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Control V - Control C [Shapeshifters]

Commander / EDH



Deck list posted above.

So the goal is to have a bloody fun time and play something strongish, but full of jankyness.I chose... Shapeshifters!

The overall goal is to be a copycat. Somebody plays sol ring, caged sun or mana reflection? Copy it. Somebody plays vampiric tutor? copy it. Somebody plays an eldrazi? Copy it.Be it sorceries, instants, creatures, artifacts, enchantments, or planeswalkers and lands... There is a copy effect for it on this deck. Including activated or trigger abilities.Copy Artifact, Copy Enchantment, Vesuva, Clever Impersonator, twin cast, Stolen Identity.

Now just copying stuff will only be as strong as what people play, and whoever starts the effect/combo first will usually come out on top.SO for when copying isn't strong enough, there is some control. Bounce effects like Unsummon and Cyclonic Rift , Cryptic Command Silumgar's Command allow me to get people to tap out, and to put those shiny jewels back in their hand so I can steal them with Sen Triplets on my turn.

There is also some counter spells so I can control and copy out of the graveyard. Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Body Double, Dimir-doppleganger, Necrotic Ooze , Cairn Wanderer.

Other times, I might want all the copies in play and can't bounce to use Sen... So Take Possession, Confiscate, etc can grab anything on the board, Corrupted Conscience and Spirit Away will grab those fatties. Mirror Gallery helps for when I want to copy more on my side if I steal something good.

The tech and the flavor cards... Staying true to theme of shapeshifting/morphing/imprinting/cloning/stealing, etc.Polymorphist's Jest is basically Sudden Spoiling and will shapeshift opponent's creatures. Polymorphous Rush with Mirror Gallery is gonna be insane and give me access to some fun final strikes. Clone Legion is an anti-board wipe and will populate my board. Even against token decks. Call to the Kindred on a changeling is giving me a free cast and if I hit It That Betrays he comes down for free. Same with Riptide Shapeshifter. Echo Mage and Simic Manipulator support the copy and theft theme. Cathars' Crusade will allow my copy's to get bigger and will support Simic's theiving. Mimic Vat, Minion Reflector, Soul Foundry, Strionic Resonator, Sculpting Steel and Masterwork of Ingenuity make for some fun copy effects. Copy Triggers, copy equipment like Argentum armor, copy artifacts, copy a creature and then make a token with haste, etc.

There's a few duals in here so I haven't had trouble color fixing, but ramp is definitely an issue for a high curve deck, so we're running all the things that aren't outlandishly expensive. Sol Ring, Thran Dyanamo, Worn Powerstone, Gilded Lotus, Everflowing Chalice, and Chromatic Lantern which I consider a little ramp since my commander costs 5 cmc. Hopefully I'll steal or copy some body else's mana dorks and ramp.

Where I fall short is card draw. I'm hoping to steal some, but if you have any suggestions please let me know!

TL;DR: would you play this deck? Does it seem fun? Would you suggest anything?


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

58 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.11
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders EDH
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