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Crimes Against Humanity *Budget*

Commander / EDH Budget Combo Mono-Black Suicide Black



Use Kaervek and removal cards or cards with incidental “illegality” such as Liquimetal Torque or dedicated cards to trigger our commander like Merrow Bonegnawer in order to cast all of the cards in our graveyard, filling our yard with mill behemoths like Angel of Suffering and Doom Whisperer. Tons of tutor to graveyard or hand effects in order to get our key mill pieces as mentioned above, as well as our ramp engines like Crypt Ghast and K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth. Once our deck is fully online with plenty of cards in the graveyard and ramp due to all the tutoring and milling, we can continuously replay our value peace’s until we reach our multiple win conditions.

Our easiest win con is to ramp into a large board and kill with Gray Merchant of Asphodel, and then reanimating him with cards like Persist or Kaya's Ghostform after killing him with our own removal cards or using Dark Privilege. A couple of cycles of this usually does the trick. It’s also much easier if you use Come Back Wrong and reuse it with your commander in order to get multiple Gary triggers.

Our second win con is more of a late game finish. I have made sure the deck has a decent amount of artifacts, creatures, and just enough enchantments and planeswalkers as well as lands in order to meet Matzalantli, the Great Door  ’s transform requirements quite consistently. With the amount of turbo mill we can get from acquiring our key pieces, we can easily get 30 or more mana from this thing, powering a huge Exsanguinate which we can cast at instant speed if it’s in our graveyard using our commander and a instant speed crime effect. If for some reason exsanguinate has been removed from the game or at the bottom of our deck, etc, a really funny alternative is Nuclear Fallout.

Even though all players get radiation counters from this thing, rad counters trigger at Precombat main phase, meaning as long as we cast this thing after that on our turn, our opponents will take all the rad damage on their turns before they even get to cast anything at sorcery speed, and by the time it’s our turn they’ll be long gone. Just gotta make sure to be safe and pour a huge amount of mana into this from The Core  , so make sure you’ve got plenty of mana and crap in your yard.

This deck is also budget, which is why lots of staples that would be perfect in this deck is excluded because I’d rather keep it cheap, it’s under 80 dollars rn so yeah go crazy.


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95% Casual


Date added 10 months
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.71
Tokens Blood, Radiation, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders commander, The Pod, To rework
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