Standard WARPOPE

SCORE: 117 | 149 COMMENTS | 11298 VIEWS | IN 31 FOLDERS

WARPOPE says... #1

Glimpse is cast on the entire field triggering my heroes and leaving them open at the end of their turn. Icy blast would be counter productive. Thaumaturge only effects instant and sorceries. I wanna stay away from creatures above 2 cmc for tethmos heroic and the overall mana base. Feat or resistance cost w h thaumaturge out effectively making it more useful to me in this build. Sage more often combined with glimpse results in 2 turns of combat without defenders and more often than not lethal damage

October 26, 2014 7:11 p.m.

SandwichMan007 says... #2

This deck is so great, I wanted to build one of my own! Unfortunately I'm not in the standard game, but this deck sparked me to build a standard deck! If I could, I would give you all the upvotes, but I'll give you one :D

October 26, 2014 8:35 p.m.

ceji3 says... #3

Less forest, just slightly less. More island. Seriously, you want to look a the pie chart, and also think which needs for colors of a mana up at a time, for instance, u u for a Dissolve or a lot of green for Setessan Tactics strive.

Personally, i would trim out one of the 1x instants you have for an island, as those instants aren't very helpful, and half the spells you can cast cost blue. Flooded strand and windswept heath will only be able to search for plains after a turn or two, so definitely change around the way you have your mana, if you don't want to add more. For instance, cut 2x Mana Confluence for 2x island, or 1x island, 1x forest. You don't have to but the fetches can't hit a Mana Confluence .

October 26, 2014 8:37 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #4

Thank you for your review i applied some of your suggestions.

October 26, 2014 8:55 p.m.

nothingexpert says... #5

I found this deck to be extremely fun to playtest, although I felt a bit powerless in terms of reacting to what the opponent might do to stifle my progress.

October 26, 2014 11:46 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #6

As I've now evolved it get out second turn must remove creature. Offer it protection with feat of resistance or let them destroy it. Get tethmos on the field and offer home protection from removal returning and beefing up the army your remassing from your graveyard while triggering heroic by targeting him with one of many protection spells.

October 26, 2014 11:56 p.m.

Ballzanya says... #7

maybe you could add an Incremental Growth or two? Ajani, Mentor of Heroes helps put counters on your Sage of Hours as well.

October 27, 2014 12:31 a.m.

WARPOPE says... #8

Ajani's a bit beyond my mana curve I'm comfortable seeing 3 land in a game incremental growth is amazing with thaumaturge. But I'm rolling more so with an instant speed protection Angle letting hardened scales do the work for me.

October 27, 2014 12:41 a.m.

Kamen21 says... #9

Phalanx Leader SO good. A monster of a card in a time when counters mean SOO many options! I want to see this deck take some of the Jeski and Abzhan that have had a choke hold on standard lately. +1 quality decksmithing

October 27, 2014 2:28 a.m.

intGod says... #10

Hi. It's a very nice concept, but you should increase the aqueous form to break through deadlock situations, or find a way to give your guys trample ability. Sure, it's impressive to have 10/10 by round 3, but when facing a hornet's nest, you're sort of done for.

I would also remove the Battlefield Thaumaturge and focus more on the phalanx since that is the one that really pumps out the counters, together with the hardened scales. I would dump the Glimpse the Sun God for more Aqueous Form . Also, the Sage of Hours is a fun guy, but it's also a waste of counters imho - it becomes a 1/1 again after your remove 5 counters!

I also playtested your deck and you seem to consistently lack one type of mana. I would 1 Mana Confluence by Yavimaya Coast because the Mana confluence will hit you even when you want colorless mana.

But as I said in the beginning, you need a way to deal with deadlocks. Also, while playtesting, I often found myself with only 2 or 3 creatures out after 5 turns, which was not comfortable.

October 27, 2014 2:35 a.m.

I like the sage of hours concept, i wanted to run a w/b aggro with him but only have 1, and no one locally has any.

Seeker is one of the best additions to standard 2 cmc imo, glad to see him and phalanx in this deck.

Thought about fabled hero at all? Other then that good deck! +1

October 27, 2014 10:12 a.m.

punster says... #12

You might also be able to throw in some Triton Tactics to reduce damage coming to you after a successful swingout. It also triggers heroics for one mana so it can be used aggressively in a pinch.

October 27, 2014 2:22 p.m.

kyjellyfish says... #13

loads of fun to play +1! have you thought about running Launch the Fleet or Spear of Heliod to help keep guys on the field it will still trigger prowess and give you the option to get rid of something that deals damage to you. Don't know what I'd take out to put that in but I think it could help give this build a bit more staying power.

October 27, 2014 2:52 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #14

With the amount of protection spells I generally operate with 1 plains untapped as they learn to be fearful of a gods willing or a glimpse or feat of resistance or presence I can't think of what id remove or replace for Triton.

October 27, 2014 3:41 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #15

Launch the fleet is great and I ran 3 but the sorcery speed and lack of token support pushed orbit the decklist as far as The spear I'm not sure possibly a 1 of thank you!

October 27, 2014 4 p.m.

kyjellyfish says... #16

how about a couple Military Intelligence to help keep cards in your hand? it will trigger your prowess when it's cast and your deck does seem pretty aggro. plus you get to draw the card at the time of declaring attackers so if you run in to a Glimpse the Sun God and still have the 1W available you can cast that as well before attackers are declared. The only trouble I had play testing this deck was always waiting to draw more cards and only having Ordeal of Thassa to hope to draw, made it stall out around turn 5 or 6. Which would be crucial for someone that was able to withstand the initial attack. anyways hope that helps, please check out my BU standard deck and offer any suggestions you might have.

October 27, 2014 4:06 p.m.

kyjellyfish says... #17

sorry I meant defenders.

October 27, 2014 4:08 p.m.

catmanjan says... #18

Why not more Solidarity of Heroes ?

T1: Hardened Scales

T2: Sage of Hours

T3: Solidarity of Heroes , swing for 6, take an extra turn!

October 27, 2014 6:12 p.m.

mtgMadness96 says... #19

This deck seems pretty cool, although you have a bunch of 1 and 2 ofs in instants and sorceries. I think you should consider narrowing your choice of spells down to make things more consistent. I think Setessan Tactics could be taken out to make room for more Phalanx Formation or Glimpse the Sun God

October 27, 2014 10:59 p.m.

Subject134127 says... #20

I think 4 Sage of Hours, while it's a great card, might be a bit over-kill. I'd probably run more Ajani's Presence to protect your precious counters (on your precious creatures), or get some Triton Tactics in (1 mana for 2 heroic triggers and extra early game defense is great).

For the rest it's totally worth its score ;)

Could you take a look at my Modern hornet nest / soul warden deck?

Sting Operation // Soul Insect Tokens Playtest

Modern* Subject134127


October 28, 2014 7:21 a.m.

varygoode says... #21

My biggest issues with playing this deck are mana and losing life to get mana. I feel like getting 1-3 more lands in there that give me blue and white or white and green would help so much. No idea what to take out now, though. Maybe drop Military Intelligence for some lifegain lands like Blossoming Sands and/or Tranquil Cove ? Those Mana Confluence s really hurt!

October 28, 2014 11:28 a.m.

WARPOPE says... #22

the land here does hurt I did my best to compensate by cramming as many seekers in here as I could fit in hopes of making up that life lost. in the budget version I originally did I ran 2 sets of the lifegain lands with pridemates and seekers but ultimately I felt it was too slow I was also playing 8 one drops ill have to give it some careful consideration as you said its a bit of a challenge to get the mana I need while keeping the life above 10.

October 28, 2014 11:42 a.m.

I was thinking... what if you threw in a 3-of Launch the Fleet ? With Battlefield Thaumaturge your generating free dudes off of your other dudes for free! Plus a heroic trigger can be used as a great game ender.

October 28, 2014 8:05 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #24

Timewalk: 8 comments Launch the fleet is great and I ran 3 but the sorcery speed and lack of token support pushed it off the decklist. Bile blight rich environment top many token answers for a different thaumaturge deck. HEROICHOOVER:returnoftheJESKAI.

October 28, 2014 9:03 p.m.

scholar says... #25

@hateindigital, what's the general strategy of this deck and how do you play it and utilize your cards? I haven't played standard for a couple of years and looking to get back into it. This might be the deck to help me do that if I can understand what you got going on here. Thanks

October 29, 2014 4:19 a.m.

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