No worries (I have the piece about Kazuul's Toll Collector kind of buried)!
I was initially excited about Slip Through Space too, but the card's been extremely meh in testing. I actually started with it as four-of, moved it to a three-of for a while, and just recently moved it to a two-of. The problem is it's basically a dead card in hand until the last play of the game (ok, it's not totally dead ... you can always cycle it or discard it to Key to the City for a Rummage). And having it countered on the Big Swing feels TERRIBLE. I'm actually considering dropping it entirely, moving Key to the City to a four-of, and adding Glint-Nest Crane ...
Thanks though!
January 10, 2017 10:31 a.m. Edited.
I agree with your assessment of Slip Through Space.
Most of my test games it sits there in my hand, doing nothing.
I still think that cards which allow Trample would be more use than somthing like Slip Through Space or Shock.
January 10, 2017 10:39 a.m.
Yeah, I've been toying with Rush of Adrenaline, as an Instant-speed surprise for chump-blockers. Plus it can periodically save Baral, Chief of Compliance when blocking. But (for now, anyways) I'm leaning more towards Key to the City because of the additional Rummage effect.
Shock is all about being able to kill Saheeli Rai if I miss her with a Negate. I'd LOVE to be able to move the card to the sideboard, but I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of her ...
January 10, 2017 11:05 a.m.
Have you tried Contingency Plan, for card filtering. I have been thinking a lot about this combo I just don't know if there are enough support cards in standard for it to be two colors, and I just don't see it being an all in strategy. I'm thinking of playing this more like infect, where it is a win con to hit big and win on the stop but, more likely to take it to the midgame. I'm reevaluating temur colors I like the idea of one mana spells to really help the Crackdown Construct stick to the battlefield.
January 10, 2017 1:20 p.m.
No, I hadn't looked at Contingency Plan at all, and I will absolutely give it a try!
I increasingly agree with you on the need for a third color. Without Appetite for the Unnatural or Decommission there are a number of match-ups I just can't win. The deck could maybe win, but I'm not a good enough Control player to always counter the key Artifacts or Enchantments, and being one-for-twoed (i.e., having to cast a Disperse and then a counter) is not a good way to win a game ...
Please keep me posted as you try different approaches!
Thanks tons!
January 10, 2017 2:19 p.m.
I'm also trying out Crackdown Construct in a Jeskai Equipment build, along with Kazuul's Toll Collector. I'd love your thoughts and suggestions there too:
Infinite Construct, Equipped (AER)
January 10, 2017 2:25 p.m.
Well clayperce I'm almost convinced that the construct is a good drop in for a , , energy deck, primary strategy beat down with aggressive creatures forcing your opponent to deal with them, then drop the construct to finish them off, and in a pinch the construct can be the blocker you really need, that and with Prey Upon creatures a 1 mana removal spell for creatures of any size. possibly in a defensive strategy with Tezzeret the Schemer.
January 10, 2017 2:46 p.m.
I hadn't even thought about Construct in an Energy deck; that would be really interesting. As an aside, I MUCH prefer Nature's Way (or Clear Shot if you want Instant speed) over Prey Upon. Sure, it's more mana, but fighting Creatures with Deathtouch just rots.
January 10, 2017 3:02 p.m.
I was gonna put up my hand for Nature's Way.
We've been using it in StuBi's Engineered Energy deck all Season and it has been amazing.
January 10, 2017 3:06 p.m.
oblivion234 says... #11
You know what would make this deck so much more consistent Sylvan Scrying its worth splashing green for it I think
January 10, 2017 5:57 p.m.
Well you should know that my favorite deck that I have played against, was a Temur Twin deck; running Tarmogoyf, 1 or 2 Thragtusk and Huntmaster of the Fells Flip, along side the splinter twin combo with 1 Deceiver Exarch and 1 or 2 Bounding Krasis, which was run light, with bolt and a counter spell suite, the deck was sweet.
January 10, 2017 8:50 p.m.
You know what I forgot about Heroic Intervention which you could run with Blossoming Defense and splash like some of the energy decks already do in the sideboard for mirror matches etc. Only now we are running a combo along side a midrange plan.
January 10, 2017 9:18 p.m.
randomrarehunter says... #15
You could consider using Aqueous Form or Artful Dodge
January 10, 2017 10:23 p.m.
I really like this build of this combo. There's a lot of removal and counters, but I have one question: what is the purpose of the Inventors' fair? You will never be able to activate it to tutor for your Crackdown Construct, nor will you ever gain the life. Maybe since you have 26 lands, you could probably afford to just drop them altogether to make room for more cool things.
January 10, 2017 11:53 p.m.
FuzzySupreme says... #17
I've been thinking about making a similar deck but adding the saheeli combo, so red/blue/white, go Murica! Actually have both infinite combos in one deck with tons of removal would be fun.
January 10, 2017 11:59 p.m.
Finally catching up on comments ...
oblivion234 and ArmyJM07,
Yep. I've been thinking about making a Temur build ever since this post.
Red also has Artifact hate. No more Smash to Smithereens of course, but IMO Destructive Tampering and Release the Gremlins are quite good, and Gremlin Infestation, Structural Distortion, and Ruinous Gremlin have their uses.
Sounds like a fun deck!
Sorry but neither Aqueous Form nor Artful Dodge are legal in Standard. Plus they have the same problems Slip Through Space does, from this post.
Thanks for the kudos. In actual testing (with 4x Crackdown Construct, 3x Key to the City, and 2x Trail of Evidence), I've seen Inventors' Fair in about 70% of my games, and it's triggered in about 30% of those. That's a far cry from "never" :-D
Less than 26 Lands might work, but I started there (based on this list) and have been happy with it so far.
As an aside, at some point I'm going to test a Clue-heavy build, using Mechanized Production (#Protect_Combo_Pieces #Alt_Wincon) and Tamiyo's Journal (#Find_Combo_Pieces). If I do that, I would likely increase the Investigate effects too (e.g., with Erdwal Illuminator and Confirm Suspicions)
Yeah, that could be fun. I figure half the Internet is already trying to break Saheeli and Guardian though, so I'm gonna stick to Crackdown Construct for now. For ideas on what other people are doing, I recommend checking out the Recent Decks section of the Crackdown Construct page.
Thanks everyone!
January 11, 2017 5:41 a.m. Edited.
123456789101112131415161718 says... #19
@clayperce @Clockwurk I read the rules about activated abilities, and if it targets something in the ability, it cant just be activated for fun, it has to target something, no matter what. If i'm wrong, or i misunderstood the rules on activated abilities, please let me know
January 11, 2017 2:33 p.m.
Are you talking about Kazuul's Toll Collector? If so, you're absolutely right. Its Activated Ability needs a target Equipment to work.
For a look at the combo using Collector, you might want to check out my other deck: Infinite Construct, Equipped (AER).
January 11, 2017 4:42 p.m.
randomrarehunter says... #21
Sorry for the bad suggestions then, but since your deck already isn't standard legal I wasn't sure if it was necessary or not haha
January 11, 2017 5:43 p.m.
randomrarehunter All the cards that are listed as illegal are in the new set Aether Revolt being released for Standard January 20th.
January 11, 2017 5:53 p.m.
FuzzySupreme says... #23
There are 0 cost equipment cards that are standard legal
January 11, 2017 11:30 p.m.
That's true, but I'd much rather use the card slots for a counterspell or a Draw effect :-)
January 12, 2017 3:52 a.m.
For anyone interested in adding Green:
Infinite (Delirious) Construct (AER)
Clockwurk says... #1
lol sorry didnt read description
January 9, 2017 9:10 p.m.