I went Top 4 out of 40+ FNMers by playing my deck. (Pre-FTF)
Match 1 was Temur Enchantments? It had Savage Knuckleblade and things seen in UW Heroic, I basically responded with too many counters for him to really get going then Elsepth took over the games. I lost a game to multiple Knuckles and him returning them to his hand but otherwise, won fairly easily.
Match 2 was against Mono white Heroic, I knew i couldn't do anything to stop him from playing creatures so I let him keep the 1/2 0/4's and countered the spells he casted to target (He still triggers Heroic) and used my life as a resource to stall until I could get out the Angel. G2 I did similarly, siding in Atherspouts and Brimaz as stallers to get Elsepth online.
Match 3 I played against Mardu Token/aggro. Game 1 he just barely got there with Seeker triggers. I sided in Brimaz, Aethersprouts, Raise the Alarm, Last breath, taking out an Elspeth, Pearl Lake, and Disdainful Stroke. I countered til T6 when I could get Brimaz out and swung with him while still having blockers, He died fairly quickly after that. G3 he got really really mana screwed so I won.
Match 4 I just drew with my friend to get into top 8 as we both were one of the few 3-0 records but we played for fun til time was called. He plays jeskai Control his own homebrew with Mindswipe, Dictate of the Twin Gods, Keranos, God of Storms, and Narset, Enlightened Master. He won the first game as I drew 0 of my card draw and simply burned me to death and G2, I had too many counters for him to deal with and I got to resolve Resolute Archangel. We didn't have much time to play a 3rd but I feel it would've been in my favor as he doesn't have much that can deal with any of my wincons if they resolve.
Cut top top 8. I played against green devotion strangely enough. G1 he apparently plays 4x Mainboard Mistcutter Hydra, I deal with 3 of them and have him top decking with 4 cards in hand. There wasn't anything left for him to draw to really kill me at 6 health besides mistcutter. And he drew it. We laughed, G2 and G3 I countered and End Hostilitied everything he laid out and Elsepth did her job again.
Top 4. I play against my worst matchup, a finely tuned Temur Midrange/Aggro. Really I don't know what I could've done here. G1 he destroys me with Savage Knuckleblades and Sarkhan, and Satyrs. G2 He does the same thing except this time he sides in Stubborn Denial and Savage Knuckleblade resolves because Denial counters my counter. Then it's just game.
So ending 4-1-1 for the night.
Overally I played well and think that this deck is still very well positioned against the meta and strongly advocate it to those of you who like to play tight and think of Magic like chess, where each space matters. Really really fun! I'm glad my homebrew is working out.