My take on aggro-control. Abuse Fiend Hunter and cousin Phantasmal Image to exile their dudes. One-of's like Sunblast Angel and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite provide Pod-able control options as well as win conditions.
Birthing Pod is key, of course. It gives me versatility when choosing whether to play the aggro or control game, and lets me run cards more specific to either. It also gives me more control over what cards from the deck I see and lets me switch tactics at a moment's notice: say, if I create an opening with a Fiend Hunter, I can quickly exploit it by finding a more aggressive creature using the Pod.
My early drops I have less control over because in all likelihood I won't have a Pod out. Therefore, it is essential that they be efficient but multipurpose. Both Strangleroot Geist and Blade Splicer excel at offense and defense, giving me formidable board presence until I find a Pod or large creature.
The four-drop slot is an interesting one. Given the lack of powerful, on-color 4cmc creatures (besides Hero of Bladehold or Thrun, the Last Troll, both of which aren't particularly good in Pod) I'm running Stonehorn Dignitary to, unless I am in a position to be aggressive with either of the aforementioned cards, blank the turn and allow myself to get closer to bigger, game-changing creatures with out taking extra damage. Alternatively, Restoration Angel provides all kinds of utility in every situation.
Five-drops provide extra utility. Archon of Justice is obvious, as is Acidic Slime. Precursor Golem makes blockers against aggro decks that still have steam by that point (like RG). Wolfir Silverheart allows me to swing in for amounts my opponent won't be counting on, should I be within range of ending the game.
Sun Titan deserves special mention. It has the ability to completely swing the game, especially when my graveyard is loaded with Blade Splicers, Images and Fiend Hunters.Sunblast Angel seems good: even when it isn't WoG I still get card advantage in all but the rarest cases. Wurmcoil Engine is for those decks that can come close to finishing you off (like RG aggro), but can't deal with 6 points of lifegain a turn, especially when it comes with a big blocker and is followed by an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
Comments, +1's, ideas (especially sideboard help :p) are all appreciated. I'm sure there are things I've missed.