Cowl Of The Dark Knight

Casual Jokernaught


Almost like an esper utility belt for a deck!

Mill and control, exile, the only thing you're missing is something to copy something. Phyrexian Metamorph ?

July 24, 2012 12:23 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #2

Utility belt? I like the sound of that. It is the type of deck to have the answers and not the questions. And is 100% tool.

I do have copy which is Rite of Replication and Mirrorweave . but Phyrexian Metamorph is bounce able

July 24, 2012 2:54 p.m.

oh that's right, and you can make 5 of them if you kick it! nice

July 24, 2012 5:21 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #4

Yeah though I might include some Flicker effects becasue I have a bit of ETB and if I do I will consider adding Phyrexian Metamorph

July 24, 2012 7:48 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #5

if your looking for ways to copy nemisis of reason there is Followed Footsteps too.

August 10, 2012 3:18 a.m.

Jokernaught says... #6

I missed that. What you suggest to take out to make room for it? Or should I just hold off on it?

August 10, 2012 3:20 a.m.

Jokernaught says... #7

I missed that. What you suggest to take out to make room for it? Or should I just hold off on it?

August 10, 2012 3:20 a.m.

eze01 says... #8

If you are looking for things to cut I would concentrate on things that only mill a limited number of cards from a target opponent such as Memory Sluice .

It also seems like many of your control option slots are filled with remove target card from graveyard. If your buddies are manipulating the graveyard consistently that is great but in matches where they are going to try and kill you without that, those cards are dead draws. I would suggest cutting some of these cards for something like Oblivion Ring or even Doom Blade depending on what kinds of threats you are seeing. black white and blue have so many control options that you can really do anything with these slots. Excommunicate with mill is also very effective.

To replace the remove from graveyard cards you might have just cut swap out 4 swamps for Bojuka Bog . I am a huge fan of the Ravinica Bounce Lands and use them in most of my multiplier casual decks. In this case Azorius Chancery , Dimir Aqueduct , and Orzhov Basilica . These lands WILL slow the deck down but you can also create a more dense land base and possibly cut 1 or two lands depending on how many double lands you put in. Halimar Depths is another great option to get evem more out of the bounce lands.

On a final note thank you for inspiring me to create a multiplayer mill deck with my Nemesis of Reason

August 10, 2012 8:01 a.m.

Spndoc says... #9

Sword of Body and Mind , Glimpse the Unthinkable , Mind Sculpt , Traumatize , best walker available for mill is Jace Beleren he is a monster

August 10, 2012 9:53 a.m.

Jokernaught says... #10

So I made some changes and slimmed down the board. I don't like O-rings and Doom Blade s are not effective with my play group at all, So I went with the whole "Exile" theme and added 2 more Unmake s.

I increased the number of Silence s to 4of. And I might skim 1 off Silence and Batwing Brume for Diabolic Tutor . I dropped card:Oona's Grace Completely.

Bojuka Bog is great for what Identity Crisis does, I think I might dump it for so tutors or card:Necromancer's Covenant. Just so I have an army of 2/2 chump blockers that Mirrorweave into an army of 3/7 Reasons.

August 10, 2012 11:59 a.m.

the5ervant says... #11

Journey to Nowhere is a cheaper Unmake .

August 28, 2012 7:05 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #12

Except that with Journey to Nowhere has a chance at bring what I don't want back. If I rolled that way, i'd run Oblivion Ring

August 29, 2012 4:02 a.m.

the5ervant says... #13

August 30, 2012 8:31 p.m.

the5ervant says... #14

August 30, 2012 8:31 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #15

August 31, 2012 10:54 a.m.

eze01 says... #16

I think he suggested Path to Exile to replace Unmake . I find that it is very hard to suggest control cards for casual decks just because there are so many options especially in these colors. From Counterspell s to Doom Blade to Day of Judgment and everything in between. I've found it best to just try different things and find what works for your play group. Personally I've found Lightmine Field and Dissipation Field very effective against my play group, lots of token decks and agro decks in general. They are a bit slower but in multiplayer games they take a lot of heat off of me because people simply just don't want to deal with it.

August 31, 2012 11:40 a.m.

Jokernaught says... #17

I'm working non-lethal. So Lightmine Field isn't something I would run in here. I just need to survive past Turn 6. and So far I have only been out aggro'd once. And it was because I ran the wrong hand disruption, Instead of knocking a Parallel Lives I took out a Doubling Chant , but they drew into a Mycoloth and I was borked after that.

I would run Path to Exile but it speeds my opponents up by a land drop, I can't afford that. I tried it before, but I found that shutting my opponents down with Silence on key turns, like turn 2-5, (Where most decks tend to get moving) Helps me out a lot more. This deck is half based around shut down. If I wanted to, I could run Grand Abolisher but it just doesn't work with the 2 mana White required to cast. And seeing as I have more important things to drop on turn 2 Meddling Mage /Tidehollow Sculler , I wouldn't add it.

August 31, 2012 1:30 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #18

Swords to Plowshares could be a better alternative to Path to Exile . Kinda fits the theme too.

September 4, 2012 11:52 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #19

Swords to Plowshares is nice and was in the top consideration for this deck, but I just never got around to finding any that where up for trade. Since a lot of suggestions have been Path to Exile -esque... I meant instead run something like Oust or Condemn . Since this is a mill deck, I don't think I will have to worry about seeing them again.

September 5, 2012 3:29 a.m.

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