
PLEASE UPVOTE AND SHARE THIS DECK...It just might be the best deck I ever made and I want it to become something.

This little Darling is a deck like no other, one of a kind and quite the fast pace counter spammer. Not to mention the worlds FIRST Gruul Mill deck! That's right, you heard me! Green and red MILL!....ok...the mill thing is just one combo, but it's RIDICULOUSLY easy to do here and really, it should be your first goal. Just make sure you have a lot of six sided dice with you when you play this deck-because YOU'LL NEED EM', HA-HA-HAAAA! So, Below in the Basic Focus of the deck you will find what this deck does and what it aims to achieve at and HOW! So stay tuned and keep reading my friends!

Grumgully, the Generous is out on the field, You play something with the persist ability and spam it to a Sac Engine and then win the game. Of course, this is merely an endgame and your first priority. When you sac a Persist Creature with Grummy out on the field his +1+1 counter will negate the Persist Ability's -1-1 Counter which means your creatures become IMMORTAL! Alternatively, you can spam critters with +1+1 counters and just attack your opponents to death with creatures buffed by grumgully and proliferate. So, first thing is first is that we want Grummy out on the field before your other creatures, and then you play creatures and wait for those sac engines to come out or try searching for them.

You can just build up a small group of small and powerful creatures. Also to note, you can see that this deck has a bit of creature token generation as well. Other than an infinite sac engines this deck has no other infinite combos or combos to speak of. It's rather simple right now. So, having grumgully and Woodfall Primus out basically means you win the game if you have a way to sac it like the Ashnod's Altar or Altar of Dementia. Something important to note is that the Goblin Engineer that is in this deck is very useful for sac'ing an mana rock or some other artifact for the Altar of Dementia which should be your ideal sac engine since it is HILARIOUS to watch as your opponents are commander...BY GRUUL! This is a Gruul Mill Deck...potentially anyway. I mean, You really don't even need the sac engine to win all the time it just helps.

So, the sum it all up, this deck is all about using Grumgully's counter ability as well as cards like Doubling Season to get MORE out of creatures, spells and token generator cards to make them viable to play. Cards like Dragon Fodder are terrible and will NEVER make an impact on the field. Why play that when you can play something that is know...good? You know...that will actually win games instead of throw up some useless blockers that don't do anything? Even if you had double that amount and 4 1/1 creature tokens it won't do anything. So cards like Siege-Gang Commander are just wastes of space unless you are playing some vanilla mono red goblin with Krenko as your Commander....Unless you are getting 2/2's for that same mana. THAT is where a lot of the REAL magic happens with Grumgully as your commander. Not JUST having a means to Sac Engine Spam Persist Creatures, BUT!, To MAXIMIZE and "enhance" the potential of other spells that otherwise would be minimal impact on the field or no impact at all.

So, instead of getting two 1/1 goblins for two mana, suddenly you have two bears for two mana..TWO BEARS FOR TWO MANA....IS INSANE! Siege-Gang Commander now puts out THREE bears for his same mana cost and with the little bit of proliferate in this deck, you are not just "pumping them with a giant growth" or whatever, you can continuously increase their size! So, creatures who come into play and make other creatures when they hit the battle field are Amazing in this deck. Just imagine how much more useful and expensive Siege-Gang Commander would be if those actually were 2/2 creature tokens instead of just 1/1's, he would be a lot more sought after for not just goblin decks but lots of other stuff too. Not to mention HE gets a counter too! So. Siege-Gang Commander plus grumgully and Doubling Season equals SIX 3/3 creatures and two counters on the commander for the same mana. This is, of course, if you are a little later in the game and haven't found a persist creature with a sac engine which means even without the sac engine persist thing going on. Your opponent is spending resources to get rid of your infinite combo, but is now quickly getting stuck staring down an army of beefed up minions.

So, even if you do not have your sac engines out, you can still at least put up a good fight with a variety of creatures that can continue to get slowly stronger and defend yourself and even, win the game.


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98% Casual


Revision 24 See all

(9 months ago)

+1 Bristly Bill, Spine Sower maybe
+1 Esika's Chariot maybe
+1 Goldvein Hydra maybe
+1 Primal Vigor maybe
+1 Railway Brawler maybe
+1 Renata, Called to the Hunt maybe
+1 Scute Swarm maybe
+1 Splinter Twin maybe
+1 Wrenn and Seven maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 5 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 99
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens 2/2 C Artifact Creature Spawn, Beast 3/3 G, Forest Dryad 1/1 G, Goblin 1/1 R, Saproling 1/1 G, Spider 1/2 G, Squirrel 1/1 G
Folders uncommon commanders, commander, EDH, Cool EDH Decks
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