Fun BW Control

Casual dentalflosstycoon

SCORE: 193 | 397 COMMENTS | 45645 VIEWS | IN 102 FOLDERS

GSalty says... #1

Maybe I'm just being nitpicky, but how is this a control deck when it has exactly one source of card advantage?

November 9, 2013 7:50 p.m.

@Birdsturnone I may put in the Warleader's Helix ; thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to consider it, and I've been debating the Archangel for a while;we'll see what I chose to do with her, but I definitely don't want a fourth Blood Baron in for her. Thanks for the +1 as well.

@GSalty Yes, I would say you are being nitpicky. Control means that you are controlling something, such as the field (with the load of removal spells) or their hand (Duress or Rakdos's Return ). Card advantage may/may not be another aspect of control. It is one that I don't find as necessary in this particular deck, which is why you only see one source of card advantage, unless you count the scry lands, which, actually, I think that I would.

November 9, 2013 8:27 p.m.

GSalty says... #3

Well, under that definition, I think one could just as easily call an aggro deck a control deck. Control decks, as I've been led to understand them, are decks that attempt to continually eliminate or reduce an opponents' threats until they draw and resolve a finisher of their own. Hand disruption and removal are undoubtedly aspects of control, but your deck seems to be much more focused on dominating the board than interacting with your opponent and his/her creatures. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw your decklist was "midrange".

November 9, 2013 9:19 p.m.

An argument such as this is simply ridiculous, and so is the fact that you are even criticizing such an irrelevant aspect of the deck: it's name. I'll leave it at that; call it whatever you want, but please don't bother to leave your irrelevant criticisms in the actual comments.

November 9, 2013 9:57 p.m.

GSalty says... #5

My intention wasn't to criticize. This looks like a solid deck, and if it means anything, I personally find the Borzhov colors appealing, particularly in the present standard environment. I only brought up the deck's archetype because I found it while searching through the "control" while handle looking for ideas for my control deck, and was intrigued to find a R/W/B control deck. When I took a look though, I felt mislead. That's all.

November 10, 2013 12:21 a.m.

I do not believe that I have misled anyone. Since I assume you're familiar with standard, I would like to point out a rather popular Naya control deck that has no sources of card advantage, and yet it is rather widely accepted as control. I'm sorry that your view of control is so narrow and I suggest that you open your mind before you look at a new/different deck next time. Sorry if I sound a bit defensive, but that's simply the way I am when it comes to my deck. You would not be the first one to have me respond harshly.

November 10, 2013 1:45 a.m.

Namron88 says... #7

control can be many different aspects of the game this deck focuses on manipulating the battlefield while forcing the opponent to save cards in their hand while the field is being wiped at which point the deck would then cast Rakdos's Return forcing them to discard anything they didn't want to be hit by a removal source it easily clears the board allowing Desecration Demon or other big threats to move in and deal massive damage while also having the chance of life gain through Whip of Erebos or any lifelinker in the deck to sustain longer matches which can be considered midrange but can easily fall into control as well even though it may not run counter spells it does not need to because on turn 6 an aggro deck has just about lost its flare when this deck has already spun into top gear locking in the win while at the same time control has many powerful threats that can easily put the game out of reach if they don't have the needed answer i have a deck build very similar to this myself and have it listed as both midrange and control because i see it as both in my opinion

November 10, 2013 2:12 a.m.

GSalty says... #8

Brad Nelson's Naya Control deck does have zero sources of card advantage, but it is also primarily a metagame deck designed almost specifically to combat the mono-black devotion decks that were so popular prior to its invention. It's a bad control deck in that it can't reliably keep enough threats in its hand to deal with continual threats (i.e., has no sources of card advantage), but it's been successful because it fairs very well in the narrow environment it currently exists in (mono-black's hand disruption does poorly against it and has no way of dealing with a resolved Assemble the Legion ). I'd also point out that his deck runs a total of 5 creatures (3 of which - the Loxodon Smiter s - are sided out in some match ups), whereas yours runs 16, in its present form.

There's no doubt that your deck would take more of a controlling role in some match ups but, generally speaking, a midrange deck is a deck that takes an aggressive role against control decks, and a defensive (controlling) role against aggro decks. That appears to me to be what your deck would do in either of those match ups.

But, anyway, with regards to your deck, I'm wondering if anyone's suggested Angel of Serenity yet, or whether you've considered her at all, yourself. She may not be the best fit in a deck without any ramp, as hard casting her can be quite a chore, but she's a huge bomb who usually wins games immediately.

November 10, 2013 7:31 p.m.

Demyx says... #9

I really like this deck. I made one similar and, while it performed well, it just wasn't the deck for me. I found that Dreadbore constantly backfired by being a sorcery. Hero's Downfall as a 4-of is more versatile, in my opinion.

I made a different deck instead. It's a really unique twist on "control" and I'd love if you checked it out. Will post it on your user profile like requested in your comment though, or just click my name.


November 13, 2013 9:19 a.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #10

Do you often have trouble with either
A) Shocking yourself to death with the shock lands? or
B) Getting screwed because most of your land is entering tapped?

These are concerns I have with the lack of basic land cards in here. Of course the deck seems to perform quite well, a description of an example game and how you play the lands for it would be nice. I don't need to know what plays you make with the cards, but I want to know how you play the lands in a typical game.

November 15, 2013 1:33 p.m.

TheGodofNight says... #11

@ SasukeUchiha In regards to your query about "shocking" yourself to death, or being screwed that most of your lands enter tapped, it's a gray area. I don't tap 2 for every shock land, and I don't always have them come in untapped. A lot of it has to do with need. Do I need the mana this turn for a creature or spell? Can I hold off for one more turn? A lot of that is the instinct you develop as a player, and less to do with the number of shocklands in the deck. Don't mistake, I have shocked 10 health away in a game before, and then regained it with Blood Baron. It's all about need, and the how the game is going itself. Overall though, an opening hand with one Godless Shrine and one Blood Crypt is more ideal than a hand with 1 Mountain, 1 Swamp, and 1 Plains. The reason being is that I have don't have to worry about needing one specific color of mana, which makes all the difference if I am keeping a hand or not.

November 15, 2013 3:49 p.m.

iRidetheTvan says... #12

I agree with Batman!

November 15, 2013 4:39 p.m.

As TheGodofNight said, it is more of an instinct that you develop as a player. With this particular three color deck, I am more concerned with mana fixing than the lands actually coming in tapped or not. Shocks give me the option, and the scry lands allow me to set up my draws, allowing me to prevent either mana screw or flood. But whether or not you take two for a shock is something that you will simply know and will come with more experience.

November 15, 2013 6:19 p.m.

Agree with @TheGodofNight and @dentalflosstycoon it is a matter of reading the game. This is why control style decks aren't for everyone. One shock land hit could mean the difference of the game. I watched someone in a draft last night drop Read the Bones bringing himself to 3 life.

He knew there where no direct damage because his opponent wasn't playing red so he didn't have to worry about that. He came back and won because he made a risky move at 5 life to 11 life to scry and draw for what set him up for his win.It all comes down to feel.

You may win or lose, but you learn from it, learn what your play style can handle and learn what your deck is capable of. This deck in my hands would play different than anyone else, it's not just the cards, it's the player.

November 16, 2013 11:53 a.m.

TheGodofNight says... #15


Well, here is my update on the verison of this deck that I play. To start, I will include the deck list I am using presently. Although the majority of it is similar to yours, I have adjusted it for play at my LGS.

4x Blood Crypt

4x Godless Shrine

4x Sacred Foundry

3x Temple of Silence

2x Temple of Triumph

3x Mountain

3x Swamp

1x Plains

4x Dreadbore

3x Thoughtseize

2x Chained to the Rock

3x Hero's Downfall

3x Magma Jet

2x Anger of the Gods

2x Mizzium Mortars

2x Rakdos's Return

2x High Priest of Penance

3x Boros Reckoner

3x Desecration Demon

2x Blood Baron of Vizkopa

1x Stormbreath Dragon

1x Archangel of Thune

1x Obzedat, Ghost Council

2x Aurelia, the Warleader


2x Lifebane Zombie

1x Obzedat, Ghost Council

1x Blind Obedience

2x Mizzium Mortar

1x Rakdos's Return

3x Pithing Needle

3x Slaughter Games

2x Sire of Insanity

Mind you, the largest threat at my LGS are Esper Control decks, so my sideboard is tweaked to deal with those match ups primarily. Since my last posting, I have played at least 200+ best of 3 matches, struggling only with some Esper Control deck variations. Most times it comes down to which of us can top deck a solution first, and more often, it's them.

I have used and played with Rakdos, Lord of Riots. My findings are these: Half of the time, I can play him. I used him for about half of those matches, and of those games, I got him out on the battlefield 55-60% of the time. With him out, I usually play a little more purposefully, and aim to keep some creatures in hand so I cna benefit from his ability. A number of times, I successfully put out 2 Blood Barons for a total of 4 mana. Yeah, it was fun to see a few eyes bug out when I did this. I have since switched out to the Archangel of Thune to try her out. She usually gets axed after hitting the battlefield, but when she sticks, I do enjoy the extra life gain and the +1/+1 counters. I have been debating dropping her for another High Priest of Penace, as the early board presence is great for holding things are bay, and the fact that a tiny 1/1 can remove Planeswalkers, actually catches a lot of folks off guard. I have Anger of the Gods and Magma Jet him just to spite my opponent. I haven't made a final decision yet about that though. I may try 50-100 matches with him in her place.

While the Magma Jets don't do tons of damage, they do at least let me take out something small or get in a hit turn 2 and let me scry. If they hit for 3, they'd be perfect, but overall, they come up frequently enough that I keep them around. And as I said, I don't mind using one to zap my High Priest either.

With 2 Blood Barons, I have no issues seeing him. I usually see both, and most times, have one out on the field and one in wait. Alternatively, I considered a 3rd one for the deck over the Archangel, but I think that might make it too predictable.

As for the sideboard, I dropped the Boros Charms, mostly because they are always Thoughtseize'd from my hand, or countered. I decided on a 3rd Pithing Needle so I am more likely able to see it in my opening hand on, and the 3rd Slaughter Games, mostly because of my LGS. I pithing needle one of the common threats, pithing needle a second, and Slaughter Games another. The problem is that they don't come up enough when I need them, so I increased their number just in the hopes of seeing them.

Overall, the deck continues to do exceptionally well, my only issues are the Esper control match ups, and it's all a matter of luck of the draw. I have blown them out of the water, and I have grasped at straws looking for answers. This deck still goes top 4, usually top 2 without much effort at all. My +1 still stands, and if I could give it another 100 of them, I would, because it has earned them.

November 17, 2013 11:38 p.m.

dannyblade says... #16

hi I was reading your post and think your deck is good and thought it would be cool if someone would comment on my control destroy all deck it was just a thought I had and thought it would be fun I don't expect it to come first second or even third place at FNM, I would love some constructive critism on my deck my name is dannyblade or my name on the site anyway and my deck is called control deck destroy all mwa haha, I know its a funny name but can you let me know what you think thanks, I will now go through a little description well it is white red and basically you take control of the other dudes creatures until end of turn and if you start losing to much life I can gain some with massive life gain like Angel's Mercy and Rest for the Weary and if it starts getting overwhelming I just destroy all he's creatures its a simple deck and should be good against quiet a few decks with Leyline of Sanctity you will see what I mean anyway could you please look at it and let me know thanks.

November 18, 2013 12:29 p.m.

dannyblade says... #17

oh and +1 from me

November 18, 2013 12:42 p.m.

KingConquer says... #18

I'm loving this deck idea. I just wanted to know what your thoughts are on with Underworld Connections and Erebos, God of the Dead for the extra card advantage which works well with the excessive lifelink? And your thoughts on Celestial Flare for a way to deal with gods and other creatures that are difficult to deal with?

Also +1 from me!

November 18, 2013 1:53 p.m.

@dannyblade I will take a look at your deck.

@KingConquer This deck is somewhat slow and focuses more on controlling the board than on actual card advantage in the hand, as I believe was already discussed above. Erebos is generally not worth having in here just for the card advantage. He will never become a creature, and his ability is only occasionally relevant. Gods can be frustrating to deal with, but I am attempting to modify my sideboard to address such threats. Thanks fir the +1.

November 18, 2013 11:38 p.m.

dannyblade says... #20

thanks dental I will appreciate it.

November 19, 2013 12:21 a.m.

iRidetheTvan says... #21

How are you doing Dental?

November 19, 2013 4:38 p.m.

I bless the rains down in Africa

November 19, 2013 7:24 p.m.

Here's a great song: You should take a look. I know that you could use some exposure to good music.

November 19, 2013 7:25 p.m.

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