
This is one of my pet decks that I'm constantly updating and changing. At it's core, the idea is to use Unearth effects to reanimate Ball Lightning and its cousin(s) a bunch of times. The deck started out as a way to build a Crypt Champion deck, but Unearth is just SO much better. The Grafted Wargear is also really useful on my Ball Lightnings because they're gonna die anyway, so why not give them 3 more power?

Since Faithless Looting is still banned in Modern for reasons I can't fathom (I can fathom the reasons I just think they're dumb), this deck is "casual" in that it sticks to Modern's set restrictions, but still uses Faithless Looting. One of the stars of the deck, though, turned out to be Thunderkin Awakener. This guy goes super hard in this deck, basically turning into a reusable Unearth until he dies (which is often quickly, but that's why there's 4 of him). Almost makes me want to go with a whole Elemental theme and throw in Incandescent Soulstoke and maybe Flamekin Harbinger and Nova Chaser just to take more advantage of him.

I tried to shoehorn in Dakmor Salvage but I just couldn't make it fit with such a small landbase already. I won't be adding Stinkweed Imp either because It's simply overplayed and boring. I've also tried to make Dragon's Rage Channeller work and as much as I want her to be great in this deck, she just isn't; takes her too long to get big and often just sits there doing nothing the whole game.

The deck's name came from the fact that past versions of the deck had Cosmic Larva and haste enablers like Anger in it, and I didn't feel it was appropriate to change the name as that version was also really fun.

The deck is much more consistent with creatures having haste being baked in, but I do kinda miss Cosmic Larva sometimes. C'est la guerre.


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100% Competitive

Revision 19 See all

(1 month ago)

-1 Cathartic Pyre main
-2 Kazuul's Fury  Flip main
-1 Ransack the Lab main
+3 Viashino Sandsprinter main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Folders Aggro
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