A deck I'm making for//with a friend
Following text is on Danish:
About the: Mainboard
Jeg har lavet det nogenlunde faerdigt - massere af removals som, Lightning Bolt og Magma Jet, et par Counterspell og en vild kontrol over spillet. Det er ment som 1v1 deck og ikke multiplayer (selvom Guttersnipe hjaelper dig der)
Til win mechanism har jeg valgt at benytte mig af miracle heriblandt er kort som Thunderous Wrath og Bonfire of the Damned - Dog er det ene i side eftersom det er dyrt!
Jeg er aerligt talt ikke sikker pa om Goblin Electromancer skal vre med, du har ikke mega mange spells der koster collorless mana, de koster mere specifik mana - og den der har en CMC pa 6 - kan du kaste for 1 rod! Der er dem der har x i manacost - disse virker fantastisk godt med Goblin Electromancer, men de er fa. - Evt kan vi i stedet shuffle Delver of Secrets og flere Magma Jet ind?
About the: Sideboard
At the moment not quite finished. This is as usual for siturational usage.
- Delver of Secrets; I do not know wether this card should be or shouldn't be in the maindeck. At the moment it's in the sideboard for when you have a more or less "hexproof" opponent and just want to aggro him down. Counters Leyline of Sanctity more or less.
- Glaring Spotlight; A great counter against hexproof aggro decks, can also keep your potent creatures alive.
- Wild Ricochet; I've chosen to keep this card in the sideboard as it can counter some keycards to turn what would have been a loss into a win.
- Volcanic Fallout; This card counters most aggro decks as few creatures in those have a toughness over 2.
Cards worthy to mention
These are cards I consider shuffling into the deck
The by far most interesting card which copies spells:
Pyromancer Ascension - However! Be very attentive about Snapcaster Mage as they are disharmonized!
**Counterspell illegal in modern (should have known) in lack of better alternative I'm adding in Flusterstorm**
Rune SnagCondescendCryptic CommandDismal FailureOdds/EndsIzzet CharmMana LeakPut Away