"Cruel Control Is Unplayable," They Said
SCORE: 93 | 135 COMMENTS | 19418 VIEWS | IN 35 FOLDERS
Feels like you should just cut the cruel ultimatum, add a better win con and accept it :P
January 21, 2015 9:17 p.m.
AngryTeaKettle says... #4
This deck is like a nice Lexus. Do you wanna meet up and let me take it for a spin?
January 22, 2015 4:20 p.m.
freyhackbarth says... #5
cruel ultimatum is good, trust me. its a better sphinxes rev that makes them discard their hand, lose life and sac their (probably) only guy. I know it seems hard to cast, but it really is practically win the game for 7 mana. if you continue to play white, just know that Celestial Colonnade is a card and creeping tar pit dies to bolt. good luck, and have fun
January 22, 2015 8:59 p.m.
hey, NoPantsParade, how do you put a music video into your deck description? I want to pu "somewhere over the rainbow" into my latest deck In loving memory of the prettiest flower in MTG . I really think he deserves a good send-off. and, plz, no one go crazy about me using this a partial advertising. the "deck" isn't even a deck, its a memorial that deserves to be visited and recognized. Thank you.
January 25, 2015 12:17 a.m.
NoPantsParade says... #7
ilagirl: Cutting the last CU would just be silly. It's a pretty bonkers card, and one is enough to justify its placement in the deck. Gotta agree with DERPLINGSUPREME on that one.
AngryTeaKettle: Unfortunately, this is more than a Lexus. It's a Dodge and it's ready to RAM.
freyhackbarth: I cut another Cruel Ultimatum because I often had two in my hand, which would feel awkward. And with Dig Through Time gone, it's just better to play one rather than two. I would use Celestial Colonnade, but I'm not playing that much white to justify its inclusion; otherwise, I would.
DERPLINGSUPREME: Nah, it's fine. If you want to put a video into your description, here's a link to help you: Link Also, if you go to YouTube, there is a tab in the description called "Share," where you will then click "Embed", which gives you the correct code for embedding the video into your description.
January 25, 2015 10:18 a.m.
thanks! that really helps! and the whole thing about the second half of the message is b/c people have gone crazy before
January 25, 2015 12:17 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #9
No problem! I really don't mind if you did that. It's not like you're spamming the deck with the advertisement or anything.
January 25, 2015 9:51 p.m.
LOLCHICKEN92 says... #10
this seems fun. i might make a version of this for my first modern deck. +1
January 25, 2015 10:22 p.m.
Doubletapped says... #11
I think u should change the mana base a lil bit. I would prolly play a second white source bc of tect edge/ghost quarters/fulminator Mage/molten rain/ect. U can prolly also afford 2 play some # of tect edges and or drown yards. This might just b personal preference but I've always played cryptic as a 4 of and I also prefer a 3rd remand over a 3rd mana leak bc it finds u lands so u can cast cryptic ontime
January 25, 2015 10:35 p.m.
I don't want to dream crush here but you can't justify a card because it's powerful, your manabase is sketchy as it is wanting turn 1 black splashing for sphinxs with triple cryptic and 4 snaps. This deck feels very greedy.
January 26, 2015 8:21 a.m.
Grixis control made top 30 of an SCG IQ though, the spells are a little easier to cast :P http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdatabase/displaydeck.php?DeckID=79263
January 26, 2015 11:35 a.m.
Elle_Ess_Dee says... #14
I ran cruel control while dig was legal, it was spectacular, don't think for a second that cruel ultimatum is a bad win con, its sphinx's rev that kills people. I would suggest however that you leave Anger of the Gods for sideboard, two copies mainboard might be too much but it depends on your meta. plus now that pod is banned you don't need to exile the Kitchen Finks as much.
January 26, 2015 7:43 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #15
Doubletapped: My mana has actually been running very smoothly, and I have yet to run into any problems playtesting with it. While I do agree with the second white source, which might end up becoming Celestial Colonnade in place of a Creeping Tar Pit or another Hallowed Fountain in the place of a Mountain because of redundancy with Blood Moon. Personally, I prefer 3 Cryptic Commands simply because 4 is a bit much on the mana, but I am able to consistently cast Cryptic Command on turn 4.
ilagirl: While the mana base is certainly greedy, it is a pretty solid mana base in terms of being able to cast everything when needed. With the amount of fetches, 7 being able to fetch Hallowed Fountain and the Islands for Cryptic Commands and whatnot, it is pretty good. But you're right, it is greedy.
Elle_Ess_Dee: The reason why Anger of the Gods is still in the mainboard is because with the banning of Pod, I expect more aggro decks to be on the rise. I might be wrong. For right now, I am leaving the sideboard and Anger of the Gods as is until I see how the meta unfolds with all the changes and whatnot to Modern. I would use one more Damnation, but I can't justify spending that much on a wrath as I picked one up before it spiked.
January 26, 2015 7:54 p.m.
Well, as far as suggestions for the deck, i would suggest 1 - 2 murderous cut since you want to play so many fetches and turn 1 discard effects. Its easy to delve and cast and kills anything.
January 26, 2015 8:08 p.m.
deckmonster99 says... #18
do u really win games with this deck? i find it hard to believe.
January 28, 2015 10:55 p.m.
Yo bro! But, im just wondering, what made you run white for Sphinx's Revelation? I know that its a killer card, but what made you pick exactly that? And not something else? And i surely think that you could put down atleast 1 Kataki, War's Wage for one Sowing Salt (in the sb). But i really really love the deck! Ive gotten alot of inspiration from it! Especially the Cryptic Command! Great job!
January 29, 2015 5:06 a.m.
NoPantsParade says... #22
Hey, thanks, gnizz00! I was already running white for Pod and Affinity and some other sideboard options. Since there as already white and DTT was banned, I decided to throw in Sphinx's Revelation. Yeah, I'm going to tweak the deck and sideboard as the meta unfolds and see what happens. But thanks! I'm glad my deck inspired you!
January 30, 2015 5:41 p.m.
Nice deck NoPantsParade. I might even go as far as to say it is UBeR, ehh, ehh, ya sorry that was bad.
January 30, 2015 11:53 p.m.
instead of picking up another Damnation you could try out Crux of Fate....it doesnt stop regen, but helps with the budget
NoPantsParade says... #1
GlistenerAgent hit the nail on the head with Slaughter Pact. It's the reason why I chose it over Dismember or something. I understand that Dig Through Time is a stupidly bonkers card, but I like running two for some reason. I feel two is enough with the number of Snappies, which can possibly be cut in favor of another Dig or Electrolyze.
SirSchmoopy111: I've always been hesitant in adding Serum Visions simply because I'm not sure it's right for this kind of deck, whether it be the need to react to my opponent or simply putting me back. I don't know. I'm running Anger of the Gods over Damnation because (1) my meta is mostly smaller creature stuff, including Cockatrice and (2) Damnation is too expensive at the moment. I wish I had bought two before it went up. But thus far, Anger has served me well, and I think one in the sideboard is good enough. Maybe I'll tweak it as GP Charlotte approaches.
January 18, 2015 11:42 p.m.