Crackdown Control (AER - Retired)

Casual clayperce


ArmyJM07 says... #1

I like what you have here, I think maybe could use some low end removal and run it with Grixis Colors for Fatal Push against agressive decks, the Eldrazi Skyspawner is a good addition.

January 7, 2017 10:26 a.m.

ArmyJM07 says... #2

Oh you could also run deeper into the combo and run Temur colors with Beastcaller Savant and Oath of Nissa

January 7, 2017 10:28 a.m.

Argy says... #3

VERY interesting idea.

It does sound like a deck that will steamroll everything the first time it is played, then people will Side against it for the rest of the season.

That's not always a bad thing, though.

January 7, 2017 10:38 a.m.

Argy says... #4

Having another look at things, I'm always concerned with combo decks that have four of everything in the Mainboard.

It can dilute the combo.

Have you done much testing with this? I think you may need to move some of the numbers around.

January 7, 2017 10:42 a.m.

MenacingBunny says... #5

You might want some instant speed evasion, I would suggest adding green for Blossoming Defense and/or Heroic Intervention (Permanents you control get hexproof and indestructible until end of turn).

January 7, 2017 2:25 p.m.

clayperce says... #6

Thanks much! Short answer is yeah, wrapping this up in a Grixis Control shell could be really good.

The long answer is that I wanted to try it out first though as an "all-in" combo deck, leaving the removal and counterspells for the sideboard (well, except for Warping Wail, but it also serves as a Scion generator). But even steamroller decks like U/R Colossus have some Harnessed Lightning in the main. And a third color could certainly add a ton of capability. For example ...

I've just started testing though, so we'll see!

Thanks again!

Cards not yet on T/O Show

January 7, 2017 5:44 p.m. Edited.

clayperce says... #7

Yeah, I expect it could pick up a few free wins early on, especially since folks would probably expect a U/R Colossus deck, based on the early turns. It's not at all clear to me if it'll be viable beyond Game Day though ...

Good point on the 4-ofs. I definitely have not tuned the deck yet, so I do expect the numbers are going to shift around ... if nothing else I'll probably drop it to 23 Lands and I'm almost positive I'll add a few slots for Removal and/or Counterspells.

As always, thanks much!

January 7, 2017 6:08 p.m.

clayperce says... #8

I've got 4x Slip Through Space for evasion. I suppose I could do Trample via Rush of Adrenaline, but Slip offers a Draw effect and is also much better if I'm attacking with Wandering Fumarole, Barrage Tyrant, or a non-pumped Crackdown Construct.

And yeah, adding Green could be really powerful ... besides hexproof, it enables additional ramp options, tutors, and Artifact/Enchantment destruction. I'm trying this as a Izzet build for now, but I recommend checking out Temur Crackdown, by ArmyJM07.

Thanks much!

January 7, 2017 6:19 p.m.

clayperce says... #9

I just realized Crackdown Construct also goes infinite with 2x Kazuul's Toll Collector and any Equipment (just move the equipment back and forth between the two an arbitrarily large number of times). I've added the Collector, Haunted Cloak, and Cathar's Shield to the maybeboard.

January 7, 2017 6:37 p.m.

Carthage417 says... #10

Soooo... 2 guardians also trigger infinite ETB and LTB effects. So, 9th bridge patrol?

January 7, 2017 7:34 p.m.

Carthage417 says... #11

Oops wrong thread, my bad. But theres that combo too.

January 7, 2017 7:41 p.m.

Blueshift says... #12

Sure you want 4 Inventors' Fair? legendary lands are kind of dangerous

January 7, 2017 10:54 p.m.

clayperce says... #13

No worries; glad you dropped by this one!

I figure half the Internet is already trying to break Saheeli and Guardian, so I'm gonna stick to Crackdown Construct for now.

Thanks though!

January 8, 2017 12:01 a.m.

clayperce says... #14

Thanks much ... I hadn't even noticed Inventors' Fair was Legendary!

January 8, 2017 12:03 a.m. Edited.

hubatish says... #15

You should only need one Kazuul's Toll Collector and one equipment to attach infinite times. Nothing prevents you from attaching/equipping something that's already equipped!

On a more serious note:

This Barrage Tyrant thing is a bit silly.. Sorry, just that you would need to have cast a 4 drop & a 5 drop, then pay 7 mana to activate both abilities.. just too mana intensive. You could just cast an Ulamog with all that ramp! Sorry.. Expedite is a little better!

this set is combo-tastic and Wandering Fumarole looks awesome here!

January 8, 2017 1:43 a.m.

Argy says... #16

Did you see that you can also use Kazuul's Toll Collector and equip it over and over with Bone Saw or Cathar's Shield?

How about adding for Infuse with the Elements, Larger Than Life, and Nature's Way?

That will let you secure your win earlier, and put more combo pieces in the deck.

January 8, 2017 4:45 a.m.

Argy says... #17

I would take out Warping Wail for Negate.

It will protect your Combo better.

In fact I would put more Counter spells in.

That way you can buy time by disrupting your Opponent, and you will also be able to protect your pieces.

January 8, 2017 4:48 a.m.

Argy says... #18

If I were you I would make another copy of this deck, replace all the Ramp aspects with Negate, Void Shatter, and Disallow and see how that works.

January 8, 2017 4:51 a.m.

clayperce says... #19

Oh wow, that's awesome about only needing one Kazuul's Toll Collector! I hadn't even thought about that, but sure, it's like tapping extra Night Market Lookouts to Crew a Vehicle ... how cool!

And yeah, I've found Barrage Tyrant to be pretty much terrible. It's hilarious for sure, so I'll probably keep a couple around for casual play. But as a wincon, Expedite (like you suggest) or Hanweir Battlements are just MUCH better.

Thanks tons!

January 8, 2017 6:54 a.m.

clayperce says... #20

Yeah, I first noticed Kazuul's Toll Collector back on Post #9 (though at the time I thought I needed two).

I'm not sure yet what Equipment would be best though ... I'm thinking probably some combo of Cathar's Shield to keep me alive long enough to find the combo pieces and Haunted Cloak to eventually put on Crackdown Construct.

I'm not sure I need to add Green for Trample with Rush of Adrenaline, Invigorated Rampage, and Brute Strength already in Red. I'm not opposed to Green of course -- unlike certain Firebenders I know ;-) -- but if I go that way it'll primarily be for Sylvan Scrying, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, and Traverse the Ulvenwald (though I'd need to add some Delirium enablers too).

I've absolutely got to add more counterspells, and Negate is one of my two favorites (along with Dispel for Removal and the inevitable counterwars). But I'm not sure yet on pulling Warping Wail ... it's just so versatile!

More testing's needed, for sure!

And thanks tons!

Invigorated Rampage Show

January 8, 2017 7:28 a.m.

Argy says... #21

Yes Trample works just as well.

January 8, 2017 9:06 a.m.

Argy says... #22

I like this. It looks much stronger.

One last suggestion I have is to try Unsubstantiate instead of Revolutionary Rebuff.

It's the same cost and, timed just right, really mucks up your Opponent's tempo.

It also lets you hit cards that you may have missed with one of your Counters.

Finally, you can take your time to Bounce and Counter something really annoying.

January 9, 2017 9:14 a.m.

clayperce says... #23

I'll definitely give Unsubstantiate a try, but I was not a huge fan of the card in KLD Standard. Here are my thoughts on the two cards:


  • Pros: The Tempo advantage can certainly be great. There are some match-ups where I'd much rather send the card back to an opponent's hand than to his or her Graveyard.
  • Cons: Any Tempo advantage comes at the expense of Card advantage. There are lots of match-ups where the absolute last thing I want to do is give the opponent their card back so they can cast it again (e.g., against these Creatures). Hard Removal may be a better use of the slot in many match-ups, since Bounce is lousy vs. Creatures with strong ETB effects.

Revolutionary Rebuff

  • Pros: Great in the early game (especially vs. Aggro, when they're trying desperately to curve out). Solid in the late game (especially vs. Ramp, when they're trying desperately to get enough mana to cast their huge bomb).
  • Cons: Often horrible in the mid-game (vs. pretty much everyone), because opponents ALWAYS seem to have an extra 2 mana hanging around. Whiffs on Artifacts. No Bounce effect at all.

All that said, I look forward to giving Unsubstantiate another go!

Thanks much!

January 9, 2017 11:06 a.m. Edited.

clayperce says... #24

FYI, I've tweaked the deck a little based on playtesting results and to make room for 2x Baral, Chief of Compliance.

January 9, 2017 5:01 p.m.

Clockwurk says... #25

Kazuul's Toll Collector goes infinite as well. I reccomend including it. Also a third Slip Through Space seems good. To make room, I'd just get Weaver of Lightning out in the sideboard and shove 2 Disallows in there and a Negate. I don't know wether you should run 3 or 4, but it would make the combo more consistent.

January 9, 2017 9:09 p.m.

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