5 Color Wombo Combo

Modern SeekerofSecrets


kruphixisboss says... #1

+1 from me! Im taking this deck to a gp just to make people salty hahaha

May 3, 2016 10:17 a.m.

This seems alot like SaffronOlives decklist did you take the idea from him?

January 20, 2018 3:49 p.m.

magicthegathering2 sorry for the late response, I've been having trouble getting my comment to work.

But i actually saw this on maybe MTG gold fish? A restore balance list won a PPQ in like 2013 so thats where i got the idea. I have sense then changed it around, added a few cards here and there so the list that is currently up is not the my current list

January 22, 2018 9:16 a.m.

magicthegathering2 I've updated the list/description in case you wanted to reference it

January 23, 2018 11:10 p.m.

Just to get rid of stony silence you should add in wispmare to destroy it.

January 23, 2018 11:36 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #6

Based on the other decks you have linked, I do not think this should be an issue with your current meta, but when playtesting this deck, I found it had considerable problem with artifact/enchantment prison decks. Presumably it might have similar issues with fast artifact/enchantment combo decks, though that was not part of my testing. Even when your deck was not locked out of casting Restore Balance (through cards like Nevermore), the effect proved nothing more than a minor annoyance--the prison itself was unharmed by the land destruction.

You might want to sideboard something like Maelstrom Pulse, on the off-chance you run into a deck restore balance alone cannot beat.

February 20, 2018 10:38 a.m.

cdkime thank you for your input! Ive never played a true prison deck but i have played against a lantern control list and plenty of affinity. But I'll need to get a card like Maelstrom Pulse in case i do ever take it to an FNM (honestly this is my pet deck, i think would bring my ur delver. Its more competitive).

Lantern control is a very interesting matchup its been a while so i don't remember the results but i remember managing a March of the Machines to have a very interesting affect of other artifact lists.

Affinity on the other hand is about 50/50. Normally if we can wipe enough of there threats it buys us enough time to pull a win

February 20, 2018 11:02 a.m.

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