Crippling Plague

Modern ZhonLord


miampizza says... #1

December 23, 2014 9:31 p.m.

miampizza says... #2

I'd replace Morselhoarder with Contagion Engine since by the time the hoarder comes out the game is close to an end / you'll already have a solid mana base :P

Opinions! Opinions everywhere!

Also engine will combo so good with so many things in your deck you'll feel like a party in your pants!

December 23, 2014 9:35 p.m.

ZhonLord says... #3

Contagion Engine's not a bad idea actually. I mostly have Morselhoarder in there for the extra mana he gives, to fuel Deity of Scars and Quillspike, and being able to remove -1/-1's from him whenever I want is really helpful at times. But you're right, Engine would be a very potent combo with all of this.

December 23, 2014 9:44 p.m.

bdb20 says... #4

You don't want four of Necroskitter? The only thing that makes him weak is his one power, but that's a pretty beast ability, and his 4 toughness make him a good early game defense. Seems like you can kill a lot of creatures with cards from your hand anyways. Just a thought.

Really sweet looking deck. +1

April 12, 2015 9:30 a.m.

ZhonLord says... #5

A playset of Necroskitters wouldn't be a bad idea, but the problem is what to take out for them. Honestly I don't mind him having 1 power, because the 4 toughness makes him a great -1/-1 token storage for Quillspike. If you see something worth taking out for the Skitters, I'm all ears.

April 13, 2015 5:28 p.m.

bah-bammmm says... #6

i wouldnt take this to a modern tournament. i assume this deck is more casual?

September 24, 2015 8:39 p.m.

ZhonLord says... #7

It's modern legal, which is why I have the tag. And while it is generally meant more for casual play, I'm still working to improve it.

Care to give any suggestions?

September 27, 2015 8:09 a.m.

bah-bammmm says... #8

i do not really know, but i think this would not do very good against the modern meta. i would try to put in fetchlands.

September 27, 2015 1:01 p.m.

square711 says... #9

Having absolutely everything in your deck be geared towards giving enemy creatures -1/-1 counters, while flavorful, seems like a bad idea. All your noncreature spells become dead draws if the opponent is playing creatureless control/combo, you have no answers to enchantments/artifacts, and a single Melira, Sylvok Outcast is enough to hose your entire deck.

Cards like Blowfly Infestation, Grim Affliction and Incremental Blight are simply atrocious, even when playing in a casual setting. They cost too much mana and do very little most of the time (unless the enemy has tons of creatures on board). Contagion Engine isn't as terrible as those three, but six mana is way too much for a Modern deck with no mana ramp whatsoever. Consider replacing those with cheaper, more versatile spells. You know, targeted discard (Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek), card draw (Tezzeret's Gambit!), noncreature hate (Abrupt Decay, Maelstrom Pulse, even Putrefy) and so on.

Oh, and Etched Monstrosity gets NASTY with Fate Transfer, so you may want to look into that. heh

September 28, 2015 5:38 p.m.

ZhonLord says... #10

Now this is what I was looking for. Thank you square, these suggestions give me a lot of options.

The Incremental Blights I can swap out for either Tezzeret's Gambit as you suggested, or Spread the Sickness for a more reliable creature destruction. I'll ditch Grim Affliction for Putrefy or something similar to get a bit more versatility.

Thank you for pointing out the Monstrosity. I didn't know that guy existed. That would be hilarious with Fate Transfer like you said, or I can use him to feed Quillspike and have a 16/16 attacking alongside his 10/10.

Blowfly Infestation is mainly being used as a tool to put more -1/-1 counters on my own creatures so I can use them for Quillspike buffs, regeneration for the Deity, etc. And I do have a little mana ramp with the Signets, so the Engine doesn't hurt too much, but it would probably be easier to ditch them for a second Monstrosity (first one in place of the Wurm) and another Deity, Banshee or Necroskitter.

September 29, 2015 6:01 a.m.

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