Cruel Rakdos's ultimatum

Modern devilmaker


mpeach1 says... #1

Ashiok, liliana, ral zarek.

December 8, 2013 11:39 a.m.

devilmaker says... #2

What cards do you suggest I take out?

December 8, 2013 2:45 p.m.

StormZing says... #3

Is there a particular reason for having that Chandra up there? I believe that there are better planeswalkers that could be up there, especially Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker which I see is in your maybe board. Definitely a win con, and since you're playing control you seem to be getting rid of your opponent's cards well. Also, maybe try to get some better cheap control spells. You have some great heavy hitters (cruel ultimatum, rakdos), but you seem to be lacking the lower costing spells. Maybe Dreadbore or Hero's Downfall for something more recent, or simple as Go for the Throat or Doomblade could do just as well.

Now believe me when I say this, I love Olivia Voldaren . I own two in my Vampire deck The Blood is the Life!. But in Grixis Control, she takes some serious getting into. She can do damage and take control of creatures very well, but I think that there are other things that should be in her place. Personally, if you play Grixis modern I would run a badass like Thraximundar . A little hard to get out, but he has haste and can get past hexproof creatures. Another spell I might recommend is Bonfire of the Damned . If aggro is a problem, it won't be after you cast this bad boy. If you miracle it on turn 3-4, that takes out anything on your opponent's side of the field that is toughness 2-3 or lower. And in most aggro decks, that's a board wipe. Plus it offers a little more flexibility than Damnation due to pinging the opponent. But if you're going to go against aggro, Damnation should be sideboarded in anyways, along with all your other cheap creature removals. I play a casual grixis/artifact deck Grixis Artifacts. Hope I was of some help!

January 11, 2014 9:47 a.m.

devilmaker says... #4

StormZing thx mate! :D

Chandra, the Firebrand , I have learned to love her, because she can copy my spells, and to copy a Cruel Ultimatum , Rakdos's Return or Blightning is just awesome!

I used to play with Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker but found him to slow.. and most of the time he would be a dead draw to me, so i would most of the time sideboard him out.

for the Doom Blade etc. i play the Terminate and have considered putting more in..

Olivia Voldaren has proven to be bery strong in this deck! She has won me alot of games, both against control- and aggrodecks :) so she is a keeper, thats for sure, and I would allways pick her over, Thraximundar . hope that cover's most of it :)

Thx for the suggestions mate.. and +1 if u like

January 12, 2014 8:12 a.m.

StormZing says... #5

No worries! Long as you have reasons, who cares? Was just making sure they were there for a reason, not because they were available! Always willing to help.

January 12, 2014 8:58 a.m.

Terminate is IMO a very underwhelming card in an actual Modern tournament. There's too many hexproof guys that makes your terminate dead to what you actually want to stop. Sacrifice effects are a much better route to go.

February 9, 2014 12:49 p.m.

devilmaker says... #7

journeytosomewhere your problably right.

But which cards do you suggest, i dont know that many good sacrifice cards :)

And +1 if u like mate :)

February 9, 2014 3:02 p.m.

If you can change the mana base slightly to support it, Geth's Verdict is very good. For an example here's my take on a Grixis Control deck that has been doing very well for me. Competative Grixis Control

February 11, 2014 7:47 a.m.

devilmaker says... #9

Cool deck mate.. i'll try to fit in Geth's Verdict in atleast in the sideboard and I also loved your Rise/Fall I think it'll fit right into my deck aswell :D

February 11, 2014 8:23 a.m.

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