AzrielBarakiel says... #2
If you cut down your cmc of your creatures a bit I could see this deck being one that could abuse the he'll out of Immortal Servitude which would a low you to get your high priests back, and Blood Scrivener s as well for a bit of card draw. Back to your original idea for legions initiative; my favorite thing to do is cast Blasphemous Act and hold priority to pop the initiative, one sided board wrath, or it coupled board wrath with a vindicate or 2 as well depending on how many high priests are out. Then recycle you casualties with servitude.
May 20, 2013 8 a.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #3
Also here is a fun fact for you, Olivia Voldaren 's ping ability changes the pinged creature I not a vampire as a part of the ping ability, so before state base effects can be checked. Stromkirk Captain he as a static ability to give vampires +1/+1 and first strike. So if you ping High Priest of Penance with Olivia Voldaren with Stromkirk Captain out, your priest will become a 2/2 first strike vampire human cleric with 1 point of damage on it, BEFORE the state base effect of lethal damage would normally kill him, which will also let you vindicate a permanent every turn since 1 point of damage is no longer lethal.
May 20, 2013 8:46 p.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #4
into not I not on a tablet so it can be difficult to catch all the typos.
May 20, 2013 8:48 p.m.
AzrielBarakiel: Thank you for the comments. In regards to your first suggestion about Immortal Servitude
, while I understand where you are coming from, and all the fun things that can be done with it and High Priest of Penance
, it simply just doesn't fit the deck well enough to squeeze it in. My creature base has too spread of a curve, and currently I feel fairly squeezed on mana already that I don't feel that another X spell would be good.
Regarding the Olivia Voldaren ping trick with Stromkirk Captain , I love using that trick. You can imagine that a lot of people don't realize thats how the mechanic works. That is also the reason i tosed 2 Vampire Nocturnus in there.
In regards to your suggestion about Blasphemous Act
and Legion's Initiative
, I do like the way that works, plus it combos with Boros Reckoner
if i ever need to push end game. I will have to consider it, and at the least it might find a home in the sideboard.
Currently in my meta close to half of the "competitive" decks are a form of naya/bant enchant decks. Its really situational if I can survive the first few turns. The best option for a sideboard card that I can think of is Devour Flesh
. While i prefer Tribute to Hunger
the 2 cmc is more important to stop them from swinging at more more than one at most, and more importantly, the 1B cost is actually critical since often I am stuck with needing to drop a Cavern of Souls
for my second land.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated, and thanks again.
May 21, 2013 7:58 a.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #6
My favorite thing to side in is War Priest of Thune since he can be sacked to. Falkenrath Aristocrat later in the game. And is a 2/2 chumper that does not gain them life. But devour flesh is nice also and possibly helps more depending on the deck, Paraselene could also help out a bit, let's you stabilize and wipes their growths and armours and what not.
May 21, 2013 8:43 p.m.
AzrielBarakiel I do like the idea of War Priest of Thune
, and how sad is it that I completely forgot about Paraselene
. Even so, I kinda think I want something for turn 2 and I'd rather kill the creature along with all the enchantments. But again thanks for the suggestions.
May 21, 2013 9:22 p.m.
AzrielBarakiel says... #8
You could always add in Duress so that you have a 1 drop play. Gets rid of enchantments before they become a threat.
May 21, 2013 10:39 p.m.
beakedbard says... #9
Hmmmmm I'd add Bloodline Keeper Flip to the side board in case you need to build tokens for some reason also him + Stromkirk Captain + 3 other vampires just wins.
May 22, 2013 10:11 a.m.
I will definitely keep the Bloodline Keeper Flip in mind. currently I am just not sure what situation I would side him in. But as I play around I will have him in my thoughts. The only hangup is him being a 4 drop, I usually have an Olivia Voldaren I want to slam down or a Sorin, Lord of Innistrad . I still feel i need to develop a faster board presence, which has me thinking about Lingering Souls but it really doesn't feel like it fits with the deck.
nabrown2 says... #1
As I've been playing I've noticed a few things, I often get locked out of a few spells due to the strict casting cost of needing specific colored mana, and only haveing a cavern or one of the other non basic lands that only give colorless. And I feel that I am going to need a Sever the Bloodline in at least my SB. While Voice of Resurgence doesnt really scare me a lot with this deck I still feel that its going to see a lot of play and exiling it or its tokens is going to be a godsend. currently I am looking at adding 2 to the side and removing either the fury's or blind obedience. Any thoughts?
May 3, 2013 7:47 a.m.