Counter Everything. Twice.

Commander / EDH funkalunk

SCORE: 26 | 137 COMMENTS | 20688 VIEWS | IN 12 FOLDERS

Dake says... #1

Perhaps Augur of Bolas as well?

November 8, 2012 4:19 p.m.

pope93 says... #2

@ TheGreatSeamus My point being that a 2/4 is not a threat when it can easily be blocked , killed etc. I would never let it hit me for 1 damage 21 turns in a row. Commanders like Kresh the Bloodbraided can get huge in one turn and kill several people at once with Fling and other such effects and are actually meant to win by commander damage.

November 8, 2012 6:04 p.m.

funkalunk says... #3

I do believe you underestimate the effectiveness of Kami, and say a Voidstalker, or a Venser, or a Glen Elendra hitting every turn. Going 3 damage, 3 damage, while countering your spells wins games. Truth be told, much moreso in 1v1 than multiplayer, but not every victory is "splashy big dumb Timmy creature BWAH".

November 9, 2012 1:41 a.m.

pope93 says... #4

One does not simply counter every spell. Uncounterable Growth

November 9, 2012 10:32 a.m.

funkalunk says... #5

lol I'm sorry, is that deck supposed to win anything?

November 9, 2012 12:44 p.m.

pope93 says... #6

Well yes. I guess if you understood how it works you would realize it is the deck that makes your deck useless. You can literally do nothing to stop it and you would know that if you had actually looked at it. It's the green deck that is not affected by your counter spells and just laughs at them.

November 9, 2012 1:03 p.m.

funkalunk says... #7

Yes. Your deck has one favorable match up. Congratulations.

Now against other competitive decks? It gets trounced. Must suck having a deck that loses to all but one deck, huh?

November 9, 2012 1:07 p.m.

pope93 says... #8

It doesn't get trounced. Yes the deck is made to stand up to counter, but that doesn't mean it can only win against counter. Thrun, the Last Troll is one of the best voltron commanders because he is so hard to get rid off (tip: google "voltron mtg" since you probably don't know what that means). Also the ramp and big creatures help to win too. I think you took my comments a bit too personally. Good luck in life, I hope you learn it is too short to live it pissed off all the time.

November 9, 2012 1:16 p.m.

funkalunk says... #9

If you think "Ramp + big dudes" is a viable strategy in EDH, either your playgroup sucks or you have no idea what you're talking about lol

But no, that's cool, assume anyone who disagrees with you is pissed off. I foresee you winning any debate with your "U MAD? LOOO" skills. <3

November 9, 2012 1:23 p.m.

funkalunk says... #10

Although I do have to wonder if 93 is the year of your birth, because that would explain a ton.

November 9, 2012 1:23 p.m.

pope93 says... #11

I am gonna assume that if you think "ramp+big dudes" isn't a good strategy you must not play a lot of commander. It's pretty viable as seen by the many good decks on this site that use that strategy. I guess you think control is the only way to win or something. If you think that it means YOU don't know what your talking about. Also the people who bring up age as a factor tend to be the young ones. By my estimation you would be around 15 to 17 years old. Also if I was born in 93 that would make me almost 20 years old which is older than you act.

November 9, 2012 1:31 p.m.

funkalunk says... #12

Oh I don't deny it's a popular strategy, but most commander decks on this website are awful. This is a fact.

And control is hardly the only way to win. Once you remove the marriage in your head of "aggro" and "big dudes", we can begin to get this relationship off the ground.

Yes, if you were born in '93 you'd still be a teenager, which is very telling. I'll still indulge you in conversation, but I take anything kids say with a grain of salt. Headstrong, and all that.

November 9, 2012 1:39 p.m.

Long_Con says... #13

LOL I tune into this thread just to watch funky get into it with people.

November 9, 2012 1:48 p.m.

pope93 says... #14

True some (not most) decks on this site are awful but that can include your decks as well. Unlike you I don't stick to one archetype like "control" "aggro" etc. I was simply pointing out that aggro is a legitimate one. And you didn't deny that you weren't still in high school. An adult doesn't talk like you do but I give you credit for trying. This all started because I was trying to show you that countering EVERY SINGLE spell that someone casts is next to impossible. And doing that in a multiplayer game? You would have better luck flying to the moon on a dead cow. You WILL get tapped out, run out of counter spells, face uncounterable spells, or get overwhelmed by too many spells to counter (such as in a multiplayer game). I wasn't trying to be mean or tell you your deck sucks. I was just pointing out a fact. But since you denied it and raged I lost control of the message and this turned into a argument. Anyways I feel like I am feeding the troll, so long funkalunk.

November 9, 2012 1:56 p.m.

funkalunk says... #15

If you don't believe most decks on this site are awful we have nothing further to discuss. You have no idea how to play this game if you think Gisela EDH deck #245 is anywhere near competitive.

Would you like me to say I'm not in highschool? Ok, "I'm no longer in highschool, nor college". Oh man, worth so much right there. Glad I could sate your appetite for a compelling argument.

That all said, you're taking the name of this deck too literally. Countering every spell is an awful strategy. You play Kodama's Reach? Yeah, no shit I'll let that resolve. Have some common sense lol.Same thing in a multiplayer game. You look at this as a very linear strategy, when it is anything but.

And again, you're idea of "rage" is a very silly one. "I disagree, you see-" "RAAAAAGEEEE!!!!"

But no, that's cool, instead of admitting you're wrong call me a troll. I still win in the end. <3

November 9, 2012 2:03 p.m.

I was gonna +1 your deck. Then I saw how much of an unreasonable dick you are. Carry on.

November 19, 2012 12:09 a.m.

I find Mana Web to be an amazing card when used with counterspells. It's great against other control decks and essentially locks opponents out if they can't tap properly or effectively.

I don't think Arcane Denial is really doing you as much good as it needs to be. Giving your opponent cards to replace the ones he or she just lost isn't great, especially if it ends up costing you more resources to deal with the new cards.

I'm surprised to not see Mana Crypt , Mana Vault , and other low-cost rocks in here.

Boseiju, Who Shelters All would give you an edge against other control decks without forcing you to spend more counterspells to protect your own casts.

Also, reading the discussion on this page has made me laugh more than it probably should have.

November 19, 2012 12:10 a.m.

funkalunk says... #18

Mana Web is something I didn't consider. This is a deck that constantly fluctuates between being for multiplayer, or for being 1v1. That will definitely go in the 1v1 version.

As for Arcane Denial, it's not the counterspell I want to be using the most, but because it costs 2 (Especially with it being 1U and not UU), I find it hard to cut. It's a great card to use in a pinch, or for when I'm running low on mana deep into their turn. It also cantrips for me, which is enough for me to tolerate the inherent disadvantage of the card.

Crypt is a card I simply don't have right now, but need to get. As for Vault, I find it difficult to ever untap the thing. While the initial 3 boost is obviously important, it doesn't do enough for me mid-game, when I need pretty much everything untapped on their turn, to warrant a slot.

I had Boseiju in here for the longest time, and more often than not the life payment set me back more than the uncounterable ability put me forward. Also, I run way too many comes into play tapped lands as it is, and with only 32, that's a problem. It sucks though, because it's a card that, on paper, looks really good in this deck. But in my experience it didn't pan out.

And I'm glad someone enjoyed this thread as much as I have. ;)

November 19, 2012 9:12 a.m.

funkalunk says... #19

Oh god, Mana Web was erratad to not be target opponent? Do want!

November 19, 2012 9:14 a.m.

dethjakal says... #20

why no Mana Leak ?

November 19, 2012 9:43 a.m.

funkalunk says... #21

Leak is good 1v1, but in multiplayer EDH it often falls flat. Should I tune this deck for competitive 1v1, it'd be in there.

November 19, 2012 3:23 p.m.

Yeah, the errata for Mana Web makes it ridiculous. It ruins side event pods because nobody even knows how to handle it without tapping down and losing.

Mana Vault is certainly finicky, but I have seen some people run it to decent effect. I myself don't use it, but the option is always there.

I think you might do well with a card:Sensei's Divining Top and Tezzeret the Seeker . Top is good all around and Tezz serves as a ramp card by finding and untapping mana rocks.

November 19, 2012 3:56 p.m.

funkalunk says... #23

I run Soothsaying over the Top. Reason being is that while the Top is cheaper to activate, it only nets me 3. I very much enjoy "End of turn, activate Soothsaying for 7" or whatever it is. Short term, Top is better, but I value that late game digging much more.

As for Tezz, certainly an interesting suggestion. I think I run enough mana rocks to make him worth it. Will test.

November 19, 2012 4:11 p.m.

funkalunk says... #24

Added Tezz, dude is bangin' in this deck. :D

November 24, 2012 1:39 a.m.

crberger says... #25

Deadeye Navigator ! With Venser, Shaper Savant and Archaeomancer alone he's worth it plus maybe add a Palinchron for more infinite mana potential

November 27, 2012 11:59 p.m.

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