

My take on a death and taxes shell for Bloomburrow standard I call crime and taxes.

The goal of the deck is to use hand disruption, disruption and removal to slow down your opponent to win the long game with early and mid game threats by committing a lot of crime.

Card Breakdown

Crimes payoffs:

Vadmir, New Blood is early game threat that can kill quickly if crime occurs consistently. With help from Aven Interrupter and Go for the Throat help with this being able to target opponents on their turn. Iridescent Vinelasher can also achieve this if you have a Fabled Passage or Demolition Field.

Gisa, the Hellraiser can very quickly flood the board with evasive threats and be a little annoying to immediately remove with her ward ability. She's slow so I only have her at 1 copy but with the right set up can very quickly take control of a game.


High Noon when paired with cards with Aven Interrupter and go with the throat can simply deprive your opponent of a turn while also committing a crime. Also can close out games by cracking it it deal 5 to the face.

Aven Interrupter can delay a spell and tax all your opponents plotted cards which could be helpful against Slickshot Show-Off decks if you can get it down in time. Mostly here for High Noon synergies.

Archangel of Tithes can slow down creature based decks and offer an offensive option if need be.

Skrelv, Defector Mite can protect your Deep-Cavern Bats, Archangel of Tithess and Sheoldred, the Apocalypses from removal but also allow you to get in attacks with Caustic Bronco to draw more cards safer.

Deep-Cavern Bat is just good hand disruption with flying and lifelink.

Liliana of the Veil attacks the hard of your opponent while also being able to commit a crime with her -2.


Go for the Throat is without much question the best instant speed removal spell in standard right now. Being instant speed is important so it can play around High Noon and used on your opponents turn as a pay off.

Season the burrow is a very versatile spell that allows you to make a bunch of tokens, get back an important card from the bin with a indestructible counter or destroy permanents. Destroying permanents with a Sheoldred, the Apocalypse could do serious damage and possibly close out a game due to the card draw.

Other cards

Iridescent Vinelasher turns every land drop your make into a crime since the life lose targets your opponent. This damage loss adds up quick especially with an offspring.

Caustic Bronco is a early game card draw engine can hit big in the late game. Skrelv, Defector Mite allows it to hit consistently and one crime committed with Vadmir, New Blood is enough to saddle to start chipping away life.

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is a must answer threat and while there are now very many answers with all the disruption and protection this deck provides you may get a few triggers.

Notable lands:

Fabled Passage with some help from Iridescent Vinelasher can commit crimes on your opponents turn.

Demolition Field can commit a crime by blowing up a land.

Restless Fortress can help close out long grindy games especially post sideboard.


I'm still working on it and will maybe make a guide later.


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95% Competitive

Date added 7 months
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 3 Mythic Rares

36 - 7 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

0 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.41
Tokens Bat 1/1 B, Copy Clone, Iridescent Vinelasher 1/1 B, Map, Plot, Rabbit 1/1 W, Zombie Rogue 2/2 UB
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