Xtkxl4rd4ss I thought about it, but it was something I decided not to early on because then to protect my important creatures (read Iona, Shield of Emeria
and the like), it requires Dovescape
to be in play most of the time for a lot of it to work. I just didn't want to lock myself into that. Thanks for the +1.
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gufymike says... #1
Xtkxl4rd4ss I thought about it, but it was something I decided not to early on because then to protect my important creatures (read Iona, Shield of Emeria and the like), it requires Dovescape to be in play most of the time for a lot of it to work. I just didn't want to lock myself into that. Thanks for the +1.
December 30, 2013 3:25 p.m.