Icy Tides ($40)

Standard Snow_Lynx

SCORE: 109 | 192 COMMENTS | 24603 VIEWS | IN 96 FOLDERS

Snow_Lynx says... #1

bobthellama, I did. My shop does not have it, so thats why I didnt include the card...

Pieces of the Puzzle is 5 mana and sorcery speed. I use instant exactly so I can use counters...

May 13, 2016 10:45 p.m.

SleepyBlue says... #2

Hi there!

First of all, a big +1 from me, I'm also working on a mono-blue control list, how could I not love this?

So, I think the two major weaknesses of both of our decks are:

You had Crush of Tentacles in a previous version of the deck, why did you take it out? It could deal with the first problem, leaving behind an Octopus sometimes (he truth is that the Octopus was always killed, but oh well, it was an answer). I use two mainboard Disperse, but maybe here some number of Compelling Deterrence could be more helpful due to Rise from the Tides. The problem of both of these spells is that they don't deal with manlands due to the "nonland" clause. I know that Engulf the Shore is an answer, but its awful trading it for 1 - 2 manlands. What can you tell me about this with your experience playing the deck?

Two cards that have been helping me a lot are Disciple of the Ring (maybe not very synergetic here, since you want your instants and sorceries on the graveyard) and Orbs of Warding (Against mill and burn decks). Maybe they could be of some use for you too?

Finally, since you added Epiphany at the Drownyard, what do you think about Geralf's Masterpiece? It could help fill your graveyard before a Rise from the Tides if you discarded it from the Epiphany, or you could add some number of Catalog to help discard it.

Once more, loved it!

May 14, 2016 9:56 a.m.

do you have your previous card list and your old description? if so, would you be able to post it again please?

May 14, 2016 4:32 p.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #4

SleepyBlue, thanks for the upvote and praise.

I do agree that some things do slip our counterwall and could end up hurting us, but most of them take time to kill us.

I took out Crush of Tentacles because Rise from the Tides some games NEVER appeared, and I would get one or two Crush of Tentacles that could ONLY BE USED ON MY TURN and that did nothing but buy me one more turn. In normal games, it is almost impossible to cast it with its surge cost, and it doesnt deal with manlands. The worst thing though is that it is a sorcery while Engulf the Shore isnt. We do NOT want sorceries unless they gain us a huge advantage, what is clearly not the case there. Which is also why I added Oblivion Sower, since it also help us ramp up in addition to being a hard-to-kill creature that requires a fast answer. You could use 2 Sphinx of the Final Word instead, though. Im actually still deciding, since I seem to generate 6 lands way more reliably than 7. Or possibly Geralf's Masterpiece, see the discussion down below.

Epiphany at the Drownyard is 10x times than Catalog or Artificer's Epiphany, since I dont need to discard cards from my hands and IT GENERATES CARD ADVANTAGE, what the other 2 don't. With 1 card, at any point of the game, I can trade for 1, 2, 3, 4 cards. Its great to stall or even change the tide sometimes.

I considered Geralf's Masterpiece but Im really not sure it fits, since you are going to have a heavy hand with spells most of the time unless you fight things like Aggro, so I can see it on the side. The fact it can return from the grave is a huge plus but I won't always have 3 cards to discard (and I don't think the ability works if you discard one or two). It does seem to work very well together with Epiphany at the Drownyard late game, though, since if its in the cemetery and I get to draw 3 cards, I can revive him easily. Also I love the fact that you can play his ability on the opponents turn for a 7/7 that can attack on your turn for a nice surprise!

It might be worth it... only the fact that it is kinda weak to killers is what bothers me... but it fits the theme of the deck... oh hell, THAT SETTLES IT! FLYING ZOMBIES, I CHOOSE YOU!

May 15, 2016 9:11 p.m.

WizardOfOzzy says... #5

I've played against this one on MTGO once, very fun! I may have to try and make a similar build.

May 16, 2016 1:17 a.m.

Purple_Mage says... #6

Awesome deck!! Really like it. There's just one thing I am not keen on but can't even find a way round it, just the bad synergy with Engulf the Shore and all your little zombs from Rise from the Tides, as obviously they'd return from whence they came. But in blue there isn't any other way of getting rid of your opponents creatures enmasse and not yours. But I guess the same goes for any mass destroy/removal/bounce So just ignore my random train of thought Haha. A big +1 from me :).

May 16, 2016 1:59 a.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #7

WizardOfOzzy, nice, how did it fare? I played a FNM with it and had great fun as well! Im still kinda trying to know my way on how to play with it properly, but all my matches were quite close, even when Id lose!

Purple_Mage, yea, but if they can deal with 10+ zombies on my side of the field, then Engulf the Shore just delays an insolvable problem, and if they don't... well, victory!

Also - took out 2 Negate on MD, put in 2 Dragonlord's Prerogative. I want to test it out, I feel it can turn games around if drawn late game! Perhaps I will test Part the Waterveil as well and see if it sinergizes.

May 16, 2016 2:11 a.m.

WizardOfOzzy says... #8

Snow_Lynx it beat me 2-0 :D I think I was running mono-white humans.

They were running Part the Waterveil - it won them the game both times. Took a while to go off, but by the time they were able to pull it off, they had enough mana to make it count. They also seemed to lean a bit more on draw cantrips with less counter-spell.

May 16, 2016 11:23 a.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #9

WizardOfOzzy, but how could they draw it long enough to make it possible to cast Part the Waterveil against a mono-human? Did they use Rise from the Tides + Part the Waterveil the same turn? Thats 12 mana!

May 16, 2016 11:54 a.m.

WizardOfOzzy says... #10

Snow_Lynx I forgot that they were also running Brain in a Jar - if my memory serves me, that's how they did it.

May 16, 2016 12:59 p.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #11

WizardOfOzzy, I never can figure out how they survive while wasting 1 mana every turn for Brain in a Jar for 5/6 turns so they can use their win-cons.

May 16, 2016 1:06 p.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #14

Clutch of Currents, Rush of Ice, Just the Wind, and Press for Answers may be good for cheap creature control

May 16, 2016 3:49 p.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #15

Homura_Akemi, I considered all these answers, but don't you think Send to Sleep is superior to all of them? That since I basically always have spell mastery on and they stay tapped for 2 turns instead of 1 (I use it on the end of their turn). Instants > sorceries for this deck.

The point with those cards you suggested, however, is that the time they delay is too little against aggro, so probably Horribly Awry can delay them better (since they lose 1 card). Even if they already have a threat on board, I can bounce with Engulf the Shore and still enable Horribly Awry to work if they cast it next turn.

May 16, 2016 4:05 p.m. Edited.

astroo says... #16

how do you create a revision history for your deck on here? i cant find any info

May 16, 2016 4:22 p.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #17

astroo, what do you mean? You can check all the revisions Ive made on the Revisions panel on the right side of the page. Click on "see all" below Revision 10 (currently).

May 16, 2016 4:39 p.m.

mlssufan01 says... #18

Someone said red doesn't have aweepers..that is insanely wrong. Kozileks return for the aggro, , fall of the titans, boiling earth, if they're dual color aggro even more so. This is why I think brain in a jar is so important here, since zombies will lose you a turn if cast normally, and at 6 mana, we're talking win condition time for your opponent. The other really mean thing to do is make this a simic deck with brain in a jar, seasons past, second harvest, and part the waterveil. With second harvest, it's instant speed, so if they do happen to wipe out a number of zombies, you can copy more as long as the removal isn't to all creatures, or just make more because why not. Seasons past also works wonderfully with epiphany at the drown yard if your win con goes to the graveyard.

May 16, 2016 5:05 p.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #19

mlssufan01, who said Red doesnt have sweepers? Chandra is one that I see in my FNM, for example.

However, the strategy with this deck isnt to cast zombies on turn 6. Its to cast them on turn 8 or 9, possibly with another Rise from the Tides already in your hand and a counter. Before that, you stall, bounce, and counter their spells. You never EVER tap out all your lands in your turn.

Of course, if youre playing against a pure-creature deck like eldrazi/green, then you can cast zombies on turn 6 easily since they would have no rebuttals.

Thats the spirit anyways. I liked you green suggestions but making this deck dual-color would pretty much lose Engulf the Shore and without that goes a large portion of our stalling power...

May 16, 2016 5:47 p.m. Edited.

mlssufan01 says... #20

Well actually, you did..though you said they don't have many. If they're trying aggro creature you won't see many, but red control is actually a thing.. mono control goggles burn spells won 1st place at my lgs. There are actually more red sweeps than people think. Some, like kozileks return take out their own, but if they're not running any creatures, it doesn't matter.

May 16, 2016 11:59 p.m.

astroo says... #21

Snow_Lynx i want to be able to display that on my account or shall i say my deck so i know what ive removed and changed on my deck. just thought id ask here because i cant find any way around it.

May 17, 2016 11:07 a.m.

Snow_Lynx says... #22

edit - put 4 Sidisi's Faithful and 1 Adverse Conditions on the sidedeck. Together with 4 Send to Sleep on the SD and 4 Engulf the Shore/2 Thing in the Ice  Flip on the MD, they are my 15 cards to face fast aggro.

May 17, 2016 2 p.m.

xikaos says... #23

Best budget control maybe? I really like the deck idea with so many token decks on the meta.

May 17, 2016 2:02 p.m.

MrZessty says... #24

Hey sweet deck! +1 for sure, it's been awhile since i have seen a playable Mono-Blue deck in standard (last one worth mentioning was mono blue devotion)

May 17, 2016 6:28 p.m.

hamiam says... #25

Good stuff +1

May 17, 2016 9:09 p.m.

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