Sen Triplets
Sen Triplets is a Esper Coloured General that plays a very controlling game by running a fair amount of Removal, Countermagic, and Threats. It attempts to end the game Instantly with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion
The Countermagic
Cryptic Command: It's technically a counterspell, but It can be so many other things, and with 10 possible choices, it's a real crapshoot as to what mode will be used when. Bonus points if you can cast it in its non-counter mode in response to a spell being cast
Force of Will: The Ultimate 'oh shit' button. Generally used to protect on of the combos, but it can also be used to stop someone else's combo or game winning spell. Also good at stopping Sol Ring.
Mana Drain: Counters something, and gives us a boatload of mana, this is amazing.
Time Stop: Stops combos and uncounterable cards, also can be a dick move if you simply want to hose someone out of a turn.
Venser, Shaper Savant: Also stops combos and uncounterable cards. Venser can also save your guys, be a suddenly blocker, and screw up a great many 'Sac a Creature' abilities your opponents throw at you.
The Goodstuff
Avacyn, Angel of Hope: Makes my stuff unkillable, need I say more?
: Letting me draw 3 cards, and the shuffle the others away using some shuffle mechanism or another is just nuts a 1 mana
Bribery: I've used this as a cheatty way to finish some of my combos, and it usually lets you get some stupid creature into play for way less than it should cost
Clever Impersonator
: 'Thats a sweet blank you got there, I want one too.'
Crucible of Worlds: Lets you play Fetches again for more value and makes Strip Mine a monster.
Grand Abolisher: I've been testing with him, and being a mini Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir is kinda useful, and his low cost lets him be annoying right away.
Fact or Fiction
: Drawing 2 cards is pretty good at instant speed, but things get better when your chosen opponent doesn't know how to FoF properly yet.
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
: Lets my stuff cost one to two mana less, and makes you wait an entire extra turn to cast your spells.
Intuition: lets me put 2 things into my graveyard, and draw a card, which is ok. It's a pretty effective way to stick Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre into my grave for a free reshuffling of my grave and library. it also puts in Mindslaver, which can get the lock started.
Ivory Tower
: Combos with Necropotence to make it cost me far less life to draw cards
Leyline of Anticipation
: I like doing things on my opponent's turn, this lets me do everything on my opponent's turn, in response to their things, which I personally think is fantastic
Lim-Dul's Vault
: It's a mini tutor that lets me choose what my next 5 cards are going to be and in what order, so long as I can keep paying the life to replace the cards
Linvala, Keeper of Silence
: Shuts off mana dorks, which is back breaking against a lot of green strategies. Also does a pretty good job stopping a fair number of Utility creatures.
Snapcaster Mage: Gives me lots of extra value with all of my Graveyard interaction, and with the wide array of Instants and Sorceries in the deck, he is basically just any effect that I need at the moment
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
: Shuts off opposing countermagic, grinds removal to a halt, and jacks up a huge number of flash spells. Probably one of the most powerful creatures in the deck
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
: When all else fails, call in 10/10 Unkillable beater. Ends games in 3 or so swings
The Removal
Admonition Angel: Similar to Vindicate, except its also a 6/6 beater, and running all 9 fetches let me trigger landfall a few times a turn. Only downsides are that it isn't able to hit lands and if she dies all the permanents go back to the Battlefield.
All Is Dust
: Kills all sorts of stupidity that occurs during an EDH game. Super Friends get sets back to square one, that overzealous enchantment player is now left with nothing, and Mr. Million Pester-mites now has 0 Pestermites
Cryptic Command
: Two of its modes both are pseudo removal, so it is also in this category
Cyclonic Rift: One of the most powerful sweepers to ever enter EDH, it also combos with my commander and Mycosynth Lattice if you have a Permanent that I really want
Elspeth, Sun's Champion: Kill all the big guys, and let your guys like Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir stick around
Karn Liberated: Colourless Vindicate is extremely powerful, no matter how you slice it
Magister of Worth
Lets me kill everything and leaves a decently sized creature on the field. In theory, I could also choose Grace and give everyone a bunch of their guys back, which might be a good political move.
Path to Exile
: One of the premier removal spells of EDH, very good against Captain Greedy with his basic-less mana base
Swords to Plowshares: Another of the premier removal spells, lifegain rarely matters much in a format where everyone is simply trying to set up an infinite combo or attack for several hundred damage in one go
: Tucks everyone, so that over extended token player loses everything, and Indestructible guys are dealt with as well as well.
Vindicate: Kills everything from Dark Confidant to Gaea's Cradle, even basic lands if you want to keep a struggling player from recovering
The Planeswalkers
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
: Lets me hit for 3 more damage, or more importantly gives me a 'free' blocker every turn. The Ultimate is wonderful if I can protect her, but she usually doesn't get that far
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
: Gives me 3 blockers or wipes the field of large monsters. The ultimate can give me a new way to win, but it is really not useful for what I am doing
Gideon Jura
: Eats an attack for me or someone else Yay Politics :), Kills a Tapped dude, and becomes a 6/6 creature when I need to swing at someone. Also one of my personal favorite cards in the deck.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
: Lets me Brainstorm, Unsummon, Scry/Fateseal, or win the game, every turn. There is so much utility in him that almost always draws the ire of everyone else at that table, so I always need to make sure he is well protected.
Karn Liberated: A new addition to the deck, I've been testing him out, and so far I have liked what I have seen. Getting to Vindicate something is always potent, and making someone 'discard' can add up, especially because they cannot retrieve what they discard. I have ulted him once, and I almost immediately regretted it, so his ult isn't the best for this deck.
Liliana of the Veil: Makes you sacrifice something, or lets us all discard a card. Generally it isn't wise to let everyone discard something, but it can make you some allies, and lets you give Snapcaster Mage something to work with. Her ultimate is funny, but all it really does is make enemies.
Liliana Vess
: Lovingly called 'Liliana of the Tutor' in my playgroup, she is essentially 2 'free' Vampiric tutors. she has the added benefit of letting you discard a card, or forcing someone else to discard a card. Her Ultimate has never gone off for me, but I assume it would generally end the game.
Sorin Markov
: His plus ability is a decent way to deal with utility creatures, but no one plays him for this ability. His -3 just neuters someone, especially when an Oloro player has built himself up to a mighty 100+ life. His Ultimate is kinda bad, and this is before you compare it to my Mindslaver + Academy Ruins lock, but he will almost never hit 7 counters anyway.
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage: Taping down something every turn is pretty useful, but not spectacular. Getting to draw cards equal to someone's tapped guys on the other hand, is almost broken. I have drawn 20 cards at once off her when facing a swarm deck that had just alpha striked someone else. Her ultimate is another one that breaks the game if it is fired. the times it goes off a few and far between, but once a player sees it happen, they never let it occur again.
Teferi, Temporal Archmage: His first ability is ok, but his second ability is absolutely insane. I could untap Sensei's Divining Top, some lands, and a blocker; or I could untap all my lands and have plenty of countermagic mana open; or I could untap all my blockers, and make myself much harder to attack. His ultimate is stupid, it let me get an Instant speed Vindicate with Karn Liberated + Leyline of Anticipation, let Jace, the Mind Sculptor draw me my Force of Will, and let Elspeth, Knight Errant Ultimate on someone else's turn.
Tezzeret the Seeker : Lets me tutor my low drop artifacts, and untaps my Sensei's Divining Top, my Scroll Rack, and/or my Sol Ring, all of which are useful. His ultimate ends the game with Mycosynth Lattice, because I'm going to blargh you with my entire board
The Draw
Consecrated Sphinx: Probably the second best card advantage machine in the deck, even if it draws you 4 cards, it gave you card advantage in a 4 for 1, and that number gets more insane the more cards your opponents draw
Enter the Infinite: The ultimate 'Draw' card in the game, there is no number of draw quite equal to 'All of Them', and you even get to put a card back so you don't deck yourself next turn
Necropotence: Lets you draw a stupid number of cards across the game, just make sure you don't accidentally draw a card at your nonexistent 'draw step' and receive a game loss
Scroll Rack: Not so much draw power as it is draw fixing, it lets you basically have 2 hands, the one in your hand, and the one on top of your library. Generally works best when you have a larger hand as opposed to a smaller one
Sensei's Divining Top
: Again, not so much draw power as it is draw fixing, but this lets you see and reorder the next 3 cards every turn, and it is stupid hard to destroy because it can always 'T: Draw a card, put this on top of your library' in response to almost anything
Sphinx's Revelation
: Draw a bunch of cards and gain a bunch of life, pretty straight forward
The Tutors
Enlightened Tutor
: Lets me search for Triskelion (M11), Mycosynth Lattice, Omniscience, Crucible of Worlds, Necropotence, Ivory Tower, Phyrexian Metamorph
Mystical Tutor
: Lets me search for Enter the Infinite, Force of Will, Cyclonic Rift, Enlightened Tutor
Vampiric Tutor and Demonic Tutor: Let me finish any combo I want to, of grab any card that I need at virtually any time.
Tezzeret the Seeker : He grabs Mana Crypt, Sensei's Divining Top, Sol Ring, Scroll Rack, and could be ticked up a bunch to grab Mycosynth Lattice or Triskelion
A full set of 9 Fetchlands, to grab any of my 3 Dual lands or Shocklands.
The Combos
Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
lots of mana is always sweet
Ivory Tower
: Pay as much life as you want, you will gain N-4 back every turn
Mycosynth Lattice + Sydri, Galvanic Genius
: U, 'Destroy' target land
Academy Ruins + Mindslaver
: I control your turns, until you mill yourself out
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion
: I Win
Mycosynth Lattice
Phyrexian Metamorph
: I can now copy any permanent on the battlefield
Leyline of Anticipation
: I cast my deck, at the beginning of your upkeep
Cyclonic Rift
Mycosynth Lattice
Sen Triplets
: If I overload it, I can cast whatever permanents one of my opponents had on the battlefield
Funny Combo that just wins Enter the Infinite + Omniscience
... 'Welcome to the Infinite my friend, How can I help you?'
The Mana-Rocks
Azorius Signet
, Dimir Signet,
Orzhov Signet
: Signets filter and accelerate mana, both of these things are useful when you have a large number of colored mana symbles in your cards
Chromatic Lantern: Even the most stilted land base is suddenly running perfectly, and this even lets Maze of Ith tap for mana
Coalition Relic: Usually adds one mana a turn, but if you have no need for it now, save the mana and have 2 next turn
Mana Crypt
: Three Mana for One Mana is a great deal, and taking one point a turn is irritating, it isn't game ending
Mox Diamond
: Accelerates your mana by an entire turn for free, and is good friends with Crucible of Worlds
The Lands
, Underground Sea: Dual lands, almost strictly better than basic lands, and my fetches can get whatever color I need because of them.
Godless Shrine
Hallowed Fountain
Watery Grave
: Shocklands, also good with fetches, though you will usually fetch these after you fetch your Duals. Paying 3 life can start to add up against certain decks
Flooded Strand
Marsh Flats
Polluted Delta
My on color fetches, any of these 3 can grab any dual or shock I need, and can grab 2 types of basics.
Arid Mesa
Bloodstained Mire
Misty Rainforest
Scalding Tarn
Verdant Catacombs
, Windswept Heath: My off color fetches, these let me grab 2/3's of my Duals or Shocks, and let me get 1 basic land type.
Command Tower
: Do I really need to explain this choice, lol
Arcane Sanctum
: Any land that lets me tap for whatever color I need painlessly is pretty good, and CIPT isn't really that much of a drawback
Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth: Almost every deck running black in some facet runs this combo, because more mana is better.
Academy Ruins: Combos with Mindslaver for a soft lock on someone (Or a hard lock with only 2 people), its also just a good value land with so many artifacts.
Bojuka Bog: Big graveyards need to be dealt with, and this is probably the most effective answer, because lands are rather difficult to prevent
Celestial Colonnade
: A very pretty foil and my first foil ever. its also a very effective blocker, and it taps for U, which is good
Halimar Depths: Any effect that lets you look at that top 3 cards in a deck like this is useful, and like Bojuka Bog, it is super tough to counter this
Cavern of Souls: Lets my commander enter the battlefield uncounterable, along with Venser, Shaper Savant, Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, and Snapcaster Mage. Thats pretty good
Maze of Ith
: Save's me for attackers, and can be used politically.
Reliquary Tower
: No max hand size is a good max hand size, especially when your typical turn involves drawing 3 to 6 cards.
Thespian's Stage: Get a copy of any land on the battlefield, best use so far was coping a Gaea's Cradle to power out a super early Omniscience
Wasteland: Kills everything Mine does except basics.
Strip Mine
: People are going to have greedy manabases in EDH, this punishes them for it
: I need Blue mana for the majority of my combos and cards overall
: I want to make sure my fetches can always find lands once all my shocks and duals are gone, and basics are usually better than non basics anyway
: Same reasoning as the Plains.
Suggestions welcome, however, Please suggest cards to remove. Note, I refuse to remove Jace, the Mind Sculptor for personal reasons.
The Chopping Block
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
: She has been ok, but I have been periodically trying Avacyn, Angel of Hope and she is just as effect, and Elspeth's 1/1 soldier tokens are not really useful.
Intuition: Every time it has been in my hand, it always wished it was something else, all it really does is give me a card to pitch to Force of Will (ALL)
Leyline of Anticipation
: Only really good if you plan on playing the game during your opponents turn, and that isn't really vital for winning with this deck.
Lim-Dul's Vault
: There are already way better tutor effects in my deck, and this takes way too long to resolve effectively
If you want to make a suggestion, make sure you suggest what I could cut for it as well.
Decks Theme: