue's Passage as 1-of or even 2-of to be a win-con (have a unblockable creature can do wanders)
June 3, 2014 7:03 p.m.
CrovaxTheCursed says... #14
+1 amazing. I have been trying to make this work as well, I'm glad to see somebody take 1st with this type of deck. Here's mine for ideas: The Stars Align for Pharika
June 4, 2014 9:58 a.m.
Sandy_Rivers nice setup. Hands you thought about adding Nylea, God of the Hunt that way your huge creatures have trample. Also Herald of Torment works nicely in this deck because it let's you fly over your opponents and they both trigger Strength from the Fallen and Eidolon of Blossoms .Also running some Abrupt Decay or Hero's Downfall I've found it makes the games so much smoother
June 6, 2014 3:53 a.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #16
Thank you, musimba. Nylea, God of the Hunt is a maybe. She is currently in competition with Pharika, God of Affliction for a spot in the deck, at least that's how it is in my mind. Although I could also remove the copy of Whip of Erebos to add one Nylea, God of the Hunt .
As far as your other suggestions, Herald of Torment used to be in the deck but was removed for other three drops such as Courser of Kruphix and Nighthowler that better fit its slot. Abrupt Decay and Hero's Downfall are both excellent removal cards. However, they would either have to remove creatures or other sorceries/enchantments. I just can't make room for them.
June 6, 2014 11:41 p.m.
Kruphix's Insight seems to have a tone of synergy and draw power in this deck. any reason it is relegated to a single copy?
June 7, 2014 12:29 p.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #18
I've actually been thinking of doing a split and remove one Commune with the Gods for one Kruphix's Insight . That way I would have 3x Commune with the Gods and 2x Kruphix's Insight .
I couldn't go to the latest FNM event, so I haven't been able to make up my mind on any changes to the deck. I came down with a cold last night so the timing sucked and I had to miss FNM.
June 7, 2014 12:49 p.m.
atlantis55555 says... #19
nice deck +1. I've been looking for a good golgari deck and i think that i just found one.
June 7, 2014 2:04 p.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #20
I'm glad you like the deck atlantis55555. If you haven't playtested it yet, I recommend you do. This deck works spectacularly well. Rest in Peace can be a problem on games 2 and 3 when they sideboard against you, however if they are playing white they are likely playing plenty of enchantments that Golgari Charm can take care of anyways. So sideboard in Golgari Charm for safe measure on games 2 and 3 against white decks. If they don't have much use in game 2 feel free to take them out if it drags out to game 3.
June 7, 2014 2:08 p.m.
Would you mind if I made a deck like this and took it to my lgs? I'm too lazy/un-creative to make a deck myself, could you give me some tips on what path to take while building decks? I really liked it alot and thought the deck was sick!
June 8, 2014 4:36 p.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #22
I have no problem with you playing this deck. That's part of the reason it's on here. To share deck ideas and get feedback. This deck was inspired by a B/G Constellation deck built by Michael Platt.
Here's a link to the deck he built:
June 8, 2014 5:33 p.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #23
I know you have already stated that you don't think removing the Satyr Wayfinder would be a good idea and i understand the reasoning behind it. I made a standard "dredge" deck some time ago and i had 4 of them myself but that deck didn't have a draw engine at all like you do in Eidolon of Blossoms and you also rely heavily on Strength from the Fallen so what happens when you play a Satyr Wayfinder to get that land you need as you stated above but wind up burying a bunch of those cards? I play tested against one of my decks and that seemed to happen a lot. Also, 1x Pharika, God of Affliction ? It has no synergy here. If you need the removal than i personally think you are better off main boarding Vraska the Unseen .
Anyways this is a real fun deck to play and runs relatively well. +1 and grats on FNM 1st
June 8, 2014 9:45 p.m.
Sandy_Rivers says... #24
Thanks for the feedback, marcosousasr. As far as milling Strength from the Fallen , it happens occasionally but I have never milled them all away. Commune with the Gods and Kruphix's Insight compensate for that. Also, Nyx Weaver is in the deck for added security against that exact issue. I just haven't had any problems to justify removing Satyr Wayfinder from the deck.
As far as Pharika, God of Affliction and her synergy with the deck, she is a choice that confuses a lot of people. I feel that stating she has "no synergy here" isn't entirely true. She makes 1/1 deathtouch enchantment snakes on command to trigger constellation several times in one turn. Yes, she has to exile creatures from my graveyard to do it. The idea isn't to make snakes every turn, but to make a bunch of snakes in one turn on the right turn to end the game. Also she can be made animate without too much difficulty and a 5/5 indestructable creature is great.
People seem to overlook the synergy Pharika, God of Affliction has with the deck (making 1/1 enchantment deathtouch snakes) because of the downside it has (exiling creatures from the graveyard). Personally I would love to hear more about your results playtesting the deck.
June 8, 2014 11:12 p.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #25
@ Sandy_Rivers Well i feel like an idiot at the moment. I completely ignored the fact that Pharika, God of Affliction is making ENCHANTMENT creatures. That makes so much more sense, of course for the Strength of the Fallen trigger that is completely awesome.
As far as play testing , the only major problem was when i self milled the too many of the Eidolon of Blossoms or Strength of the Fallen early on. That usually led to a loss other than that the deck worked pretty well. Taking your deck into account i decided to make a Mono-Green "version" of it Strength of the Green.
I am liking Feral Invocation :/
freyhackbarth says... #1
a second pharika would really help. the tokens trigger constellation, which gets pretty crazy. I would take out a nylea.
May 29, 2014 6:41 p.m.