I have had a standard counterburn deck for a little while now (fun, cheap, but not super competitive), and I got lucky and cracked a Thought-Knot Seer and a Reality Smasher after my last draft. That got me wondering if they might help me make a better counterburn deck. This is based on the forthcoming rotation of Khans and Fate, as I don't get to play much standard.
This is cobbled together from pieces I have, except Sphinx of the Final Word (about 1.50 on TCGplayer). I probably should also pick up a couple more Radiant Flames, since it's a bulk rare and running off-color pain lands for the Eldrazi will help me cast it for full value.
While I like Scatter and it works well in the blue-white awaken control deck that I usually use, I'm suspecting I might want to switch to Void Shatter for this deck (not sure I see myself awakening lands). I'm also wondering if, for this deck, I want to try trading down the Thought-Knot Seer for another Reality Smasher, since counterspells can turn Smasher's ability into multiple two-for-ones. Also not sure if I want to keep Molten Vortex in the main deck--I need to get a decent amount of mana out for my X spells and to protect my finishers, and there seem to be a lot of three-toughness creatures running around right now, so perhaps it would be better in general to have higher-impact removal, and move the Vortices to the sideboard for atarka red.
I also don't love running comparative analysis, but I wanted some cheaper card draw with Dig and Cruise going away.
I welcome any thoughts.