Looks very nice. Might I suggest Phyrexian Crusader ? He is the best infect card in my opinion and fits in your colors. Also some removal couldn't hurt. I would suggest Go for the Throat , Doom Blade , or Putrefy with others in the sideboard in case.
September 30, 2013 7:32 p.m.
I like the Putrefy a lot indeed. (enchantment) removal is definitely a weak point in the current setup. I was hoping to do damage so fast that removal wouldn't be too much of an issue:D
September 30, 2013 7:53 p.m.
Sadly, that's basically only the case with red deck wins. :P And even then, they have burn to deal with creatures.
September 30, 2013 10:20 p.m.
ibstudent2200 says... #5
The only time you don't have to worry about anything blocking you is when you kill your opponent by turn 2, if you're on the play. It's pretty hard to find a format where people aren't doing things by turn 2 (other than maybe some sets in Sealed and Draft).
I'd suggest focusing on either infect or deathtouch. The two abilities don't work well together (though both of them benefit from Rancor ).
Natural End is much worse than Naturalize , or Nature's Claim (especially if you're winning via poison counters).
If you're going with infect, Invigorate is amazing.
If you're going with deathtouch, Thornbite Staff becomes a one-sided boardwipe.
October 3, 2013 4:24 p.m.
Thanks, Like your way of thinking with Invigorate and DT/Thornbite Staff ! Haven't got any lying around alas, but I'll try to get my hands on some. In better news, I did have some rancors and naturalizes lying around. I'll give the deck a try in rl upcomming week and see how the DT/INF combo works for me.
October 4, 2013 11:04 a.m.
hmmmm, always thought Mutagenic Growth was expensive moneywise but it's actually pretty cheap, will order a playset and give them a go. What do you guys reckon mana-wise,I'm in dubio whether or not to exchange the gates for basic lands because they can slow the game down in the first couple of turns. On the other hand, they do give more versatility. more Overgrown Tomb would of course be better but not within my budget ATM
going -1 Blight Mamba +1 Plague Stinger Usually no mana left to regen anyway and flying is good evasion
October 16, 2013 7 a.m.
ibstudent2200 says... #9
Guildgates are terrible in a deck that wants to win by t3 or t4. Your deck REALLY wants a playset of Groundswell . Might of Old Krosa is definitely worth playing, too. If you can afford Abrupt Decay , I'd play that over Putrefy . Nature's Claim , as I mentioned before, is strictly better than Naturalize in an infect deck. You also want a playset of Rancor , because reusable trample and pumping will win you games. You might want to consider Apostle's Blessing , because it makes your dude unblockable and untargetable for a turn. I'd also suggest Inkmoth Nexus , but it's kind of expensive to buy.
As for cuts, your land count is maybe a little high for an Infect deck. Might of Oaks is too slow for my taste. You probably don't need 5 removal spells if you switch over to Abrupt Decay . Livewire Lash requires you to sink a lot of mana into the creature before it becomes effective. Livewire Lash + Giant Growth + 5 mana = 7 poison counters, nowhere near as efficient as you could be (Groundswell + Rancor + 2 mana = 6 poison counters with trample). Vampire's Bite isn't all that great, because it doesn't boost toughness and you want to win before you hit 4 mana anyway.
October 16, 2013 11:17 a.m.
Thats some decent feedback ibbstudent, thanks! I've also had my doubts about the amount of Livewire Lash and as you described haven't got around to pull of the kickercost of Vampire's Bite (it's always the lesser option at that stage) Did get some positive results with the Might of Oaks but a combination of pumpspells would be the cheaper/more effective.
Unfortunattly Abrupt Decay and Inkmoth Nexus are above the decks budget. I'll be getting some extra Rancor , Groundswell , Mutagenic Growth and Nature's Claim in the next couple of days and will adjust the deck early next week so I can beat the crap out of my friends
October 17, 2013 5:51 a.m.
Ichorclaw Myr is much better than Flensermite or Blight Mamba . Also, consider putting Dismember in place of Putrefy . And think of Apostle's Blessing and Ranger's Guile . I would definitely cut Livewire Lash , it requires 4 mana and another spell to target it, while you want to win using not more than 6 mana in a whole game.
October 17, 2013 6:14 a.m.
Thanks! Dismember looks interesting.I prefer Vines of Vastwood over Ranger's Guile though, +4+4 for one more green.
October 17, 2013 5:02 p.m.
Toxic Celerity - my mono-Green Infect. Maybe give you some ideas. (don't forget to +1!!)
I have a good time with the regen on Blight Mamba
myself. I would have to suggest Wild Defiance
instead of Rancor
. Will make it easier if you are forced into Midrange. Invigorate
if you are not worried about staying in Modern, and lastly, I cannot tell you how much Cathedral of War
has saved me.
Good build! Good gaming!
October 20, 2013 9:10 a.m.
Thanks! Unfortunately for Invigorate I am trying to stay in modern, Definitely a hard hitter though. I did think about putting in some Wild Defiance instead of Rancor but atm the focus is more on speed so the manacost and +2 P come in handy. I might adjust the deck later on for more surviveability in mp games and post turn 5 and i reckon that Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon and Wild Defiance will be good friends then.
Like what you did with the Ichorclaw Myr /Cathedral of War in your deck. ichorclaw myr will find it's way in this deck too in the foreseeable future, due to general bad assnes,but my current mana dependency on B/G symbols doesn't leave much room for colorless mana imo. Cool card when playing mono though
October 20, 2013 12:31 p.m.
Ichorclaw Myr is colorless so you can pay any color for it's casting cost. So, it's actually better to have in mulit-colored decks, but I digress -
My suggestion to speed things up:
The Purify and Nature's Claim should be side decked for either more pumps, or ways to quickly destroy creatures. I also do not care for Giant Growth in this build. It will be hard to win games without more Trample or protection at least, from experience. Unnatural Predation is cheap for trample, or Predator's Strike is also another one of my favs. Apostle's Blessing , Dismember , Spellskite or even Mental Misstep .
More Dual lands - http://wiki.mtgsalvation.com/article/Dual_lands
steve-ohw says... #1
Wanted to make a cheap, fast B/G infect/deathtouch deck for a while now. The plan is to hammer down on the expensive decks of my friends whilst staying in the flavor of the darker sides of green and the better side of my bank account. Quick infect damag, ramped up with the Giant Growth and Might of Oaks and hopefully unblockable with help of the Champion of Lambholt should do the trick. For protection/ removal deathtouch/first strike and deathtouch/Viridian Longbow
Thought about putting 2x Asceticism and 2x Bower Passage , but decided to go for the Viridian Longbow and Gorgon Flail . They fit better flavourwise and the first ones are played quite a bit by my opponents so i'd like to come up with something different.
I'm having my doubts about the Deadly Allure , Necrobite seems to be the better option because it's an instant. I Like the Flensermite but if anyone knows a more fitting creature with the same ability's i'd be happy to hear about it. Any suggestions are welcome!
September 30, 2013 7:18 p.m.