

Creature (4)

Instant (4)

this is the first deck I've built after trying to build one from a Dragon's Maze draft, which doesn't have much in it for mill, but i liked mirko vosk enough to want a dimir deck. I really preferred the control aspect of blue and the pure removal and some of the creatures of black.

the goal with this deck is to be able to survive long enough by using counter-spells and removal spells while you get the land for mill spells and mill creatures. The way this deck wins would be by countering or removing large creatures or game changing spells all the while beefing up your stacking creatures by feeding their graveyard. Rogue's passage should allow your aberrations, who should be sizable by then, swing in for a kill or close to, or using it on Mirko Vosk to get the aberrations larger or empty their library.

There is another way to win using the infinite combo that comes from the duskmantle guildmage and mind crank combo. given a good hand for it, you could get the loop started turn 4. island->swamp+guildmage->island/swamp/rogue+mindcrank-> turn 4 you activate guildmage and play thought-scour or do a damage with anything.

Trying to keep the deck fairly budget friendly, and it was mostly built during it being in standard with nighthawks and a few other cards, but I've decided to throw in a few modern cards as i just play with friends.

Any help would be welcomed.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

10 - 1 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

14 - 8 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 2.74
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