Doomwake is cheating. if you play 4 does that mean your cheating times four? my opponents think so. While this is slow, it recovers really well. and with the card advantage it can create I have had to choose 2 or 3 cards to discard in the late game. so, here is the thought process on each non land card.
turn 1Thoughtseize either take there biggest threat, or their next play depending on whats more relevant to you.
Elvish Mystic ramp, and who doesn't love a turn 2 courser.
turn 2 (with no ramp)
Sylvan Caryatid more ramp, color fixing, and a hex proof blocker against agro.
balefull eidolon deathtouch to slow down agro, and late game it triggers constellation nicely. you can always bestow onto a Doomwake Giant to give you a 5/7 deathtouch or on the Nighthowler for real sillyness
Satyr Wayfinder get Hornet Queen into the GY, and get a land, and have a chump blocker.
turn 3
Courser of Kruphix deck thinning and lifegain, whats not to love?
Kruphix's Insight almost always dig for at least 1 enchantment, another chance to get Hornet Queen into GY
Nyx Weaver is a great way to self mill, and a way to get that third whip back into your hand when you mill it, or its been destroyed. also, it really ruins opponents day when you use it to bring extinguish all hopes back to you hand (out of the side)
pharika,god of affliction is amazing. it is easy to make it a creature. it makes 2 mana death touch enchantments that trigger all of the constellation which when paired with a couple Doomwake Giant makes it really easy to kill of the biggest threats.turn 4
if you still haven't hit any ramp you have eidolon of blossom for card draw, or bestow a Nighthowler on a nyxweaver and watch him grow every turn. or a Whip of Erebos makes it really dificult to lose.
turn 5 (or when you have 5 mana)
this is where the "magic" happens Doomwake Giant is a monster. everything else is just support for this creature.
My problem is this deck wins slowly. many games go to time, and I tend to play quickly. While I think I need some bigger threats like Arbor Colossus or Polukranos, World Eater I fear they water down the amount of enchantments making Kruphix's Insight less effective. how else could this deck be helped, and not lose its core. any help is greatly appreciated.