Crazy Counter Spam

Standard Drfrozenfire


lantern2814 says... #1

I might recommend main boarding Ranger's Guile for the hexproof. That would help against the removal. Also, I don't know that Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch is that helpful. The only creature that you have coming into play with counters and gaining haste is Kalonian Hydra . You might consider taking out the red to streamline deck. That would make room for some mana ramp with Elvish Mystic , or even Manaweft Sliver , as it taps for green or black.

September 25, 2013 11:29 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #2

I might consider the ranger's guile. I have debated whether or not to add more red, in place of the crowned ceratok. I feel the exava should stay though because if the hydra has haste, it is brutally powerful. Is there any other suggestions you would make to swap to gain haste that would be green or black?

September 26, 2013 8:18 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #3

Edited the deck. Took out Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and replaced with Hammer of Purphoros . Swapped in Flesh / Blood instead of Strionic Resonator .Changed the creature composition to include Rubblebelt Raiders and mainboarded the Savageborn Hydra s.

September 27, 2013 3:02 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #4

Edited the deck to be Black and Green only (removed the red)

September 28, 2013 2:40 a.m.

remi2804 says... #5

You should add Contagion Engine

September 29, 2013 1:16 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #6

I would add it if this was a modern deck but I'm keeping it standard. Thanks for the suggestion though!

September 29, 2013 1:40 p.m.

It is a nice deck . I can see your win con in it. but one question is that if your oponent has many small creatures or tokens you cant protect your self from what is your tactic then? PS I dont judge , i only ask a question you might hava not considered or i might fail to see( i am not an mtg pro)

September 29, 2013 1:42 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #8

Great question, Axel!

I plan on utilizing the deathtouch abilities of the Wasteland Viper or the Bow of Nylea or the massive power of any of the creatures, or if those don't work, simply the lifegain associated with having huge creatures block with a Whip of Erebos on the field.

Thanks for addressing that point though!

September 30, 2013 1:48 a.m.

diatryma says... #9

why not mainboard Nylea, God of the Hunt ? just curious, it seems like it would be nice to have deathtouch, lifelink, and trample on all your creatures.

October 2, 2013 1:41 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #10

I think you might be on to something! What would you suggest replacing though?

October 2, 2013 1:59 a.m.

diatryma says... #11

honestly I might say replace 2 of the ordeals, you have enough mana ramp with gyre sage in my opinion. If you don't want to do that I might suggest a couple wasteland vipers leave, however useful they are. With your current mana ramp you look more like you're going for Mistcutter Hydra not Kalonian Hydra

October 2, 2013 2:08 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #12

I will go ahead and playtest it that way. I may look at sideboarding the Mistcutter Hydra , it seems like it may be useful against blue. Thanks for the suggestion, I might be incorporating it after my playtests!

October 2, 2013 2:11 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #13

I have been thinking and I'm not so sure that Wasteland Viper fits with the theme of this deck. Any suggestions on what to replace it with? The first thought that comes to mind for me is Slitherhead

October 2, 2013 3:05 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #14

or mainboarding the Ranger's Guile and moving the Wasteland Viper to sideboard

October 2, 2013 3:07 a.m.

AJohnson9x says... #15

My suggestion: More mana dorks, get rid of the whips and the bows (replace these with things that will get this deck moving faster and you won't need them), get rid of the Desecration Demon , add 4x Nykthos lands, add Give / Take in place of Burst of Strength , and try to find some higher green devotion early game creatures to give your Nykthos lands a boost (Rubblebelt Raiders , etc)

this is the kind of speed your deck should have (in a perfect world):Turn 1: Elvish Mystic Turn 2: Sylvan Caryatid Turn 3: Kalonian Hydra Turn 4: Give / Take and swing with your 14/14 Kalonian Hydra

October 2, 2013 5:40 a.m.

kevinator says... #16

Awesome deck. When it works, it is intense! I especially like your addition of Deathtouch. I had 3 great playtest games against my deck: Tehehehe. . .

First game, you were getting creatures out and got me down to 2 life. Unfortunately, they weren't creatures utilizing your insane exponential counters. I started taking control with my Wall of Frost + Baleful Eidolon (3 Walls) and was able to draw into the cards I needed to kill your Hydras with Bident of Thassa + Dimir Keyrune

Second game, damn corpsejack... Not even close. You were swinging for 26 damage; forgot what turn it was...(early) I could block one creature but the 19 left over was fatal.

Third game, was able to control you with counters, removal, and walls until I got what I needed. Desecration Demon + Dimir Keyrune + Bident of Thassa shut you down.

Very enjoyable games. The only changes I would make are -1 Whip of Erebos , -1Bow of Nylea and +2 Scavenging Ooze . The Ooze would work well with your corpsejack and having 3 of's on Legendary Weapons can leave you stuck with cards you can't use too often.

October 2, 2013 11:42 a.m.

Corruptola says... #17

Nice build, and thanks for the comments on my other deck, check out the improved one, Mean Green 1/1's

October 2, 2013 3:57 p.m.

Thundernuts says... #18

Great deck! I've been using it to playtest against my deck Extort dis Card

Yours is a tough nut to crack. That corpsejack menace gets out of control fast and when Nylea comes in, weenie blockers are useless. +1

October 2, 2013 4:22 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #19

Thanks for all the suggestions! I have updated the deck with some input I've been given, and sideboarded the ramping AJohnson9x suggested!

October 2, 2013 10:19 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #20

I don't know why I didn't think to mainboard Savage Summoning before, but I am glad I did. Who doesn't want an un-counterable Kalonian Hydra spawning on the opponent's turn? :P

October 3, 2013 6:37 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #21

I'm slightly changing the flavor of this deck. After many playtests, I have found that I need to add a bit of removal and that the Bow of Nylea and Whip of Erebos are simply taking up slots in this deck. I am moving the Whip of Erebos to sideboard, and adding in a few removal spells into the mainboard in their place.

October 3, 2013 6:53 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #22

It looks good, but you don't have much to protect you from counter spells and removal. Check out Mill Monstrosity you need to protect yourself from board wipes, as well as removal spells. I have no experience with green so im not sure if green has any good counter spells or protection cards, but if they do, I would recommend using them! Check out my deck and leave some feedback as well, either way +1 from me

October 3, 2013 11:59 p.m.

diatryma says... #23

Putrefy , Abrupt Decay , and Thoughtseize are really the only standard black/green control right now I think, if you're looking for some protection

October 4, 2013 12:03 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #24

None of those really help that much with removal or a overload Cyclonic Rift however I think you could benefit alot from adding the above into the deck somewhere

October 4, 2013 12:05 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #25

@VindemiatrixxI'll go ahead and playtest this against your deck a bunch of times to see what you mean

@user: diatrymaI have had a tough time narrowing it down to the few spells I have in there already lol. I could see the Abrupt Decay being somewhat useful, but only in the beginning of the game.

For everyone, I want to know whether you think it better as a creature removal card to have Far / Away or Putrefy , and why you think the one you chose is better

October 4, 2013 12:09 a.m.

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