Cruel Master, Turn 1 Victory

Legacy Demention

SCORE: 131 | 75 COMMENTS | 13384 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS

slurpiee says... #11

playtested a little bit and found a consistent turn two win with the occasional turn 1 or 3 win which is AWESOME. one problem i did have though was muliganing. i'd often have a mana flooded hand or too many burn spells and one time i mulled a mana flooded hand only to get 3 masters a land and a gutshot. i know thats just bad luck and whatnot but still, it happened more than i'd expected. got a +1 from me though! wish i could build it and play but im a lot broke atm :/

May 7, 2015 11:18 p.m.

Demention says... #12

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback. I agree 100% with your findings. I was also surprised at how consistent the deck was and it pulls out the turn 1 win's reasonably often but sometimes it just can't until turn 2 or 3. I put Spoils of the Vault in to help the chances of the turn 1 win and it has definitely done just that for me on several occasions. The issue with having too many burns spells or mana I have also noticed and I'm not sure that the mana can be fixed to still get the same effect but I am not completely settled on Spark Spray for it's cycle and would love to find something that I can use in its place to dig and still facilitate the combo. It wouldn't be a bad idea to scale down the amount of Master of Cruelties to put in other things to help the combo but I'm just not sure what would be a good fit, I put in Faithless Looting to help dig but it isn't always enough. I've been playtesting it on Magic Online and I also look forward to acquiring all of the real cards try it out like that as well.

May 8, 2015 1:20 a.m.

daengburapa says... #13

This is a really cool idea. I think you could benefit from having fewer Master of Cruelties in your deck. It doesn't do you any good to draw him, you really have to Entomb him. That would give you 3 more slots for drawing power if you need. I don't have any ideas what to replace him with, but I'll keep thinking about it.

May 8, 2015 10:37 a.m.

Dat_Guy says... #19

I would recommend adding in Pact of Negation for when your opponent has a Force of Will (a legacy staple) standing by to kill your combo. With Pact of Negation you will lose next turn, but if your opponent is trying to disrupt your combo, you should be already comboing off and ready to kill your opponent before your next upkeep.

Cool deck!

May 9, 2015 8:20 p.m.

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