Remove cards that I added to do a combo that isnt necessary for this deck. see Consuming Mill Improved for that combo deck.
Removed 2x Artful dodge
Removed 1x Mindcrank
Removed 1x Wight of Precinct Six
Added 2x Dimir Doppelganger
Added 4x Animate Dead
This deck has won 3/4 times I have played with it, with 5 or more opponents.
Each game I was able to get Laz or Consuming out. Laz just changes around to some fatty until I am happy and Consuming just gets so big so 3 of the 4 games I ended with over 50 life from Essence Harvest. I am really amazed on how well this deck works. Only downside is that I am VERY dependent on Laz or Consuming hitting the board on turn 3, 4, or 5. (dark ritual gets Consuming out on turn 3)...Because I see I am too dependent on 2 cards, I feel since I am milling a lot of cards, animate dead to grab a creature early will slow other people down.
Ideal Play #1:
Island ->Tome Scour
Swamp -> Animate Dead (steal a fatty milled with Tome Scour)
Drowned Catacombs-> Dark Ritual -> Dark Ritual-> Consuming Aberration + Dying Wish
Any Land -> Laz. (mill hits the board and Laz instantly becomes a creature of my choice, if wanted)
Any Land -> Mind Grind / Mind Sculpt / Mind Funeral, use leftover mana for a phantasm or other small mill card, or wight.