Counter Spell Mono Blue

Unknown* mklump


crimsomjoe says... #1

very nice deck! +1

January 24, 2014 4:42 p.m.

mklump says... #2

Thank you much, thank you so much!Would you like to play a game for a round or two?I guess what I am trying to figure out at this point is how do I play this deck online?My feelings are that you my friend crimsomjoe probably live in a very different location from Hillsboro, Oregon...-mklump

January 24, 2014 7:52 p.m.

crimsomjoe says... #3

That is a great honor but I live in Sao Paul- Brazil I don't know how to play online too but if you find a way (not involving spending money) I'll gladily play with you :)

January 25, 2014 8:01 a.m.

Kozelek says... #4

As far as i know Common Courtesy is not leagal in ANY format. I do not like the X4 of each card that totally messes up what EDH is all about so it is (in my mind) not EDH but rather a 100 card vintage deck! That said you need to add Ertai, Wizard Adept

January 28, 2014 7:33 a.m.

So I don't understand what this deck is doing. EDH is a singleton format, you can only have one of each card except for basic lands. Even if that rule isn't listed on WotC's website, it is still implied. Panoptic Mirror is on the banned list and any card from an Un-set is not typically allowed in a deck.

January 28, 2014 12:13 p.m.

Kozelek says... #6

Ok yea i just went and re looked and if you notice on that page it says that it is based on the offline version and gives the link to the rulles so you still need to fallow the regular rulles dude, this is NOT EDH it is a 100 card vintage deck

January 28, 2014 5:13 p.m.

I also looked in the complete rules and it states the commander deck is made with 99 cards and the commander, all of which do not have the same english name except for basic lands.

January 28, 2014 6:12 p.m.

mklump says... #8

@[Kozelek], and @[Smith_and_Tonic]I will be perfect clear again with you both because I see both of you are having trouble reading my first post.This deck will stay EDH compliant with the exception of the IDC rule #6 that says you must only have one type of each card in your deck.If you look again, my list of cards included in my blue control deck complete checkout excluding the cards not a part of my main deck, and excluding a side board.I will not dismember this this deck because you have a problem with this deck using more than one counter spell or more than one creature in the deck.This deck shall remain nonsingleton, as all my Commander decks do to increase drawing a spell of the same name thereby increasing the possibility of a known card combination, and still remain EDH cardlist compliant.Of course you can play somewhere else, and cease and desist commenting here since you obviously have a problem with this explicit expulsion of the singleton deck construction rule from the rest of the otherwise valid EDH Commander MTG play format.Thank you for your consideration of playing the EDH Commander format minus the singleton deck construction rule.Please take good care, all of you!-mklump

May 13, 2014 10:49 p.m.

Kozelek says... #9


May 13, 2014 11 p.m.

mklump says... #10

We shall see who can dictate here.
Presently, It looks like this deck builder is saying I have two illegal card [Panoptic Mirror] and also [Common Courtesy], and that there are no legal formats (we'll see about that without being casual play).
Clearly you have a problem with this also, and want to fight about it.
So do you really want to do something that stupid, and start fighting about it?
I will choose my own EDH Command decks as nonsingleton, and substitute the two cards that don't work, but so far in this type of a control blue deck, there really is no better choice for those presently for those two to achieve a permission lock down in the color blue.

May 13, 2014 11:10 p.m.

Kozelek says... #11

Removed by yeaGO!

May 13, 2014 11:23 p.m.

Megalomania says... #12

Naming a frog Cow doesn't make it a cow.

May 14, 2014 2:24 a.m.

mklump says... #13

Your singleton law is hereby overturned for all EDH Commander decks posted here.

By order of my authority that does not include your opinions to the contrary:
The new format is EDH Commander minus the Singleton Law.

Take that you Fanatics!

May 14, 2014 2:58 a.m.

Megalomania says... #14

Meh.. Still not buying it.

May 14, 2014 3:57 a.m.

mklump says... #15

Oh really? And who shall have the last word?

You do not command what I write, nor do any of you have authority here.

The Ruling stands that the Singleton Law is hereby eliminated, and the rest of the EDH Commander format for this posting profile is allowed to remain including these decks that have four of one type card excluding basic lands.

The fact remains, there is nothing you can say nor anyone else to change this except for yeaGO who is the sight moderator. He can do what he wishes with his website.

Maybe someday you can say the same as the moderator of your own website.

That being said AS the final word, you can go comment somewhere else.

May 14, 2014 4:46 a.m.

Megalomania says... #16

I have a better idea. Instead of stopping at four cards, why don't you make it eight? Drop the 4 Mana Leaks and use 8 Mana Drains instead. Hell, why stop at eight? Drop the 4 Counterspells and use 12 Mana Drains. That ought to ensure "the robustness of truely limitless possibilities of card combinations" is not hampered. LOL.

May 14, 2014 4:56 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #17

I just have one point to make here.

The format tag is a way to show other players what the deck is designed to do and what help you expect in the comments. By labeling this as EDH you are inevitably are going to get people calling you out for illegal construction as per the rules set down by the EDH gurus at MTGCommander. You would be better suited to label this as "Casual" since I know of no where that would let you play this at any commander event since you not only are choosing to ignore the singleton rule, you also have 2 sets of cards that are banned from the format. If you don't care that's fine but by inappropriately labeling a deck you can't expect people to not comment on it, and when they do, coming off as hostile doesn't help your case.

Either way, have a good day.

May 14, 2014 8:25 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #18

It is just a joke deck guys. Not a big deal. I have a couple myself. They are fun.

May 22, 2014 8:18 p.m.

mklump says... #19

Your so called joke decks are hereby eliminated.Only EDH Commnander decks minus the singleton law and adding a four identical copies per card limit will be acknowledged as actual EDH Commander compliant based on those modifications.We call it EDH Commander Modified Limit.If you still have a problem with it, then go such a rotten egg and get sick, go take a hike long walk off a short pier, etc.I.E. Got Lost!Sincerely,-mklump

April 23, 2015 2:22 a.m.

Megalomania says... #20

Nice casual deck. I'd change the commander to Storm Crow

April 23, 2015 5:09 p.m.

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