MagicAnthony says... #2
Thanks for the comment! After vigorous playtesting in both RL and Tappedout, i have not really experienced any problems with lands. Occasionally i need a plains on turn 4-6 and don't have one yet, but even that is rare with the amount of card draw and scry in this deck. That too was, and still is, a major concern for me with the Esper decks in this format. Plus with all those extra dragons it makes it about 1000 times easier to cast Silumgar's Scorn with the reveal Dragon effect. Any suggestions to sideboard or any other thoughts on my main board?
April 6, 2015 4:11 a.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #3
you could:
-1 crux
-1 dissolve
+2 drown
meta is aggro/creature heavy atm it would do well, at worst its a scry 1, and it comboes with silumgar attack trigger
April 9, 2015 4:40 a.m.
MagicAnthony says... #4
Great idea! I worry about cutting the Crux though because board presence is a big problem for control. Btw thanks for the look, how's your deck coming along?
April 9, 2015 5:56 a.m.
I have to agree the three Crux are a must. My local metthankfully isn't very dominated by super fast aggro, mostly red/green and abzan midrange. That said, I could see main boarding a drown.
Could you explain the ashioks roll?
April 9, 2015 6:25 a.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #6
well at least -1 dissolve, +1 Drown. I think at least 1 main Drown would be useful
April 9, 2015 6:34 a.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #7
not just the local meta though - every recent top 8 has some form of aggro -whether its jeskai tokens, r/w aggro, G/R aggro, mono red aggro, etc. - id run 1 copy of drown regardless because its so nice to have as a 1 of, and if its a dead card you can always just use it to Scry, BUT if actually used drown in sorrow to kill a hexproof Ojutai when i was fighting Esper Control deck - i attacked with courser - he blocked with ojutai, then i cast drown second main phase.
but its definitely a good idea to have it mainboard because a lot of these aggro decks like Jeskai tokens - once they see you are running Drown, they will switch to Ojutai and Narset with Disdainful strokes post board, and if you bring in bile blight and drown theyll be dead cards - so having it mainboard is better.
April 9, 2015 6:25 p.m.
SpikedEggnog says... #8
also i forgot to mention Dragonlord's Prerogative is a good sideboard 2 of when facing mirror matches or decks like Jeskai who tend to board in Stroke and Negate. uncounterable draw 4 is phenomenal.
April 9, 2015 6:46 p.m.
MagicAnthony says... #9
I agree spiked, Aggro is just dominating the format right now, and maining a drown could be the difference between winning and losing 1 of those 3 games. Thanks for the tips, definitely something to consider
April 10, 2015 6:06 a.m.
MagicAnthony says... #10
Especially because I went 2-1 against two different aggro decks last week
April 10, 2015 6:07 a.m.
How is the 25 land treating you? I'm running 27 and I still can't seem to open with more then 2... lol think I could manage with 26?
April 10, 2015 7:18 a.m.
I would strongly consider Surge of Righteousness in the sideboard. Control does not fare well against aggro, and surge does very well against aggro. I personally like to run 4 Hero's Downfall, and if I'm in the colors, I like the versatility of Utter End, I would consider running a combined number of 4-6.
April 25, 2015 5:08 p.m.
MagicAnthony says... #13
Utter End was run main board, but was too clunky the majority of the time and I ended up sideboarding it out in 8/10 of matches. I implemented for Perilous Vault over it because it can deal with more than 1 threat and unless the card its targeting HAS to be exiled I find it far too inconsistent. Hero's Downfall I dropped to a 3 of for Thoughtseize because it hits more consistently and I have other spot removal cards in mainboard so until I see a heavy Planeswalker threat 3 is viable in my own personal opinion. I see what you are saying though, it's definitely a matter of meta and personal preference on the numbers and cards! This is mainly suited for my local competitions. Great ideas though definitely something i'll keep for consideration
Thekidfromtheblacklagoon says... #1
Very interesting deck! I like the additional wincons you added in, however; I am concerned with how your lands play out, and the pain they deal to your life total. How have you fared landwise so far? +1 from me :)
April 6, 2015 3:20 a.m.