Crudelis Imperium - A Cyclic Chaos

Commander / EDH* ducttapedeckbox


Fairseas says... #1

June 4, 2014 10:35 p.m.

@ Fairseas -- Can't believe I forgot it. Is there anything that should just not be in here?

June 4, 2014 11:20 p.m.

Fairseas says... #3

June 4, 2014 11:33 p.m.

@ Fairseas -- I'll drop Liliana of the Dark Realms for Teferi's Puzzle Box . I don't want to drop Bolas because of the flavor aspect. I'll keep the other cards you suggested in mind. Thank you for the suggestions, and don't hesitate to share more!

June 4, 2014 11:48 p.m.

Fairseas says... #5

I just say steel Hellkite because your color range can't deal with enchantments well. Bolas is awesome though

June 5, 2014 12:24 a.m.

@ Fairseas -- That is very true. I haven't had the chance to playtest this deck that much, but enchantments will definitely be something I keep any eye on.

June 5, 2014 10:17 a.m.

ljs54321 says... #7

Memory Jar , Megrim , and Sygg, River Cutthroat could do some work to name a few.

I can vouch for Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar , Incendiary Command , Reforge the Soul , Windfall , and Archmage Ascension from your maybe board.My build runs mostly Draw X spells rather than continuous effects like Anvil of Bogardan , so that's a couple swaps I would make. Prosperity into a Wheel spell is fun lol. Whispering Madness would also be good with the creatures you run. I find that unless you can really steadily keep their hand size low to nothing (or just keep them continuously cycling their cards), allowing your opponents to have a steady source if extra card draw will allow them to hold an answer that you might not be able to deal with when you need to. You have a some discard effects, but I'm not sure if what you have is the most effective at keeping their hand-size low/empty. Jin Gitaxias is nice if you can land him. Crosis can work if you choose the right color if you're playing against a multi-color deck.

Psychosis Crawler is possibly coming out of my version, but it looks like it's worth keeping in yours.

Check out mine...I can haz all the draws?...for some ideas. It's not a budget build by any means, mostly due to the lands. There are quite a few budget priced cards that are very effective and key to making the deck do its job though.

June 7, 2014 12:14 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #8

How about Spiteful Visions for more of a ''drawing hurts'' theme. Also maybe think about Howling Mine or Dictate of Kruphix for extra draws. Finally maybe consider Wit's End ?

June 7, 2014 2:32 a.m.

@ ljs54321 -- Thanks for all of the suggestions! I'll try to address them and my thoughts below.

Thanks, and any other suggestions are greatly appreciated!

@ awesomeguy37 -- I think if I run Tomorrow, I'll run Spiteful Visions . They work very well together. I'll have to see about it. I'm also working away from Howling Mine -like effects as per the suggestion above, which I do agree with as long as I can cycle through hands quicker. Thanks for the comments!

June 7, 2014 11:30 p.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #10

If you have a sort-of discard theme then I would keep crosis in because he makes people discard. How about Delirium Skeins , Vision Skeins and Prosperity for Multiplayer. BTW, Consecrated Sphinx (which i know you already have) + Time Spiral /Time Reversal is insane. Speaking of which maybe think about adding Time Spiral /Time Reversal for extra Nekusar, the Mindrazer damage!

June 8, 2014 2:25 a.m.

ljs54321 says... #11

In my opinion, Crosis works best if you have a way of knowing what's in everyone's hand, allowing you to always get the most value out of his ability. It's pretty annoying when you hit a player, pay the mana and pick a color, only to find out they have none of that color in hand.

The nice thing about Tomorrow is that she helps you dig deeper through your deck faster. With just Nekusar on board, you are getting 6 cards deep into your library each draw step. Yeah, you're still only getting 2 cards, but you get to choose which ones will be the best to get at that time in the game. It does, however, shut off Archmage Ascension . For me, it tends to be a matter of which one I get first.

June 8, 2014 8:50 a.m.

@ awesomeguy37 -- I'm not sure if either of the Skeins are powerful enough for an EDH deck. They don't do all that much, especially when I have cards like Windfall which do a lot more. I'm still thinking about the Draw X versus drawing per turn, so Prosperity might find its way in here.

I really like both Time Spiral and Time Reversal , but the former is a little pricey. I will definitely think about adding Time Reversal though.

@ ljs54321 -- Definitely. And, my playgroup mostly runs 3-colored decks. I think he may be cut, even though I love the card and the art. Do you think I should be adding more hand-cycling effects or other cards?

Thank you both for the suggestions!

June 8, 2014 10:07 a.m.

ljs54321 says... #13

Definitely add more hand cycling. Vision Skeins is actually not bad for EDH..causes Nekusar to deal 2 damage per opponent and when followed up with Windfall , it can cause quite a bit of extra damage with a couple extra cards drawn off that and when Liliana's Caress is out as well due to more cards being discarded.

As far as Draw X spells, Blue Sun's Zenith is good if you can get the mana to one-shot someone or get them low enough that they can be killed before using those cards against you. Bieng an instant, you can overfill their hand at EOT to force them to discard with Caress out. Plus, it gets shuffled back in so you can use it later. Works great if you get Ascension ticked up and can tutor instead of draw. That way you can keep doing it every turn until everyone is eliminated.

June 8, 2014 11:09 a.m.

@ ljs54321 -- True, but is Vision Skeins more powerful that cards that I am already running? Also, what are your thoughts on Megrim ? It's a more costly Liliana's Caress , but is it worth it? I'm having trouble deciding what to take out right now. Thank you for all of your help again.

June 8, 2014 12:04 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #15

I run all 3 of those in my build. In a singleton format, multiple spells that have the same/similar effect help give the deck consistency and the extra 1 mana shouldn't really be an issue.

As far as what to I said before, Anvil and Font come to mind. Exquisite Blood looks a little outta place in here as well.

Another good addition could be Deadeye Navigator . Paired with Rune-Scarred Demon will allow you to blink him and tutor whenever you want. Great EOT mana sink to set up shenanigans on your turn.

June 8, 2014 3:11 p.m.

@ ljs54321 -- Thanks for all of the suggestions. I've made some changes, thoughts? Also, what is you view on Sangromancer ? I like it but also don't at the same time.

June 8, 2014 3:22 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #17

I'm not sure about that one. It's not something I would run because it feels too situational to me. If you're constantly clearing their board and dumping cards from their hand, then it could prove to be worth it. But, if you get their hand empty and it stays that way (playing every card they draw while topdecking) and you have no way to kill their creatures, it could just end up sitting there doing nothing for you.

June 8, 2014 9:47 p.m.

@ ljs54321 -- That's all very true. It works OK in the games with my playgroup, so I'll have to test it out more. I'm just beginning to work on trading for most of the cards in the deck too, so I won't be playtesting in paper for a while haha.

June 8, 2014 10:29 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #19

June 9, 2014 2:18 p.m.

@ Unforgivn_II -- Do you think that would hurt me too much, though? That's been my only hesitation on including it. Thanks for the comment :)

June 9, 2014 2:22 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #21

I mean, Nekusar is aggro. People are either losing 6 life per turn, or 2 life and being majorly set back in tempo. You'll be losing life less than the others because of how Nekusar works, so you're already putting them on a faster clock. And of course, you can pay the mana when you don't need it. Plus, your Wheel effects can just end the game when they are tapped out, or simply don't have that much mana

June 9, 2014 2:30 p.m.

@ Unforgivn_II -- My Wheel effects also force me to cycle my hand and could end me as well. Especially if my opponent has an abundance of mana, it may end up hurting me the most. I may find it useful though and will keep it in mind. Thanks!

On a completely different note... Do you know of any cards that are similar to Ignorant Bliss ? Do you think that type of effect would be good if I have a good hand and want to cast a Wheel?

June 9, 2014 2:38 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #23

I know that you wheel yourself too. Just remember, with Nekusar, you don't take damage. You Wheel of Fortune , everyone draws 7, you lose 14 life (or 14 mana), they lose 21 (or 7 and 14 mana). Hopefully you draw into another mass draw spell, and deal the final blow.

And I don't really know of any effects like Ignorant Bliss . Necropotence lets you draw without actually putting them in hand right away. But it wont protect what you had before the Wheel

June 9, 2014 2:56 p.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #24

Also, why is Jace's Archivist not here? Repeatable Wheeling is good.

June 9, 2014 2:58 p.m.

@ Unforgivn_II -- That is conditional on me having Nekusar out on the board, which won't always be the case since he's a huge hate target. It just seems too conditional for me - unless I have an additional way of punishing my opponents for drawing, the Tyranny will hurt me as much as my opponents.

I have to playtest more to see if those effects that let me "draw" without actually drawing are helpful enough to run.

Added him. Oversight on my part. Thank you for all of the suggestions!

June 9, 2014 4:07 p.m.

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