Counting The Ways To Win (AER Standard)

Standard* michael921


michael921 says... #1

The current largest issue with this deck is the 5 mana sweepers also being printed in standard. I don't have many tools to recover after a boardwipe, and I need to fix this.

September 16, 2016 4:52 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #2

Well maybe try and add Transgress the Mind in the deck mainboard over Bone Splinters?

September 18, 2016 10:51 p.m.

michael921 says... #3

Delta-117, thank you for your help! I was in fact looking at replacing Bone Splinters, and Transgress the Mind helps as a removal spell and a anti-board wipe! Thank you!

September 18, 2016 11:01 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #4

I was in fact just about to suggest Murder right now as well, it's more useful.

September 18, 2016 11:04 p.m.

michael921 says... #5

I'm already ahead of you Delta-117 :P I already swapped the Dark Salvation for Murder. If you get the chance to playtest, let me know how it goes!

September 18, 2016 11:11 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #6

Cultivator of Blades and or Verdurous Gearhulk might be useful in this.

There's always Soul Swallower, Tireless Tracker and Nissa, Vital Force too.

If you ever do up a sideboard, Blossoming Defense will go well for it!

Angel of Invention would do well in here if you ever decide to add white as well.

September 18, 2016 11:13 p.m.

clayperce says... #7

For Fumigate, maybe some Lost Legacy and Rush of Vitality in the Sideboard?

September 19, 2016 1:29 p.m.

clayperce says... #8

Also, have you looked at Vessel of Nascency in the one-drop slot? It makes Grim Flayer even better of course, but also gives you a chance to dig for "just the right card".

September 19, 2016 1:51 p.m. Edited.

Xerxez says... #9

Am I the only person that enjoys Second Harvest or have others simply forgotten it. I find it great for tokens decks. Used it in my investigate deck and will probably use it in my deck for this set.

September 19, 2016 10:25 p.m.

Rexapex says... #10

I don't understand Blisterpods or Sylvan Advocates purpose in here but I like where the rest is headed. Cryptolith Rite is going to drop some huge Endless Ones tapping those plants and servo creatures. Two Animation Module is probably enough. Seeing 3 or 4 is going to hurt your chances I think. Ishkanah, Grafwidow will be easy for you to get to for more value than Advocate or Grim Flayer in your midrange speed.

September 21, 2016 10:43 a.m.

michael921 says... #11

First of all, thank you to Rexapex, clayperce, Xerxez, and Delta-117! Your suggestions really do mean a lot, and I'm going to give my input on each of them, so that we can discuss the viability of each card and what cards to potentially take out in their stead.

  • Angel of Invention I think is not a card that is currently worth running. The fact that the card has two white pips would skewe my entire mana base, and the effect is akin to playing a Nissa, Voice of Zendikar and -2. The angel is probably better after a board wipe, but I feel that the damage to my mana is enough to make the card not worthwhile.
  • Nissa, Vital Force is another card that I believe to be very strong, but this deck is not the correct one for the card. Having the Nissa type makes it conflict with Voice of Zendikar, and Vital Force doesn't interact with tokens or +1/+1 counters, which this deck is built around.
  • Blossoming Defense is a very strong potential for my sideboard, but I will have to see how many slots I can dedicate to a counterspell/pump spell.
  • Lost Legacy is almost guarenteed to be in my sideboard, as it's almost a better Infinite Obliteration, which I was running in the previous standard.
  • Rush of Vitality is another potential sideboard card for the indestructible effect, but I think that having hand attack and Lost Legacy would provide nearly the same effect.
  • Tireless Tracker was one of the cards I cut last in my list to get it down to 60 cards. This card is very short on my list of potentail includes, but I cut it for a couple reasons. First, my 3 drop slot is allready pretty crowded. In addition, in order to get a servo out of the tracker, I have to pay three mana, 2 for the clue and 1 for the servo. Also, I don't have that many lands in my list. With only 22 land, a large amount of my mana comes from my tokens and Cryptolith Rite. However, if there is a card that should be replaced, let me know!
  • Verdurous Gearhulk is undeniably a very powerful card. However, the main drawback in the deck right now is that it costs five mana. The same can be said for Cultivator of Blades. I'm very conscious of Reflector Mage's strength and niether of those two cards stand very well to a reflector mage. I think that the cultivator of blades has a less impactful ETB effect, so the Gearhulk is farther up on my list of heavy potentialls.
  • Second Harvest... I had actually forgotten about this card, and am now heavily considering it. It would increase the speed at which I can flood the board, but I'm not sure what card I would replace for it. Thoughts?
  • Ishkanah, Grafwidow was an early consederation for the deck, but because of how little I am pushing toward delirium, I do not think that the card is necisarily worth it. Without getting the extra three tokens, much of the strength of the card leaves, especially in the face of Reflector Mage. I do have the Grim Flayer, but I'm using that card more for the card advantage and the trample effect.
  • Vessel of Nascency has a similar issue in my mind to Ishkanah. They both help with delirium, which I am not particularly pushing toward, and the vessel costs a total of 3 mana to get the effect. However, the card advantage might be worth more than I'm seeing. Thoughts?

Rexapex, when card choices are finalized a bit more, I'll be updating the description with the effect of each card, but here are my thoughts on Blisterpod and Sylvan Advocate. The Blisterpod is a hedge against sweepers, and against aggro decks. It provides two chump blockers, leaves a body after a sweeper, and can also be used as a source of mana with a Cryptolith Rite. The Sylvan Advocate is here to be used as both a source of pressure and defence. The vigilance allows any +1/+1 counters to be used offensively and defensively, as well as being a source of mana after attackers thanks to Cryptolith Rite. Finally, the reason I currently have 4 Animation Modules is for consistancy. The ability to flood the board with tokens is so valuable to my deck that I always want to have at least one of the effect. In addition, enchantment and artifact removal will be increasing in standard, so the ability to have multiple copies in case one is destroyed is highly valuable.


September 21, 2016 1:23 p.m.

Rexapex says... #12

Is this what playing on the perfect curve looks like? Edit:Holy crap, the servos are free with Cryptolith! I like it.

T1 Blisterpod

T2 Sylvan Advocate

T3 Cryptolith Rite, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, and Animation Module

T4 (7 mana) -2 Nissa and buy 3 servos, still have 7 mana, Here I think Verdurous Gearhulk and buy 2 or 3 more servos depending on how those triggers stack is the pure aggro move.

T5 Swing with half, tap for servos with the other half, tap new servos for mana. Play Endless One for a lot and buy a servo.

Drawing Drana or Cryptolith to start might be mandatory. I like Blisterpod for the ramp it offers now if you miss Cryptolith.

September 21, 2016 3:20 p.m.

Rexapex says... #13

Crap, none of that is true because they only gain the ability to tap themselves. Stupid fine print.

September 21, 2016 3:29 p.m.

Xerxez says... #14

Personally, I would drop the judge. You're worried about decking yourself with him, so if you get second harvest instead, your will have crazy tokens instead.

September 21, 2016 3:42 p.m.

Odyssey says... #15

Your main vulnerability (to board wipes and removal heavy decks) will persist unless you add white to the deck (mainly for Selfless Spirit). That said, I don't think it's worth it to splash white just for this one card. There are quite a few fabricate cards in white that are worth exploring, however, so the splash is potentially worth it if you find strong enough synergies there.

The deck presently seems somewhere between an aggro and a midrange deck. A true midrange deck would be able to play out only one or two important threats to avoid overextending, and a true aggro deck would be fast enough to deal significant damage before 5 mana board wipes became a serious problem. My initial gut feeling from just looking at the list is that the synergies here aren't enough to compensate for either of those disadvantages, but I haven't tested it so I can't be entirely sure.

Card-specific thoughts Show

Overall I like it. I think it has potential and I definitely wouldn't have thought that a deck like this would be possible in the new standard. Good luck testing =)

September 21, 2016 4:39 p.m.

Xerxez says... #16

I do like most of the concept here. I also was looking into making a tokens deck, if you have the time could you check it out and give me some feedback? Bant Tokens

September 21, 2016 8:38 p.m.

michael921 says... #17

Odyssey, I think you might have read Lost Legacy a little bit wrong. The only time that the opponent actually draws cards is if you exile cards that they have in their hand. That being said, you do have fair points about its potential viability. I also think that Fretwork Colony is not actually a card to consider for this deck. The card is great on turn two, but becomes an abysmall top deck in the later game, and also really hurts to get Reflector Mage'd after a couple turns of putting counters on. I will will be testing with both Syndicate Trafficker and Tireless Tracker though! Thank you as always for your massively insightfull and helpful commentary!

Rexapex as I'm sure you've figured out, Cryptolith Rite means that the creater must not be summoning sick in order to tap for mana. Earthcraft however....

Xerxez, I will take a look at your deck when I can, but with how heavy my homework load is, I'm not sure quite when that will be. As for the Armorcraft Judge, I will be testing with replacing him with Tireless Tracker as well as having him and the tracker. They currently fill similar slots, but the tracker might end up having more synergy overall.

I think that Grim Flayer is a stronger card in this deck currently than Sylvan Advocate, due to the trample and card advantage, so I will be testing without the advocate but keep the flayer, as well as the other way around, and figure out which works better. My initial hesitation with the Syndicate Trafficker was the idea that his ability was kind of dead unless the deck was firing on all cylinders, as I don't have any artifacts outside of the Animation Module, but adding the Tireless Tracker does help the trafficer out a lot.

Thank you to all for your input and suggestions!

September 26, 2016 12:05 a.m.

Red_X says... #18

You are saying think flayer is awkward, what about Smuggler's Copter? It trades flayer's trample for evasion, changes milling card selection for filtering, and is a 3/3 instead of sometimes a 2/2 and sometimes a 4/4. The only problem is crewing it, but your servos and blisterpods were born for that. Plus, it survives board wipes.

September 26, 2016 12:24 a.m.

Odyssey says... #19

Yeah I misread Lost Legacy, thanks for the correction. Damn small text. It's still not impressive to be honest. Pick the Brain always felt rather tame even when I cast it with delirium, and you were guaranteed to hit a card with it as well (assuming they didn't have all lands). I'm still not a fan of giving up 3 mana at sorcery speed to potentially cycle for them one or more times. Infinite Obliteration was decent because it could actually break even on card parity if you timed it well (big mana decks tend to cast their big threats on a predictable schedule). This card will always put you down a card no matter what you hit. If there is a deck that plays big threats that turns out to be a very bad matchup for this deck, I could see a Lost Legacy or two in the side, but I still would rather rely on other discard options since those will also be useful against many types of decks (such as control). Emerge decks are a potential bad matchup for you since Kozilek's Return wipes your board very efficiently, and you don't want to spend your limited removal on a creature like Filigree Familiar, typically. So discard taking their threat is better, but Transgress the Mind and Harsh Scrutiny are just more efficient for that task.

September 26, 2016 10:46 a.m.

michael921 says... #20

As I initially thought, Tireless Tracker has performed rather lackluster for me in this deck. With only 22 land in the deck, I would often times only be getting one or two triggers off of the tracker, but oftentimes zero. At that point, the tracker is just a 3/2 for three and doesn't even create that much synergy with the deck, becuase I'm simply not generating enough clues with them.

Syndicate Trafficker currently works alright with the deck. The issue with him is that I'm not generating any artifacts unless I start with getting counters on other permanents, with an Animation Module on the battlefield. This is not ideal for the trafficker, but when those two conditions are met, he is quite solid. A potential solution for this card is having more reliable artifact generation, which I had hoped would come from the Tireless Tracker, but that card is failing to perform on that front. A potential solution to this would be cards like Weaponcraft Enthusiast, who provides tokens or +1/+1 counters, and is one of the cheapest fabricate cards. Another potential is Kujar Seedsculptor or Obsessive Skinner, as they are another 2 mana +1/+1 counter payoff, and the skinner could be repeatable if I focus more on a delirium focus like Higg's Deck on StarCityGames.

Red_X, I will try Smuggler's Copter as another potential two drop for this deck. Thank you for your recommendation!

Any thoughts on this Odyssey?

September 30, 2016 4:54 p.m.

Odyssey says... #21

Tracker is only a reliable value creature in a 24+ land deck. With 22 you won't always be able to play him on turn 4 with a land in hand.

September 30, 2016 5:27 p.m.

clayperce says... #22

I finally got a chance to do some playtesting with the deck and I must say, it's extremely sweet. I ran it against Mirrorwing, Energized (KLD) 5x without sideboarding. Here are some thoughts, in no particular order ...

The record doesn't really matter, since I'm certain I wasn't playing your deck optimally. But for the record, it was 2-3.

  • You deck slaughtered mine in Game 1. Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter was probably MVP, creating a 3/3 and then a 4/4 at a critical point, which allowed Drana to just go off. Ouch.
  • Game 3 was an interesting grindfest. My deck got mana-flooded and yours was mana-screwed, but your deck pulled off the win. Syndicate Trafficker was MVP, sneaking in for 3 just enough times.
  • Games 2, 4, and 5 were pretty close, and both decks got to Do Things. Mine was just a little faster and a little bigger though.

So here are some thoughts, in no particular order:

  • I get it on Grim Flayer now. What a great card.
  • I think Pulse of Murasa is good sideboard tech against my deck. I suspect decks will be leaning more Aggro early in the format, so you might actually consider mainboarding it until the meta invariably shifts to Control. Or maybe just add another one in the sideboard, becuase you're REALLY going to want it.
  • Depending on just how fast Kaladesh Aggro is, Zulaport Cutthroat or something like him might actually be a better sideboard (or mainboard, depending) than Pulse. The recursion from Pulse is great of course, but CMC 3 for 6 life may be overkill. Against my deck anyways, just one or two points more life would have made all the difference.
  • I think you'll probably want more Flyerhate on the sideboard. The deck has Drana of course, but she's only a three-of and since she's Legendary she can only stop one thing. I personally like Clip Wings for Creatures with Indestructible, and Vines of the Recluse/Aim High for everything else. Though Take Down and Tears of Valakut are good too.
  • You might consider Appetite for the Unnatural instead of Natural State for the sideboard. I expect some hefty Vehicles and Artifact Creatures will need killin'. And of course if Eldrazi Marvel become the Big Deal everyone seems to expect, you'll need to kill Aetherworks Marvel too.
  • Either way, we will probably still see a bunch of Emrakul and Ulamog. Not sure how to avoid or kill them in BG, but you may want some of that too.

I'll let you know if I think of anything else. Until then, happy brewing and draw well!

September 30, 2016 11:36 p.m.

clayperce says... #23

Thinking about other three-drop options for Tireless Tracker ...

Have you looked at Fairgrounds Trumpeter? You have enough Instant-speed +1/+1 Counter effects that I think you could reasonably add counters on it on your Opponents' End Steps too. May be worth a look, at least.

Plus you could make Elephant trumpet noises whenever you added a counter. :-D

October 1, 2016 10:55 a.m.

Cheezy_ says... #24

cant go wrong with sylvan advocate.

October 3, 2016 9:08 p.m.

ulmo says... #25

I'd recommend replacing Murder with Collective Brutality.

Collective Brutality's discard mode would be able to nab Fumigate, the -2/-2 interacts well with Grasp of Darkness and discarding cards will turn Grim Flayer on quicker.

What do you think?

October 3, 2016 9:27 p.m.

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