
Casual* Heradel


Blakkhand says... #1

You can't have more than 4x of any card that is not a basic land. Thus, you will have to reduce your count of Simic Guildgate from 7 to 4.

September 4, 2013 1:01 p.m.

HarbingerJK says... #2

Yeah, what Blakkhand said, and also you don't want to have so many 1-ofs. This deck is mostly 1-ofs. Having so many single copies of cards will may the deck draw inconsistently, and a good deck is a consistent deck, my friend. So pick the cards you think make the deck stronger and increase their numbers to 3x or 4x as well as any cards that work well with them.

September 4, 2013 1:04 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #3

Ignore the legacy legal only thing, that happens when you run M14 cards.

Also, to go against graveyard abilities, I suggest running Rest in Peace , Relic of Progenitus and Grafdigger's Cage .

September 4, 2013 1:32 p.m.

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