Soooo I have the ABSOLUTE worst luck ever it seems... I went 3-4 drop in the GP and 4-5 in the SC Open. I had a round 1 bye which was kinda nice, followed by a match-up with Delver which I won 2-0, I basically wiped his board and he couldn't draw an answer fast enough for Koth of the Hammer
+ Chandra, the Firebrand fast enough. I ended up winning the second round in a similar manner but with a forked Devil's Play before he could swing for for lethal. The next match from there was u/w humans... I basically won thanks to the stupid amount of board wipes in my deck... Next was Wolfrun and I just got rolled, We didn't anticipate as much Wolfrun as there was but even then I should do "ok" against them. I basically got flooded then screwed and that was that. From then on I couldn't draw to save my life... I basically faced 3 Delver list in a row and was either mana screwed or flooded and when I wasn't, I wasn't drawing any boardwipes to deal with hexproof =.= So I will be addressing that issue sometime in the near future. I was sad to say that I didn't see a single R/G aggro, or Naya Aggro, or Zombies, OR even control (which usually just auto losses to me). So basically, I didn't get to face a deck that I have a good match against... But as is life, i will be editting the deck in the near future to make it a bid more stable then it actually is. Thanks for reading.
(P.S. Faith's Shield was amazing! It won me so many games by either saving a Planeswalker or me with fateful hour... There was also a judge called on me EVER time I used it which was kind of funny. It was a great card and I almost want to run 3 in the sideboard {Most people only try killing a Planeswalker right before they are about to do their ultimate} If you try running it, you will certainly catch people of guard.)
If you have any questions leave them in the comments.