New card spoiled today "Polymorphous Rush." I'm going to change the strategy a little and use that.
April 12, 2014 2:18 p.m.
Karimzamrini says... #3
I would add in 4 Clone . Not sure if it's m15 but I'm positive it's m14
July 21, 2014 6:55 a.m.
It was just really slow when I playtested, but 2 the sideboard definitely could help against midrange decks with fatties.
Planeswalker27 says... #1
I think you should take out Satyr Wayfinder and replace him with Commune with the Gods because it goes 1 card deeper and allows you to find creatures and at 26 lands i don't think you will need help with land finding. This looks like an awesome deck please keep us posted on FNM whenever you can! Hope this helped! ;)
April 11, 2014 6:04 a.m.