

Based off a Simic Domination starter deck with a few alterations.The goal is to quickly amass counters in order to strengthen weaker creatures,or beef up a creature for a KO punch!


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Made some adjustments to the deck,which performed admirably during its first playtesting at FNM,going 3-1.Of particular note were Guardians of Meletis,who provided a solid defender as well as evolution source for a paltry cost, and MVP Centaur Battlemaster,who snatched a couple of victories from the jaws of defeat; in one match he broke out into a 15/15 behemoth in a single turn thanks to a Bioshift + Vorel of the Hull Clade combo. It would seem that most of the issues the deck previously had in regards to speed and efficiency have been for the most part ironed out.

That said,I can still notice some wrinkles that could use attention.My one loss for the evening came at the hands of a black/red deck,and though I went 1-2 against it,its ability to take out my creatures before they could be buffed proved disastrous,as he was able to get a few minotaurs on the board before I had any reliable defense.Replacing Syncopate with a more reliable cancel,or adding a second Spell Rupture could be a plus.Furthermore,I need to find better options for removal,especially against enchantments.In a match against a green/white deck my attack was stalled out by a single Pacifism.Though I was able to get around it by using Ooze Flux to shift my counters,the number of turns it took to get to it would have meant defeat in most games.

All in all,though,I was pleased with the outcome,and in regards to further plans,I've considered the following:

  1. Try to pare down the deck.At the moment I stand at 68 cards,and though a few of the additions were helpful,I'm not necessarily sure they deserve a permanent place.I might consider moving a few to my sideboard.Not sure exactly which at the moment.

  2. A few conversations gave me some ideas to make the deck a very heavy hitter.In particular Kalonian Hydra came up as a great option,and I wouldn't mind adding some Master Biomancers to the mix,probably in replacement to either Murmuring Phantasm or Simic Fluxmage.Combined with Vorel of the Hull Clade and Bioshift I could have a killer combo.

As always,any advice or comments are welcome,so feel free to post.Thanks,and GLHB.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

6 - 2 Rares

16 - 7 Uncommons

24 - 6 Commons

Cards 67
Avg. CMC 2.81
Tokens Ooze X/X G
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