Critical Elf Mass

Standard Ehud


ZOMBLES127 says... #1

Great Deck, but this is modern. +1

July 5, 2015 4:39 p.m.

Ehud says... #2

ZOMBLES127 What do you mean, modern? This is Magic Origins standard.

July 5, 2015 5:01 p.m.

ZOMBLES127 says... #3

This site says it is not Standard legal, but it might be wrong.

July 5, 2015 5:05 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #4

not legal until origins is in standard.

July 5, 2015 5:11 p.m.

Sedza_Lamont says... #5

I have my kill spells in the side board... personal preference. With enough elves, it doesn't matter what the opponent has, unless...

If you deal with control, get Duress and maybe Thoughtseize.If you deal with Goblins, get Bile Blight and Ultimate Price (Rabblemaster and Piledriver, mainly).If you go against Elves, it's all about the draw... can't side much for it.If you go against typical burn, you're probably screwed unless you get more bombs into the deck and get them out quickly.I cannot think of many other things for sideboard... but for the mainboard, Collected Company and Chord of Calling will work marvels in this deck!

July 6, 2015 3:53 p.m.

ZaTango says... #6

Sedza_Lamont: I would also consider some more anti flyers. There's only one elf with reach so maybe a Plummet or another creature with reach.

July 10, 2015 12:04 p.m.

Rengee says... #7

I'd sideboard the removal and bring it in game two dependent on what you need. I think you also need more Sylvan Messenger, its trample can really make might of the masses hurt. Finally I'd put 2 Evolutionary Leap for the extra search, the longer the game draws the less likely you win with the elf deck. I'd take out a Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and The Thornbow Archers. Of course collected company Nissa and Liliana are the other things to consider but money doesn't grow on tree's

July 16, 2015 3:17 p.m.

Ehud says... #8

Rengee Thanks for the feedback. I am definitely going to be playing around with numbers on the Sylvan Messenger. It is very helpful, but sometimes a little slow. I'm not a fan of evolutionary leap... but I guess I could take a look at it. Similar to the messenger, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen is helpful but slow, and I'm playing with her numbers too. why don't you like Thornbow Archers? they're an easy way to get more elves on the board and swing for a little early game damage. And finaly, yeah. Collected Company is my number one goal for the near future.

July 17, 2015 4:49 a.m.

ZaTango says... #9

I am a big fan of the Thornbow Archer, so I am not sure why he said to get rid of them. I am sticking with 2 Dwynen just for the fact that she's legendary anyway.

July 17, 2015 9:56 a.m.

Darapgame182 says... #10

How do you feel about Touch of Moonglove? It's an amazing early game card especially if your opponent has something huge swinging at you and you need to kill it.

Further more what about Fleshbag Marauder? If your opponent has one creature left on the field it's almost a guaranteed kill with essentially nothing around it.

I run a somewhat expensive variation of this (Chord of Calling x3, Collected Company x3 and a Nissa.) Although I don't run 2 Dwynen's I usually have 3. As for lands I'm running 4 Llanowar Wastes, 4 Temple of Malady, 4 Jungle Hollows, 1 Urbog and 3 Forests. I feel, based on the Gnarlroot and Elvish Mystics that any dual land early on helps you ramp relatively easily. So the need for basics isn't really there imo, plus in the event you get one of the 3 forests in my deck, I usually have Urbog out or at least 2 of my dual lands.

Thoughts more than welcome and appreciated.

July 18, 2015 3:46 p.m.

magic_master says... #11

found my standard deck +1 from me

July 22, 2015 12:14 p.m.

Why do you need 23 lands? Take out 2swamps and 2 forests and put in 2 overwhelm amd 2 ultimate price or even take out murderous cuts and put in the playset of ultimate price. If you feel really ballsy take out your removal and throw in Gilt-Leaf Winnower so you can have removal and a creatute.

July 22, 2015 12:16 p.m.

Ehud says... #13

theoriginaldirtydan While elves are pretty fast, this isn't red aggro. I have plenty of three and four drop spells, so I can't afford to go down below twenty land. Between Sylvan Messenger, Gather the Pack, and Elvish Visionary I shouldn't run out of creatures to cast, so having extra mana can only help me.

July 22, 2015 1:17 p.m.

Thanks for this. Im running almost the same set up and have been trying to find a way to make it stronger. Almost the same creatures I just need to switch around with my instants and sorcerys

July 26, 2015 11:23 p.m.

dethangel201 says... #15

July 27, 2015 2:37 p.m.

Aelenium says... #16

I really like this deck! if I were you, though, I might sub in 2 Thornbow Archer. their just really strong in this kind of deck.

July 27, 2015 3:31 p.m.

Ehud says... #17

Obelisk of Urd is great if it can go off early enough, but it is another high mana cost card that can potentially cause me troubles if I get a hand of 4+ drops. It's also a card that generally takes up an entire turn, not creating more elves. Again, it is VERY strong in the right situation, but my personal play style does not like it very much. At least in testing so far. I might try it again, perhaps replacing 1 Might of the Masses?

Thornbow Archer is definitely awesome, but is it awesome enough? It's a good card to get out early and swing for some damage, it's even good for some early blocks. My only problem with it is that it doesn't do a lot for my ultimate goal. All other creatures either draw me cards, create more elves, or generate more mana. (And then Dwynen and Shaman are my win conditions) I would rather play mana dorks turns 1-2, and I'd rather have something else late game.

July 27, 2015 10:36 p.m.

DukeSteele says... #18

When you get your playest of Collected Company, what will you swap out to put it in?

July 27, 2015 11:49 p.m.

Davik100 says... #19

Hey there. I bought and sleeved up this deck today (Monday, the 27th) and after an hour of testing the shell I can already tell you that I absolutely love this deck. It's fast, powerful, has a hint of combo, and is very consistent. In your description you say that the direct upgrade to the deck would be Collected Company, but after sleeving them up, I've found that more often than not I'm looking for a specific card, be it Shaman of the Pack to close out the game or Reclamation Sage to blow up opposing artifacts. On that note, I decided to cut those for a full set of Chord of Calling. I've found that it's a million times more consistent, it hits the four drops you want, and it's nowhere near a challenge to cast. It's obvious that you'd cut the Gather the Pack set for Chord or CoCo, but I thought that it was worth telling you what I've discovered. Also, Obelisk of Urd isn't very good. It's powerful, but you'd really rather have the 4th Might of the Masses (which is also a card that I absolutely love, btw) or convoking for chord to go and get Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen.

July 28, 2015 12:50 a.m.

Davik100 says... #20

Apologies for the double post, but I'll tell you how my matches go after the tuesday night standard tourney tomorrow. Hopefully I end up battling some metagame decks so I can come up with some opinions on what would be better for the sideboard against them.

July 28, 2015 12:52 a.m.

Ehud says... #21

Thank you for the response, Davik100. Your testing on CoCo versus Chord is very interesting. I can imagine Chord would do wonders for consistency. I'm stubborn enough that I'll still have to test it myself. Yes, Gather the Pack is my first choice for the swap, but I'm not sure it'll be a 4 for 4. I like having fuel for murderous cuts, and gather doesn't suck. I might swap out some Sylvan Messenger to keep a few gather the pack. Messengers are great, but are not hit by CoCo and I'd rather spend my 4 mana on CoCo. I will have to test. Also yes, Might of the Masses is just too good. Obelisk of Urd is fun, but I still don't like it for the reasons stated above.

July 28, 2015 1:05 a.m.

dethangel201 says... #22

What about throwing in some Foul-Tongue Shriek

July 29, 2015 1:28 p.m.

Ehud says... #23

dethangel201 I have tested Foul-Tongue Shriek, and lemme tell you, it's awful. I can not think of any probable situation where I'd rather have it than Might of the Masses. Might is a much better card with a lot more utility. Running both shriek and might is a bad idea- too many win conditions that require a good state, not enough cards to actually build up to that state.

July 29, 2015 2:51 p.m.

Mlasko says... #24

I disagree Foul-Tongue Shriek is amazing, when you play Might of the Masses the creature it targets can just be killed in response, while Foul-Tongue Shriek will get through anyways, i think it's better against the abzan midrange decks that have so many kill spells, plus Foul-Tongue Shriek gives you life back from it, it can also be used when your opponent has blockers, for example if you're game is going a bit long (turn 6-7) and your opponent has his field set up, 1-2 Foul-Tongue Shriek ends the game even if everything is blocked, it has a bit more variability than Might of the Masses, I'm honestly considering running both in my elf deck, they're almost like having extra Shaman of the Packs in your deck, which is the real win condition of the deck.

July 30, 2015 3:36 p.m.

Ehud says... #25

Mlasko It's true that Foul-Tongue Shriek has its uses, but my problem is that those uses are only when you're well established. Might of the Masses doesn't have to wait for your creatures to lose summoning sickness, they just need to exist to add to the damage. (this is important- It is not uncommon to play 2-3 creatures the turn you might for the win) You can even use might in a pinch to kill a blocked or blocking creature. I also stick by what I said about not running both. A hand full of shrieks, mights, and shamans with little to no other creatures is just death for you.

July 30, 2015 4:32 p.m.

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