What will you do when your greatest power is stolen right out from under you, and then used to kill you?

This deck controls, kills, bounces, tucks and smashes, just what grixis is supposed to do

The main win condition is Thraximundar but that doesn't mean he's the only way to win, Prince of Thralls and It That Betrays are serious game ending killers too. Oona, Queen of the Fae and her army of little faeries are seriously defensive and killer. AEtherling comes in the form of one the most difficult creatures to deal with in magic. Or if my creatures go uncontrolled then they will kill you as well

This deck has plenty of ways to keep the board clear like Braids, Cabal Minion, who can also get rid of pesky indestructible things. The little boomer of the family is Fleshbag Marauder. there's also Avatar of Woe who gets rid of pesky regenerating things. Ashling, the Extinguisher is a good on the curve beater that can remove a guy from your opponents field. Terminate kills a guy faster than you can respond. butcher of maklakir and Grave Pact out together are kinda unbeatable board clearance that isn't a sweeper like the allstar that is Decree of Pain and on the side we have Damnation with Mizzium Mortars being a small sweeper for my opponents side

This deck also features very defensive elements as well in the form of Bitterblossom to make little faeries along with Oona, Queen of the Fae. Cyclonic Rift is a fun combat trick to use along with stuff like Diabolic Edict and Far/away. Venser, Shaper Savant lets me bounce a spell on the stack or any legal permanent. Capsize just keeps coming back and kicking ass.

There's even a little reanimation in the deck with Beacon of Unrest around to be reused as many times as you can draw it! and Geth, Lord of the Vault coming around to steal your opponents graveyard while milling them at the same time. Sheoldred, Whispering One is around to kill your opponents guys while reanimating your own. The swampwalk isn't bad either. Snapcaster Mage isn't technically reanimation but it allows me to recycle an instant or sorcery when he comes out

Hand disruption is an awesome part of a grixis control deck. Leading the slaughter is Crosis, the Purger as the 6/6 flying monster that can make your opponent lose a huge portion of their hands. Rakdos's Return gives your opponent pain while losing their hand. Dimir Cutpurse nets me a card in the process. Vendilion Clique lets me tuck their win condition at the small price of letting them draw a card.

The draws come from Ancestral Recall which is just awesome. Mulldrifter gives me a divination + body and if not then the evoke gives synergy to thraximundar, butcher of malakir, and grave pact. Jace, Architect of Thought gives me a mini Fact or Fiction and also can protect me. Jace Beleren lets me be very political or lets me draw an extra card a turn for 3 turns

The deck a theif theme to it. Olivia Voldaren being large and in charge and stealing my opponents dudes and getting bigger at the same time. It That Betrays and Prince of Thralls are part of this theme as well. Notion Thief is all comedy, nothing is better than stealing your opponents extra draws. Bribery lets me find my opponents Blightsteel Colossus or Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and steal it. Slave of Bolas lets me take control of guys I can't deal with and not let them have it back. Treachery is a super Mind Control allowing me to play it, take their guy, hit them with it while still having counterspell mana up

I left out a lot of the utility things that people know, hope you like the deck! Please comment and give your opinion


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.30
Tokens Copy Clone, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Faerie Rogue 1/1 UB
Folders Deckideen, Potential Decks
Ignored suggestions
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